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Posts posted by Catinthehat

  1. I am severely disappointed in you Cylon. You don't betray your friends. Ever. This is the worst thing you could possibly have done. I respect the VE membership, and I did respect you. I have to say you are dead to me now. Good luck with vox, for you will need it against the coming tide.

    He isn't the one helping the GGA out, so really, you're calling the wrong person a traitor.

  2. Yeah, shame on me for throwing out a prick who would hide under our umbrella until he could launch sanctions. Shame on me for throwing out somebody who would use sanctions on GGA and VE. Shame on me for protecting the people in my alliance from a traitor.

    I'm a baaaaaaad boy.

    Protecting? What exactly are you protecting? GGA, the alliance most responsible for making your precious VE the bad joke it is today? Anyway, he wasn't the one that betrayed VE, Ardus.

  3. You should be feeling worse about having your nations due this poorly AGAINST a 29 person alliance. :awesome: I mean gawd, we're just a bunch of nubs yet the paper tigers can't take us down? What is this trickery. Where have you put the real legion? :awesome:

    Legion has a proud record of sucking at alliance wars and they're not about to ruin it now. :awesome:

  4. "The Viridian Entente shall heed the call of her allies, those who stood with her when madmen rejected reason and their arrogance blossomed."

    Like they stood by you when the GGA and company trashed VE, or when they allowed VE's rotted corpse to parade around in a grim mockery of the alliance it used to be? Honestly, that might be one of the most stupidest statements I've ever seen around here.

    By the way, the only alliance Ardus can honestly claim to have destroyed is VE.

  5. Please do, unlike Polar, TOP does not work against our allies, or undermine them constantly. Infact, we support them, and are sincere friends of Pacifica and all our other allies. With NPO for a very long time now (since November 2006 I believe).

    I'm sure your excellent service will cause many NPO members to say things like "sad, but necessary" when the time comes for TOP to be neutered. Just wait until NPO wants to attack someone and you'll see how much they value your glorious service.

  6. The first: “To he whom much is given, much is expected.” To Polar government, much has always been given by the alliance membership. Unfortunately for them, that which was expected was never given. Successive governments of Polaris have displayed behavior ranging from needless aggression, sufficient to make enemies of other alliances, and outright manipulation of those who called them ‘friend,’ sufficient to alienate allies, to the outright incompetence shown by the present government, which was sufficient to finally exhaust the patience of we and our allies.

    If that sort of thing really does bother you then why aren't you attacking the NPO? Or the GGA? Did you just find your spine after all this time?

    Oh, well, based on what has happened to the other Initiative alliances they'll come for you soon enough. I hope you don't use up too much of your war chest...

  7. I love you guys who complain about things like hypocrisy, and lack of honor in the game. It's comforting to know you'll always be on the bottom of the food chain.

    At least we have you for company.

    I'm still waiting to see how we did. The member turned over information relating to spying on us in return for protection. That's been a legitimite thing for years.

    Can you name this person?

  8. Say what you will about the NPO, but at least we do things for a reason. Attacking entire alliances as a tribute to D-Day, perma-ZIs of their own, etc.

    FAN attacks alliances that have the whole "German national socialist" vibe going on, NPO offers them MDPs. Speaking of reasons, I wonder what reasons the NPO had for being such good friends to NoR/NoV... :awesome:

    Honestly, if FAN is an angry dog, what is NPO? A rabid dog that mauls everything in sight?

  9. Goodnight, sweet prince.

    Off topic guys...

    Doitzel, I will miss the drama you provided, I will miss the posts you wrote, I will miss your witty trolling, but I will not miss you. I know what kind of person you really were. The description Z'ha'dum provided, as I know personally, is quite true; everything you said about honor and justice truly means nothing to you.

    I never quite understand why NPO members are so eager to talk about "honour". MDPs with the likes of NoR, helping Bilrow and his ego during that idiotic war with VE, CIS and NTO, standing by while NpO plotted to take down Goons and co... maybe talking about honour helps make up for not having any.

    Anyway, I won't believe a thing Z'ha'dum says unless some form of proof is provided, I can only suggest you take the same stance. :awesome:

  10. It seems that in the middle of a peace discussions the ODN decided that they did not want the rebellion. To say their opinon on them and atttacked us. With no mercy. They claimed we attaemted spy tryed to get allainces to destroy them and vandlise the wiki. All but the last is true. A member did vandlise the wiki but I or the entire rebellion idid not know tell he told me. I told him to not do it. The only reason I wanted the ODN destroyed was because they attacked my nation. In the ODN-HHM war. I knew nothing of the spying. For destroying my nation I wanted them gone. And for the peace terms they claimed they said they were not negotiabble when they never said that. The ODN might attack us until we have nothing less but are spirit in Cybernation will never end.

    DRDavid Banner


    Why did you even post this? Were you hoping to cause such an outcry against the ODN they would be forced to stop attacking you? If so, lines like "They claimed we attaemted spy tryed to get allainces to destroy them and vandlise the wiki. All but the last is true" are not really going to help.

  11. I had never heard of Molon Labe before now.

    Not surprising. Research suggests that people only know Mulan Lard exists because a couple of FAN members went nuclear rogue on them. Even members of Mocha Latte are unable to recall anything of note their alliance has done.

    I wish I could say this is a shocking fall of grace on the part of Molten Lava, but I can't really remember if they normally act like this.

  12. Them's fightin words

    It's the truth, you did.

    But anyway, I don't think many people hate NPO. They're not a bad joke like GGA, they're not as cravenly submissive as VE, they're not keen on "German nationalists" (oh wait...). Perhaps the most annoying thing about the NPO is the rank hypocrisy they show. They'll bleat on about honour but they never act in a way that doesn't suit them. Is it too much to ask for some honesty?

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