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Everything posted by diskord

  1. Any particular reason for a hard line on the drop of the add drop line? I mean even if it drops below 10.00 for a while, FOK should have it over 10 within a week or so, and seems consistent to just keep with 1/2 of the lowest sanctioned alliance, or in a better scenario , go with 1/2 the 12th place alliance irrespective of sanction status...
  2. Any chance anyone is looking at this?
  3. Also note, this change would also fix the ridiculous "negative" land error that we see from some events. Instead of having a -15% land for the next 30 days, you just have the event do a one time reduction of the land by 15%, call it good, and although the event is "active" for 30 days (shows up in the event screen) it persists forever. Which again, is more realistic than having land magically coming and going out of your nation... Also, bumping again because land is one of the last few gaping errors in the game (you got the biggies in soldier modifiers, etc... now lets just knock land out of the park and make everything sync up and work).
  4. *bump* so it isn't forgoten. Any thoughts on my suggested fix?
  5. How about this for an implementation solution (would probably require a brief 5 minute outage or something). Update everyone's "base" land amount in the database with their modified amount, then drop all the modifiers out of code. Then, modify the code so that whenever you "aquire" land (steal, buy, donation, etc) your base land value is increased by base amount + modified amount. So if you nab a resource like say... Coal, you get no "immediate" benefit. But if you have it for a few months, get a bunch of land, and then drop it later, you still get that boosted land amount even after you drop the coal. Pretty simple fix, stays within the current system, and gets rid of the whole "modified" amounts and makes it easier to track. Also as a side note, I would say that if you have land modifiers, and you attack someone, you still only can steal a max of 75 land, but the amount you get back is 75 + modified amount... but implementation however you want is fine. Just my .02 on how to fix this bug.
  6. Since land is now computed as part of the defense value of a nation, when defending it would be nice if you got your "modified" land total, not your base land total (otherwise, whats the point of the modifiers?) Also, when using the nation ranking screen it once again uses the base land value, not the land modifier, but when you click to view the nation you view their modified land amount... Thats all.
  7. Yeah, because you know, we aren't going to retaliate when we are in the middle of agreeing to peace with him and then he goes and attacks... But what do I care, because you didn't even bother to read my other previous posts Wally, what makes me think you would read this one? I clearly stated at the beginning I wouldn't hold it against a nation to attack back, even using nukes to defend their nation. I wouldn't ride anyone on the ZI train just for using nukes, they are a weapon, you use weapons in war, end of story. Now if someone goes and attacks an alliance mate unprovoked, and starts nuking, then THAT is a nuke rogue. But when nukes are used in defense of your nation after someone attacks you... I got no problem with that. But your right, I am a disease, pestilence, and whatever fun name you want to call me, as soon as you get up to my NS I am sure you will unleash your vengeance upon me.
  8. Here is a tip for you, when negotiating peace, don't attack those you wish to peace out... usually doesn't turn out well.. Just a tip from your friendly neighbor.
  9. I would offer something insightful and witty here, but I just don't have the energy. I think "because you were unaligned, in strength range, and not on red" probably best sums the reasoning up. If you need something more substantial/IC, lets say - "Because."
  10. /me watches as thread takes a drastic left hand turn. Also let me be the first to note, those sure were some personalized and thoughtful invites. Definitely not mass spam form letters from random recruiters... definitely not. You sure proved your point!
  11. Lol, I am so rusty it's pathetic. Did my attacks in Defcon 5 even! WTH WAS I THINKING?!? I seriously haven't had combat for over 6 months... I feel all discombobulated and out of sorts. So if nothing else, this has been a great exercise in stretching the legs out once again.
  12. Oh the irony. Remember that part where you requested myself and my alliance be destroyed? Remember that part where you called my alliance mate a retard? Remember that part where you decided to take this all public? Remember that part where you got advice from Walford? Remember that part where I never offered peace in the first place? I will leave it up to my compatriots to decide how to proceed, this was their dance that they invited me to, so if they want to continue, I will continue, if they want to peace you out, I will peace you out... but lets just say if I HAD a vote, I am pretty sure I know how I would be voting....
  13. Ahhhh. I get what your saying now (sorry, read it wrong before, the lesson as always: I'm retarded).
  14. Actually, uhm, pretty much EVERY alliance would attack someone that was attacking their members, regardless of AA. If thats not the case, whats the point of an alliance? You seem to have... interesting ideas on what makes up an alliance, do you have a newsletter and can I subscribe? Edit: Also, not to point out the obvious, but as you are obviously aware of the Revenge doctrine, it begs the question, if you were so concerned about this and detest alliances so much, why not just move to red? I mean... it sorta seems like the obvious safe route to have taken... You could avoid the drama, have your precious 1's and 0's protected, and in general live life as you see fit. You seem to know the facts, yet fail to act upon them, one can only surmise that you have failed to take the correct course of action, so here is my pro-tip, join Red. Problem solved! (in 10 days).
  15. Sorry, not much I can do for you then... (and if you think I was joking, you don't know me very well). Double negatives make school aged English student Jesus cry. Edit: Also, I wait with baited breathe that this thread may deliver another great line for my sig, been a while since we have had a "Diskord ur ruinin the game!" opportunity!
  16. Since I have 2 open war slots... if I declare on Bawheid and Brotherington, anarchy them, and in the process of doing my deploy anarchy myself, will you apply to Mushroom Kingdom? Just want to be clear on the rules/conditions you have posted in the OP.
  17. lol, he hasn't earned/deserved ZI yet. Tech raids rarely deserve/earn ZI status, even if they nuke me 7 times straight they are just defending their colony, I wouldn't begrudge anyone that. Now if he wants to try and frame me for extortion on the other hand.... well we might be revisiting the ZI sentence (old lulz times are lulzy)
  18. Your strategeries are sure to win you over. Although I am a bit sad, the main reason for me joining in on this attack was "Diskord you can get over 1 Million Defending casualties, go go go!" If you aren't going to attack me... Thats just weak sauce man... weak sauce. HIT ME, HIT ME NOW!
  19. Alliance Affiliation: None About Sol Republic: No, I do not want to be in an alliance. Interesting... your Bio says you don't want to be in an alliance... hrm....
  20. Wow... been a while since I stirred up lulz in the OWF. And seriously, you have 2x my infra, you should be shooting me into anarchy ASAP. Oh this thread is going to be GRAND.
  21. I am in yer threads, ruinin them up! But yeah, I was showing off the pretty sweet automagic graphing abilities that they have using JPGraph. Also, I believe full PHP support is already on the UEvil box (if not, let me know) so if you wanted to do some fancy PHP Magic just let me know. Also, I noticed you have several .sql files in there, and I didn't know if you were using the MySQL install on that box or not. Basically, if you need something, just let me know
  22. I did it just to see if I could harness the awesome power that is CN + UE... apparently that "power" is equivalent to a nickel... so yeah, at least now we have a way to rate and rank the monetary worth of your contributions to CN I was just playing around and can easily remove them if you want... if you will notice they aren't centered and look like crap, I was just like "hrm, lets see what 1 day of ads generates." And yeah, come next April or so I am interested to see the amount of bandwidth pushed by your stats, I am guessing it could top 50 Gigs. Not bad for internet nations game graphs
  23. No comment on my dastardly deed? Or have you not noticed yet? (for the record, so far today I have earned a whole nickel! Thats right, .05! I'm RICH, RICH I TELL YOU!)
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