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Posts posted by Altheus

  1. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1285941931' post='2471032']
    You just don't get it, do you? It's clearly MK's fault if an alliance is incompetent and/or disbands.

    I'm not quite sure why you're bringing your own alliance into the discussion...unless you mean to imply that GOONS' actions are dictated to by MK.

    Also before you say it, no I don't think MK are responsible, but I do think you immediately assuming that MK has anything to do with this says something about your ego.

  2. [quote name='Anu Drake' timestamp='1285933124' post='2470959']
    Silly thread. Disbanding alliances isn't what is going on, and I don't think anyone has been forced to disband since Karma.

    Our continued existence is evidence enough. We lost Karma and whatever the last war was called and despite the hate we felt there was never any talk of forcing us to disband.

    A number of micro-alliances would disagree with you

  3. [quote name='Thunder Strike' timestamp='1283951984' post='2446522']
    He replied specifically to Xiph, who is not a group of people, but a person. I think.

    Ask Cora if interested. I get the impression that it's a number of people in maroon though rather than just Xiph.

  4. [quote name='Thunder Strike' timestamp='1283947344' post='2446487']
    He was talking about USN leaving CA, so I don't see why that is relevant.
    Unless you are suggesting USN left CA because of Cora's personal dislike for Xiph.

    Political decisions that are based on personal relationships like that don't tend to work out for the best.

    It's relevent because he's blaming UPN for USN leaving CA. I quote "This would be [u]UPN's[/u] handy work."

  5. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1283914856' post='2446136']
    [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=60305&hl="]This would be UPN's handy work[/url].

    You're wrong, utterly wrong. Also, I've already told you this and I don't like repeating myself.

    Cora is fully capable of deciding she doesn't like you all by herself. She doesn't, I hear about it all the time and given what she's shown me I agree with her viewpoints. The idea that I orchestrated some grand plan to split maroon up is laughable. I didn't know any of you enough to care.

    So stop blaming me for whatever issues you have in maroon, because whilst I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy you're tilting at windmills.

  6. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1280329247' post='2392476']
    [color="#0000FF"]I don't know how much you know about UPN-NPO relations, so perhaps I can be of some help. For a long time, prior to Karma, UPN was desperate to get a treaty with the NPO, and were constantly turned down. One didn't happen until Invicta pulled in a few favors and decided to form the Waltzing Street Compact with the UPN, the NPO, and NATO. Really, it was Invicta that got the UPN that treaty. Not any love the NPO had for UPN. After that, UPN primarily affiliated itself with purple, and then UPN and purple drifted apart after the last war, with its parting finalized when it and Invicta canceled on each other. These days UPN is far more closely associated with Polaris than either purple or the NPO.[/quote]

    Sorry to burst your bubble but during that period of time UPN-NPO relations were very non-committal from both sides. Invicta, NATO and others basically had to persuade me (I was leader at the time) that NPO relations were a good idea, hence WSC. Certainly the feeling was, treaty or no treaty, that we were closer to Polaris.

    Despite that we fought with WSC in Karma, although the tensions over that inside UPN were huge and resulted in people leaving before the war, due to predicting sides and not liking the people we were with.

    As for UPN/Purple relations...well trust me when I say they'd been broken for a very long time, but in those days we were good at keeping it off the OWF :P

  7. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' date='15 July 2010 - 11:32 AM' timestamp='1279189948' post='2372667']
    I know this may sound a bit stupid and I will take the ribbing that comes along with what I'm going to ask.

    What in the hell does Ave Legio mean? Could one of you Legion folks please explain the translation into English?

    It means "Welcome Legion!" in Latin. i.e. it's a greeting.

    Other than that, Legion will do fine. Haters or no haters. Also, lol Pezstar :D

  8. [quote name='WalkerNinja' date='02 July 2010 - 03:05 PM' timestamp='1278079528' post='2357668']
    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that TOP did a number of things wrong. More accurately, let me rephrase that to read "There were many things wrong with TOP."

