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King Louis the II

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Posts posted by King Louis the II

  1. son_i_am_disappoint.jpg

    As to the first matter (TPF's aggression against Athens/Ragnarok) -

    [*]Point 1:

    We consider TPF to have attacked Athens/Ragnarok. We consider anyone who declares on TPF's side to be the aggressors, and Athens/Ragnarok to be fully justified in defending themselves via military conflict against TPF. We consider anyone who declares on Athens/Ragnarok's side to be the defenders. This includes those whose declarations have multiple degrees of separation from the initial conflict.


    SynthFG, Executor

    Drizuz, Praetor

    Ramirus Maximus, Judicator


    So I guess Gramlins should declare on VA, IRON and Co. right? Since they declared on Athens....When we will see the DoW?

  2. Were your treaties with MK and GR canceled during my hiatus (during one of my check-ins I noticed some argument between y'all and MK, but I don't know whether anything came of it)? If not, you're indirectly tied to Athens. Even if those treaties are gone, you're still tied to CnG via STA via MK.


    I had the impression the NpO had a MDoP with RoK as well.

  3. War Planning will take another 11 days James. Sit back, relax and eat some caek. Jhonny boy, Yes I am very bitter, your one liners tear my emotions apart :(

    Whats the point to join after TPF was completely spanked? How would you help them?

    I think TPF got enough spanking and actions should be suspended now. Peace should be offered, end of story.

    However, if some people want to extend the party.....well, I love festivals...

  4. I think thats a great post. The point that I have haven't been discussed yet.

    1- I think there was a godd valid reason for war...yada yada yada

    2- TPF was punished.

    My question is: Isn't the punishment already enough? Just look at the charts of TPF NS. Shouldn't a white peace be offered right now?

    If TPF wanted to continue, or its allies wanted to jump in is another story, but for now I think the punishment was delivered. We don't need an "overkill"

    edit: good was spelled wrong and valid is a better word.

  5. My opinion is very simple. TPF did a very bad thing. They deserved punishment. My only question is: Wasn't the punishment enough already? Maybe is time for a white peace.

    If they want to continue, it is a different story.

  6. Everything's right if not for one thing:

    TPF is not proven guilty in spying.

    Thus, this thread is epic PHAIL.

    Epic fail? read it again: "Neither alliance may directly participate in espionage of any type, regardless of situation and target. " Pretty clear and unambiguous.

    I know that it was said only 1423252 times but: TPF started an act of espionage (they assumed). This is participating, no matters it succed, if spies send information or not.

    and fo for 343242 time it was worst them spying it was to "destroy an alliance from the inside", which in my view it qualifies as an aggressive act.

  7. my thoughts exactly.

    This happened in war. If it had happened outside/after Karma, then there would be a problem, but it didn't. Athens hasn't proven that this Op existed after the surrender. Only that it existed during the war, and spying happens all the time during wars.

    I know that this is only the 1,345,672 time that somebody would say that, but it is not only "spying", was to infiltrate an alliance and try to get in the ranks and create tension and ultimately "destroy" (their words not mine) the alliance.

  8. All I can read is, TPF gave us a weak reason to fight them because something that they did 6 months before and we are so much bloodthirsty to even think about fix that diplomatically.

    Funny how all replys that I get is "WE ARE RIGHT, THEY TRIED TO SPY ON US!"

    Nobody here, or at least me, are trying to say that you are wrong or TPF are right people, what I'm trying to say is: You could have fixed that diplomatially, there was no reason of a war over something that happened 6 months before, and after all, if the diplomatic talks have failed you still would have your war.

    I don't know if this could be solved diplomatically or not. I always think the diplomatic route is better. But...IT WAS NOT JUST ABOUT SPYING. And six months ago was when everything started...who knows how long the process was still alive until they decided to change sides..! If it is true that there was a plot to organize an AA , infiltrate and DESTABILIZE an AA ant I think that was a very low move. If was just spying I might have agreed with you...

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