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Zoot Zoot

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Everything posted by Zoot Zoot

  1. And what of the Malvinas? can we enter economic deals with the Empire?
  2. OOC for eg if i can recruit 5000 soldiers (max) for CNRP i multiply that by 10 to make it 50000?
  3. OOC for the record you dont have 1000 soldiers, youve got 400. correct me if im wrong but doesnt CNRP rules say it gets x10 for RP from your IG number? stupid question yes but im too lazy to go reiterate it myself.
  4. OOC can a mod or admin remove all non relevant posts please? IE every post after my last one? its all OOC and no longer relevant now because ive edited the news report due to.. awkwardness.
  5. As a buddist Nation, the Malvinas avoids confrontation and prefers so sit back and talk, but recently we have suffered a coup d’état recently, so our nation is currently weaker than usual, however we also would like an explanation as to why a New Nation is the target for abuse, threats of war and bullying when they evidently are no threat what so ever. Seems to me Scottish egos needing boosting so they picked on the new kid? Thats what this looks like.,
  6. not a problem krieg, i get it alot hehe i dont get offended and thankyou very much
  7. OOC.. im born in england lol british born and bread, ive just got crap grammer cos im dyslexic
  8. OOC, fugg it. ill just alter the damn story cos i cant be bothered with all this hassel. can a mod or admin clean up ALL the posts up to where my report ends please?
  9. OOC ill see what i can arrange. failing that ill have this guy go somewhere in diplomatic buisiness somewhere and ill put barney incharge into another coup or something. failing that ill write in a speach for him resigning because of other duties to home homeland of lubeck maybe?
  10. OOC. hes bein reskinned into a black suit and a red tie. if it was such a problem you shud have pm'd me cos now my news announcments full of non related OOC posts thanks to you. IF i find a different suited man i put into gmod then ill edit the images.
  11. OOC: vassel? no thankyou. right as soon as my mates done reskinning him will that be acceptible?
  12. OOC aye, and hes also my Premier. twins seperated at birth perhaps? weird twins admittidly. im making his character to imitate others ive got my mate doin reskins for him etc so hes got different colour suits and whatnot. but im not altering my entire news report. took me an hour and a half just to sort through pics i didnt want.
  13. Thats Senator Charnock, well now Premier Charnock. He has a habit of imitating People he takes a shining too
  14. The rioters hvae wiped out civil protection around the citadel, *hears panting breath and struggling* ok ive got a better vantage point now. Out of the eastern gates, arrived what looks like a company of Soldiers and whats left of City 17's Civil protection. *gunfire can be heard Smg's and assault rifles* The rioters are picking up dead soldiers weapons and using them against the authorities, this is amazing people, ive never seen anything like it. the rioters are winning ok it looks asif the troops are trying to "flank" i think the word is, yes, theyre trying to flank the rebels or rioters or whatever they are. oh dear god, only one soldiers left, may his soul rest in peace hes dead. Premier Zoot has come out of the building!!! hes walked out to confront the crowds hes talking to their leader, who is no, i cant believe it! Barney Stone, Commander in cheif of all Malvinian Military forces what are they doing? theyre putting a rop on the archways.. around Premier Zoots neck!! they going to hang him in a public execution!! Today is a sad day for the Malvinas. General stone has declared himself Premier of the Malvinas. This is our final image from the news helicopter of the scene at the Citadel. back to the office. i need to i need a stiff drink.* *tranmission ends and camera cuts back to video imagery in the news room* Well i guess thats a wrap for the moment. the government announcment is for everyone to stay inside their homes whilst the government is transferred to the new premier. we will be giving you updates on the situation whenever we have a breaking nes headline. good night
  15. Malvinian News Company *This is Simon Fogg reporting down the wireless network for the MNC. we are live from the citadel at the moment which has a heavy presence of civil protection and the military. as you can see they are taking no chance with Premier Zoots life. New reports have come out from the townhall that up to 34 civilians were killed and 72 wounded. 12 arrests have been made by civil protection. wait whats going on? the civil protection is moving towards the gate, who left the gates open?? crowds are streaming in to the citadel in an attemt to rush it. Civil protection are only armed with what seems to be stun batons, wait oh wait 4 more officers are coming out of the building with handguns and we hear lots of movment from the eastern Citadel gate into the garrison.
  16. * This is James Debit LIVE from townhall in city 17, crowds are linining the streets and civil protection are out in full force today with fears over some kind of riot. we beleive the citizens are angry over the 28% tax, but the majority dont seem to realise the country cannot run itself without that level of tax at the moment. im sending in some pictures now Our normal camera footage isnt allowed near townhall at the moment for security, but from the images it seems that civil protection is at its highest alert since the curfews over recently unconvered terrorist xenu who is currently in hiding in the Malvinas. Oh dear god, theyre rushing the crowds, im seeing men with crowbars moving to the front, theyre attacking the bloody townhall. i say again this is James Debit live from townhall on the wireless, Civil protection has opened fire with live rounds and stun batons on the crowd which is now making a play for the building itself. The image we just sent is is Malvinian special forces with an AR2 assault rifle, 3 more special forces are behind him also shooting into the crowds. OH NO *cries and screams* They shot max. our camera man max has been gunned do..* radio goes vocally quiet, only gunfire and screams are heard. This is Tony fitzpatrick of the Malvinian News Company, i dont quite know what to make of that viewers, another team is enroute to cityhall, and the citadel for more covereage over what seems to be a rebellion.
  17. The Malvinian Aid department is requesting permission to go ashore with any landing parties they will be bringing medical equiptment supplies etc, pretty much humanitarian resources to help rebuild and shelter people with our pacifist beleifs we wont engage in Military Operations without cause, IE direct threat agianst our aid workers
  18. The Malvinian Aid department is requesting permission to go ashore with any landing parties, with medical equiptment supplies etc, pretty much humanitarian equiptment, given out pacifist beleifs, unless struck first we wont engage in Military Operations.
  19. *Premier Zoots facepalm could be heard like the crack of a whip in the parlament buildings back on Malvinas*
  20. OOC you still made the threat, you expect us to even waste soldiers on somebody with a personality complex? rofl. damn man you seem to think we are gonna invade no matter what anybody tells you. your adament to start a war, you threaten nations, your rude to its players. =/ your not a very nice person sad panda
  21. OOC yeah man. nobodys said anything about war and here you are threatening people =/
  22. OOC no, but your taking this too far, an offer of good will and you seem dtermined to lower the bar into open warfare =/
  23. OOC, you want to wait 100 days for an official announcment?
  24. nononno you still mis understand internal anarchy is down to the natives. i refer to EXTERNAL nations IE other sovreign nations= invading. anything internal is internal is should be left to run its course.
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