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Posts posted by ktarthan

  1. [quote name='Give Me Water' timestamp='1295593591' post='2588731']
    Then why sign it?
    You like Chax, and that's awesome and all, but shouldn't your alliance come first?
    If its so counter-productive, why not just wait off on signing it? A PIAODT, or whatever this is, can definitely wait until you know it benefits your alliance. By your logic, this treaty makes no sense.
    And yet we did it anyways. How mysterious and confounding!!

    [quote name='Kongo Jack' timestamp='1295593809' post='2588736']
    But doesnt that also mean, we are next?
    Of course. Forever and always.

  2. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1295400587' post='2582404']
    Then what are you doing now? Anyways I was giving my opinion on the situation for others to hear and because I find this topic interesting, so while pretty much anything anyone says can be written off as talking for the sake of talking, that's pretty much the point of the forum with announcements giving people something to talk about.
    I'm pointing out the fact that you wrote one sentence that replied to what you quoted, and then padded out the paragraph with a bunch of rambling that not only has very little factual basis, wasn't related to what I had said.

  3. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1295396939' post='2582324']
    If you don't care if that alliance gets messed I think that would be reason enough to be indifferent towards it and not say anything, which in the case of NpO they had no reason to care either way about VE.
    I was not asserting otherwise. I was simply stating that if I knew about a spy and did nothing, it wouldn't be without some motive to seeing the plan come through.

    Lennox always [b]seems[/b] to be rogueing someone or trying to cause conflict, if someone accepts him [b]I would assume[/b] they know him enough to know he's up to something. If Dajobo told VE of the plan as soon as Lennox mentioned the idea, then Lennox [b]probably[/b] would of just switched to another plan after making NpO look like the one that can't be trusted enough to talk to without worrying about them telling even those they aren't allied to everything they hear.
    You really like the sound of your own voice, don't you?

  4. [quote name='Roi Loup' timestamp='1295396062' post='2582309']
    you would really check up to see if every lunatic who says theyre going to do something stupid on your irc or forums follows through with their plans?
    Not exactly.

    Yes if I know someone is following through with a stupid plan I'm likely to tell the victim unless I have interest in seeing the stupid plan go through. Yes it's easy to check up to see if people are following through with stupid plans. However unless it's told to me in private correspondance, I'm [i]very[/i] unlikely to believe them enough to actually check.

  5. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1295394995' post='2582280']
    Lennox has mentioned to me plans of setting up a special rogue alliance before to hit alliances, I told him I wasn't interested in the idea, but just as I didn't take his plans seriously I can see why Dajobo didn't either. If he said I'm going to create an alliance to rogue alliance X, if I respond that if he's going to do it alliance Y would be more worthwhile without taking his idea seriously, I don't think that would be a good CB. Also I don't think its normal to run to alliances you're not allied with to tell them every idea you hear people talk about when you have no idea if they will actually follow through with it. People are bored most of the time and talk about doing dumb stuff in CN all the time that they don't follow through with, if each time someone tells you they might do something you run to the alliance to warn them, you'll probably be laughed at most of the time for taking everything you hear so seriously and willingness to sell friends out over an idea they had.
    Not saying that every time you hear anything you need to believe it and tell anyone who might be interested. But it's easy to check if he created the nation and whether or not he applied to where he said he would. If I knew someone was planning to spy on an alliance the only reason I wouldn't tell them was if I did want to see them get messed with. Now I'm not saying that this means Dajobo was malicious in his actions, as I don't expect everyone to act as I do, but malice is not required to do wrong.

  6. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1295394528' post='2582267']
    What PB will do? Impose a rule where nobody can join an alliance at war? Good luck with that, we will not follow, declare war on us, oh wait you already did. :lol1:
    Yes I, too, can see the growing trend of PB imposing random opinions of its members as the rule of law on Bob. Well I for one am with you, and will not bow to their tyrrany!

  7. [quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1295392189' post='2582189']
    There is one point really bugging me though. The assertion by various people that I asked for the screenshot and should have gone to VE before then. The fact is if I had of, I would be saying I have received some links that don't work to something unknown. It was only after Lennox fixed them that I even knew they were screen shots. I do agree I should have gone to VE right then and I made a massive error of judgement by thinking they were bogus and that a major alliance wouldn't give their warchests to a new member.
    I don't necessarily disbelieve you, but believe your error in judgement was not going to talk to VE as soon as Lennox told you "he he I'm gonna spy on VE." Or rather I should say: that is what I would have done in that situation if I was wholly uninterested in what I might get out of it.

  8. [quote name='King Srqt' timestamp='1295386712' post='2582035']
    occam's razor. The simplest solution is that Lennox set you up himself not that VE had some half brained plan that wouldn't have ever worked if Polar used an ounce of common sense.
    Thank you. This has been on my mind through most of this thread. Just because something is [i]possible[/i] or "makes sense" doesn't mean that there's any reason to believe it when there's a simpler solution with the same (or better) merits.

  9. [quote name='SyndicatedINC' timestamp='1295381536' post='2581885']
    Yes there is another reason. That would be to keep things interesting, and encourage more fights in the future. Stagnation and boredom is of course the great enemy of Planet Bob, at least we hear everyone screaming and raging about it so often. :blink:
    Well, to be honest, sometimes sending in [i]all[/i] the clowns at once can make a counter more likely, as it exposes more nations at one time. Limiting fronts means that you have more control over the targets and may make your opponent hesitant to make a move. It just depends on if there's enough opposition to handle the initial clown rush.

  10. Wow, this thread grew incredibly fast, and unfortunately I don't have the time to read through all of it. I got through the first maybe 10 pages or so, and I assume that the next 25 are repetitions of that.

    To VE: Cheers, and thanks for actually [i]doing something[/i]. If you didn't take this to war, I'd probably have rogued you. :wub:

    To NpO: I have never had any strong desire to see you in war, and it's never been any sort of overwhelming desire within PB. Yes some of us don't like you, but hey guess what we're kind of a huge bloc with lots of people with varying opinions. Get over yourselves.

    To The Peanut Gallery: It really is hard to please you guys. If it isn't the bunch saying "do something about it", it's the other bunch saying "Don't do [i]that[/i] about it! (And here's 36 pages of why you're wrong)" And I'm sure there's a bit of overlap in that venn diagram.

    To Everyone Else: Nyah nyah nyah.

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