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Blog Comments posted by Master-Debater

  1. The longer they go hippie the smaller their warchests get. I am fine with it.

    The longer you fight us, the smaller your will becomes. I look forward to your surrender.

    Please give me whatever you are smoking.



    When was the last time you fought a long war?

    Let me see.... oh yeah, never.

    Oh the classic NO U comeback. As amazing as ever. (also check GW2/GW3 and the 5 month period where i was at war with you.)

    And im also curious as to how you guys can even think you have some sort of "high ground" to dictate what will and will not happen.

    You are the losers, lost, defeated, weaker, destroyed, watever other term you want to use, side. You dont get to dictate terms of your own surrender. You get offered terms, and you take them or leave them. NPO obviously loved the way FAN faught for two years and is trying to show they are just as good at peace mode warring as they were. You have "pulled a FAN" instead of taking the smart way out by taking your beating and moving on.

    You can say that there is a weak force attacking you but trust me. There is still enough NPO hate in the world to keep you guys down for as long as FAN was if need be. Not many want to see it come to that but they are willing to fight that long if need be.

    Though I guess you woud know best right? Afterall it was NPO that told GATO to leave peace mode. So you guys do have plenty of experence when it comes to forcing people out of peace mode.

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