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Posts posted by Catinthehat

  1. I haven't lost his respect once. :( What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this?

    And yes, I'd also like to see LUE 2 ... er ... "Mushroom Kingdom" ... go the way of \m/, but that's just my personal opinion.

    I'd like NoR 2... "NoV" to be destroyed but we don't always get what we want, do we?

  2. Since when does anything having to do with a person's real life identity have a goddam thing to do with Cyber Nations? You need to stop taking this game so seriously.

    Nazis in Stand or Die get attacked while nazis in NoV get ignored? Well, that's shocking.

  3. The commies need to stop giving zee Germans a reason to stomp them on a bimonthly basis.

    Oh, like that would actually help. The fact of the matter is that NoV could attack (hell, they're doing it now, really) for any reason or none because of the patronage Martens enjoys from certain alliances that keeps him from having to deal with any consequences of his actions. Buy hey, all heil Neo-NoR!

  4. This is very true, people are voting for a bunch of cyber losers whose job was to come in and annoy people, then tried to ruin the game.

    I never even want to hear their names mentioned let alone being voted for as favorite anything

    Why don't you buy a dog and get over it? /b/ was a very fun alliance and the foolish actions by a few of its members can't change that.

  5. And that is Why NoV is sucessful in War, and Peace. We actually Care


    You're only "sucessful" because you're so good at hiding behind NPpO.

    To everyone too busy spouting the party line, to realise this, remember that Kaiser Martens is saying EOTRS didn't follow their surrender terms. I wouldn't trust him if he told me NoV wasn't filled with racists or that the sun was hot. Ignore this if you're just "supporting" him to prove something to the NPO, I can understand that.

  6. Less lolz, less OOC bs, less tech extortion.

    Maybe the war of extermination.

    Yeah, that's what CN really needs! More inane "roleplaying", because all everyone really wants to see is trolling that is allowed because the poster claims it's "IC", less lulz because no one plays games on the internet for enjoyment and uh, you're just going to see different people tech raiding now. Basically, all your alliance has done is to keep the NPpO in power.

  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non_sequitur_%28rhetoric%29

    Also, "YIFF" member, I'd be careful about the accusations of Nazism.

    Josef Thorne do you think I'd make a good NPO member? I seem to be in need of an alliance.

    Anyway, I just just struck by the realisation that while some people accuse NTO and MK of just being /b/ and LUE respectivly, none of those people ever say the same about NoV. I just find it a bit odd, that's all.

    Also, if you want some more non sequitur goodness we can talk about Pokémon.

  8. Everybody's already copying the NPO by playing CyberNations to begin with. They thought of it first. PM Inboxes? And NPO idea that Admin stole. Attacking people? Obvious Ivan brainstorm. There's pretty much nothing else the rest of us can do at this point.


    I heard that Ivan invented the internet just so he could play on Cybernations. An astonishing achievement!

    Well, as for the "hail" thing, you started it and now you have to live with it. Ha!


    Those screen shots are damn incriminating and the forum that they went to exists and is run by the same people as mentioned he is not lying

    OOC: my friend is amazing at Photoshop, he doublechecked those screenies, they are authentic

    What screenshots? What forum?

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