    [*]TOP allowed both of the blocs in which they held membership to trample on one another to the point that neither were sustainable. This served to weaken TOP's protection and make us susceptible to attack.
    [*]TOP allowed pragmatism to evolve into indecision. Indecisiveness bred internal frustration and caused our perspective to become skewed.
    [*]TOP's skewed perspective became calcified, and we were thus unable to appreciate the perspective of others.
    [*]After the fall of both the Continuum and the Citadel, TOP became isolated.
    [*]TOP was unable to free itself from the fetters of an ex-Hegemony reputation and methodology in a post-Karma world.
    [*]Without a comforting defensive bloc, and simultaneously holding the #1 rank, TOP became a focal point of political speculation distorting our already skewed perspective into paranoia.

    There were many things wrong with TOP.[/quote]

    Just want to say that I completely agree with your analysis and came to the same conclusions myself. It's a shame though that if TOP realises the above, that outwardly they tried to spin a different tale during the conflict. Even going as far as to try and pin their ills as the fault of others.
    The pre-empt was very surprising at the time, but perhaps (given TOP's paranoia) it shouldn't have been. Either way glad to see a TOP member trying not to shift the blame.

  9. [quote name='Cataduanes' date='30 June 2010 - 01:37 PM' timestamp='1277901445' post='2355091']
    As in the red wine? god i love that wine B-). Best of luck to both the Legion and UPN.

    It most certainly was named after the wine. I'm a big fan and Roman grape variety/Legion, made sense :)

    Also, sad to see this go, best of luck to you Legion and just call if you ever want a chat.

  10. [quote name='shahenshah' date='11 June 2010 - 12:07 AM' timestamp='1276211214' post='2332288']
    I'll take it you wont be spending pixels against BAPS? Fits right with minimizing the whole pixel damage philosophy. CJ my freind, you got played! or not.

    ? As stated earlier I'm happy to fight BAPS. In fact this little Chefjoe conflict developed out of the Altheus vs. BAPS bonanza.

  11. [quote name='Alterego' date='10 June 2010 - 11:58 PM' timestamp='1276210689' post='2332270']
    You both get one shot in a potato gun.

    Spud guns. And now I know you're from the CN land of Ireland!

    [quote name='Lord Curzon' date='10 June 2010 - 11:59 PM' timestamp='1276210749' post='2332273']
    Oh God YES! They can call in allies for help with IC propaganda right?

    Seems fair to me. "Reports coming in of fierce fighting on the Magna Graecia/Buckwheats border. Clearly those wicked Buckwheatians were up to no good, otherwise those noble Magna Graecians would never be dropping mushroom clouds on them!"

  12. [quote name='chefjoe' date='10 June 2010 - 11:50 PM' timestamp='1276210197' post='2332253']
    [15:46:59] <+chefjoe> I accept the proposal Altheus|UPN|. We can discuss time frame and start via PM.

    From your IRC channel^ so notice I accept is made and we shall chat in PM.

    Excellent! Let's make a spectacle of it. I propose an OWF thread about how the battle's going with IC propaganda from both of us with extra brownie points for who can conjure up the most biased news reports for their side ^_^

  13. [quote name='Atlashill' date='10 June 2010 - 10:27 PM' timestamp='1276205235' post='2332101']
    As a concerned friend of both alliances, I am dismayed by these developments. A nuclear barrage from both sides will do no one any favours, and will certainly hurt the vast majority of Purple. We're not just talking about using nukes to settle a grudge between the flag alliance of Pegasus and one of Purple's most populous alliances. We're talking about stunting the growth of hundreds of Purple nations.

    Let's be sensible about this. If BAPS wants to be the champion of Purple Unity, they should scale their proposals back.

    I agree. That'll presumeably be put down to "realpolitik" :P, but if we all sit back for a moment the only real loser in all of this will be Purple.

    So...BAPS, how about the Altheus vs. BAPS extravaganza instead? I'm serious, check out my zero navy, it'll be fun :ehm:

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