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Everything posted by DeathAdder

  1. Yes. Rogues get purged from the World. I thought this was established already.
  2. False indifference? Yeah, no, it's very genuine. Couldn't give a rat's ass about humility.
  3. Oh, I'm just a cog in the wheel, RV. Always have been, never tried to be anything more. That would require investing far more time into this community than I've ever felt the urge to give.
  4. I would love to see where I've ever compared myself to a 'great player'.
  5. You have known greatness? Don't kid yourself. You've been a joke to this community since I rolled, HoT. Will be a joke until the day it ends.
  6. NPO were never my enemies, even when I was in Sparta. Maybe yours. The only understandings that came to pass is NG actually bothered to do something you didn't, so, you're cheering them on. Same !@#$ since SF, Mogar.
  7. No baiting. I've missed going back and forth with Stewie, sincerely. Good luck to you, too!
  8. Is that why you're still here contesting our CBs on you, because you don't care what we think?
  9. Kinda hard to just go rogue for a year and a half, threaten your way around the globe, and then suddenly reform and think alliances are going to ignore their grievances on you simply because you're upset over a flag. But, sure, play the victim card. It's kind of the only card you have left to play.
  10. That's nice. We're talking about NG, Stewie. Not you. Why don't you actually put your foot down and quit letting Caustic destroy the alliance you put so much work into by turning half the World completely against you, if you want to focus on yourself, instead?
  11. Yeah, nice spin. The majority of the wars you fought, on the alliances you fought, were just beating the same dead horses, over and over again, as you've always done. Props for beating RIA so many times they now have a syndrome that compels them to crawl out of inactivity to screech about injustice on you, though. That truly is an impressive feat.
  12. NG has only been openly admitting to wanting to do so since 2014. Just because you have worthless players like HoT and others crawling out of their dead husk of alliances to support you vocally doesn't really change that.
  13. And I don't think anyone denies that. I certainly don't. But, it is disingenuous to claim you reformed their image. Mostly during the Oculus wars. We asked multiple times for help with the SPATR/KASKUS/NEW rogues. Never got any help from you guys... All we ever heard was; "Hey, lets roll <name here> next!" "We're still trying to finish up with this front." "Cool, but we should roll these guys too." It got really old, really quick. Oh, don't get me wrong. I once said that you were the only decent one in leadership of that Alliance... I still stick by it.
  14. So... because you opened the door, you take credit for the actual work of the Pacifica FA dept. that changed people's minds and showed NG and TLR weren't just blowing? Even Rush gave them credit where credit is due. You guys don't even amount to him. You also think that entitles you to scam aid out of people without repercussions? Or keep screaming for more war while ignoring your allies asking you to participate in ongoing fronts and you won't do it?
  15. Congrats on merging NS together? Pacifica reformed their own image, and still retained one of the better FA teams next to MK during those years.
  16. Seems that 61% of the active world disagrees with you. They don't really get to scam our sphere and then think they can still call us friends, comrades, or anything of the sort. Pacifica does not want them. Pacifica never needed them. They consistently hurt NPO's image, which you even admitted when you weren't stuck being a fanboy just because you dislike the people they're fighting against. Piss down some other person's back and tell them it's raining.
  17. Still not really interested. Your argument couldn't really fight its way out of a wet paper bag, and, I'm not really concerned that you only hold to the principals against aid scamming and poaching whenever it's convenient for you, while discarding it when it is not. Had we been left alone, we would've continued not to really care about their pointless little war, as we have done for six months.
  18. I was calling Canik's bs for what it was when the rest of you were still too inactive to even notice anything was happening, so, your conspiracy theories do nothing for me, Mogar. Perhaps if people were capable of conducting warfare properly without poaching or scamming over 60% of the World to fund them, they wouldn't find half of the World on them.
  19. They didn't ask us to take on anything, though. Parroting the same line 50,000 times isn't going to change that fact.
  20. What I said in my previous post that neither of you could bother to read.
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