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Posts posted by ktarthan

  1. [quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1296596445' post='2615028']
    Eh, personally I disagree with tacking on monetary reps just because they were too scared to use anything above 45k. The humiliation in accepting that they are too inferior to fight with anything but lowbies would be good enough for me.
    I say that more due to my thought that a 100K nation that gets knocked down to 50K will need what's left of their money more than a 50K nation that sat in PM and did nothing. Reps in a nuclear war are never going to actually pay for damages, so I think it better to scale them to what the alliance is easily able to pay. You do have something though with the humiliation thing, I'll keep that in mind. ;)

    edit: spelling

  2. [quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1296594312' post='2614970']
    Out of curiosity, what do you personally believe is fair reps for an alliance that came into the war on a defense treaty? Let's say TPF for the sake of discussion.
    For TPF specifically, at this point in time, I'd say somewhere around 200M (with some portion of that in tech). Plus at least one entertaining term. Size of the alliance is a big factor, as well as whether or not they take their upper tier out of PM.

    I enjoy reps more for their intrinsic value than their monetary, which is why I'm so flexible on the figure. Honestly I'm tempted to just ask for 90M from each alliance attacking us due to our "precedent." I'm more concerned about a sincere admission of defeat, plus whatever other poem or picture we ask them to do.

    That being said, there's a reason I prefer to keep myself far away from rep negotiations.

  3. [quote name='Sulmar' timestamp='1296535327' post='2613956']
    Is it better to demand reps from alliances that are only following treaty obligations? Also, why would I want to rewrite history that NPO attacked GOONS? You all handed me the history that I wanted.
    I was trying to point out that Sardonic saying that we're going to charge reps from those who attacked us does not include NPO, as NPO did not attack us. It is true that we do seek reps from alliances that attack us, but we do try to make fair judgement of what we're owed.

    That being said, it's far too early in the game to be making definitive predictions about these sorts of things.

  4. [quote name='Letum' timestamp='1296590233' post='2614908']
    You're happy to get rolled, we're happy to be rolling. [ooc]That's not stupid, that's called playing a fun game[/ooc]
    [quote name='Joe Izuzu' timestamp='1296590604' post='2614916']
    Glad to be of service.

    You guys are just so sweet, but flattery isn't going to win you any wars.

  5. Honestly I don't care whether or not it's classified as a "curbstomp" or not. GOONS on the whole is in a better state when it is losing 200K NS per day due to war than it is when it is growing 15K NS per day due to sledding. We have members on IRC asking Legion and NPO and NSO to find more nations to hit them. We have others cheering on their inevitable ZI on our forums, vowing to cause as much mayhem and destruction as they can on the way down, and relishing the opportunity they'll have to tech raid once they get there.

    Don't you understand? You have made GOONS [i]happy[/i]. This is why we think your plan is stupid.

  6. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1296536772' post='2614023']
    I still don't see how NPO-Doomhouse has anything to do with Polar-VE. Stop accepting that term people.
    Whether or not they're the same war (even though they are) doesn't have to have anything to do with it. Terms are terms, and they can be about whatever the agreeing parties want them to be.

  7. [quote name='Sulmar' timestamp='1296533103' post='2613869']
    Sup? I'm going to assume when the leader of GOONS says something in public he means it.
    Wow, the history books are already being rewritten to say that NPO attacked GOONS!

  8. [quote name='Sulmar' timestamp='1296527069' post='2613746']
    Um...Have you been reading the same OWF that I have? Cause I'm fairly sure that DH intends to have NPO pay a lot of reps, as well as reps from NPO's allies.
    The OWF is certainly the best place to get objective facts about the opinions of GOONS/MK/Umb et al.

    On another note, I now have the chance to nuke Rebel Virgina.

    Best. War. Ever.

  9. [quote name='The Catalyst' timestamp='1296512255' post='2613475']
    well if this was rome total war then they would roll ur flank and annihalate you! yeh think of that..all they need to do is recode the game a bit and ur history!

    on a more serious note...i just looking at the stats thing but NPO outnumber MK and Umbrella put together and have 100 nations more in anarchy. but still outnumber you if anarchied nations dont count? doesnt that mean its a pretty even fight? or am i missing something blindingly ovious here
    (how do you spell ovious this doesnt look right)
    NPO has more nations, but combined MK and Umbrella have a sizeable advantage in the upper tiers, which is where the majority of damage during war is done.

    Edit: Also FAN

    (Also, it's "obvious". You're missing a "b")

  10. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296450680' post='2612148']
    Thank you MK for saving the game! What would all us multi-polar spheres have done if you hadn't come in and cut us in half again!

    If you're so bored, quit, or tell your dumbass friends to stop signing so many treaties with each other. If I got a nickel for every time Azaghul trumpeted to the heavens MK's treaty-cut, I would have a nickel palace.

    Is anyone else getting just really sick of the self-contradiction that is MK's recent philosophy? I know I am. What does it matter how many treaties you canceled if you go make 2 more overlapping blocs? I am tired of hearing about how stagnant things are when you're in the middle of the stagnation. Oh yes how revolutionary, three overlapping blocs [i]b-b-b-but we canceled some outlier treaties[/i]. Multi-polar world, yeah. AZTEC and Duckroll are deffo clearly defined poles. Dh, PB, and C&G are like totally distinct, man.

    The complaining about whiteknighting while you paint yourself as the glorious savior of the game is just hilarious.
    Schatt, I just gotta ask you bro... are you mad?

    (By the way, Doomhouse isn't a bloc.)

  11. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296283080' post='2609051']
    I was hoping to attack GOONS Emeritus Any knowledge you have of ban evaders must be reported., perhaps you could link me?
    Well I guess I could expect your blitz to be bad if your target list is [i]that[/i] old. Did you spend too much time rehearsing your speech to update it, or do you just prefer fighting nonexistent nations to take less damage?

  12. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1296281180' post='2608982']
    All things in their proper time. Perhaps if you'd spent more time exerting your efforts on yourselves rather than in attacking others, there would be more for us to take care of.
    I'm just saying that I would have thought you could [i]at least[/i] do better that tying UPN's blitz. As it stands you're adding to our ego more than you're contributing to the success of this war.

  13. [quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1296277394' post='2608681']
    An interesting statistic about Legion, everything else aside, member by member, they have 228% more SDI's then GOONS.
    Well then it's a good thing we didn't get a chance to fight them head on because that would have made things just that much more embarrassing for them.

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