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Posts posted by Altheus

  1. UPNCREST-1.png

    UPN will be protecting Psychobilly from now on. Text below. Also... Solomon :wub:

    Psychobilly Protectorate Pact


    As of the ratification of this document the Psychobilly alliance is afforded full protection from aggression by the UPN. The UPN shall bring the full support of her diplomacy, economics, and military to bear upon those that aggressively attack Psychobilly . An attack upon Psychobilly shall be considered an attack upon the UPN. Should UPN be attacked, any request for aid shall be considered by the appropriate Psychobilly governing bodies, but they are under no obligation to become involved.


    This treaty shall remain in place until one of several conditions are met. The first and foremost goal is to allow Psychobilly time to grow and establish their position on Planet Bob. Should Psychobilly attain a membership of 50 nations & 500k nation strength, then that goal shall have been achieved, and this pact shall become null. Should Psychobilly become the aggressor in a conflict without the agreement of Psychobilly first, then this treaty shall become null. Should Psychobilly be involved in any asshattery as determined by the UPN government (including but not limited to spying and trolling), this treaty is to be declared null upon the ruling of the UPN government. This treaty may be canceled by either party following a 48 hour grace period starting with the notification of the other party.

    Signed for by the UPN-

    Altheus- Founder of the UPN

    Hansarius- Chancellor

    Abdur- Minister of Recruitment

    WarlordNazrag- Minister of Defense

    Becks for Dinner- Minister of Internal Affairs

    Sephirdorf- Minister of Foreign Affairs

    DonVox- Minister of Finance

    AncientIago- Minister of Communications

    Signed for by the Psychobilly-

    Solomon of Republic of Umar- Elder

    Ragnar Lothbrok of Danegeld- Elder

    Tipsy McWhiskeydrunk of After Hours- Elder


  2. I know I said I was done with this thread but thank you.

    First, I'm a prick everyone knows it, so I never look poorly thats my character.

    Secondly be-careful what you wish for, if you don't think I'll spend my vacation which BTW is coming in 2 weeks getting 30-40 people together to join the USN think again, I assure you I have no problems spending a few hundred putting a few key personal in place..

    Now I'm DONE have a nice day !!!

    So your response to seeing an alliance you left not doing what you say is to threaten them with a coup. That's pathetic. They are some wise heads in this thread who have responded with understanding and tact, I suggest you take your lead from them rather than threaten USN.

  3. UPN_War_Flag.pngUPN_War_Flag.pngUPN_War_Flag.png

    UPN declares war on RnR

    If you know us then that won't come as a surprise as we have every intention of fighting with our friends. Whatever the reasons are behind the war don't concern us, we are attacking RnR due to their attack on NPO and it's as simple as that. Yes loads of alliances have attacked NPO and yes we could have attacked them too, but we'll just attack the one alliance if that's ok with you and if it's not I'm sure you know what to do...

    So RnR. We've never really met, but over the coming weeks I'm sure we'll become far more "acquainted". Same goes to anyone who rides in on RnR's behalf. For our part we'll be civil, friendly and as much as possible honourable, but ultimately we're attacking you so we'll also be violent too.

    Also: CDT, Purqua, Poseidon, Watling Street Compact love! :wub:

    Signed for by

    Altheus- Founder of the UPN

    Hansarius- Chancellor

    Abdur- Minister of Recruitment

    Ancient Iago- Minister of Communications

    Becks for Dinner- Minister of Internal Affairs

    DonVox- Minister of Finances

    Magister Agricolarum- Minister of Defense

    Walord Nazrag- Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Outburst- Acting Minister of Defense

    Moondog- Minister of Justice

  4. okay

    I am the Viceroy of ODN, the true leader of your alliance. The Senate operates in my absence. One day I will return on while riding on a cloud or perhaps a unicycle

    Been reading your posts for a while and hidden behind all that humour & bravado I think you secretly still like ODN. Not that that's a bad thing, I think they're wonderful myself.

    /me awaits inevitable trolling and denials ^_^

  5. UPN_flag.jpg

    I'm happy to announce that elections recently took place within the UPN with the following results:

    Altheus- Founder of the UPN

    Hansarius- Chancellor

    Warlord Nazrag- Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Becks for Dinner- Minister of Internal Affairs

    Ancient Iago- Minister of Communications

    Magister Agricolarum- Minister of Defense

    DonVox- Minister of Finances

    Abdur- Minister of Recruitment

    Please note that not all Junior Ministry positions are yet to be finalised, but if you're in #UPN looking for government the above should certainly be able to help you.

    I also wanted to use this opportunity to say thank you to all the friends and allies that UPN has been lucky enough to have over the years. No alliance is an island and without your support and friendship life just wouldn't be as good. I only hope that we can reciprocate as much in return.



  6. morality can only be defined as what serves our own member nations best.

    I disagree. Morality does not always equal self-interest, because people can react against their self-interest to uphold their morals. I would however agree with you that morality is a misleading word as it means different things to different people. I prefer the word Motivations.

    It's clear to me that Tyberion ethics is centred on one single motivation. Protection of it's members. However they are far more motivations in the Cyberverse that are equally relevent and can often conflict. Loyalty to friends, loyality to a colour sphere, alliance well-being, alliance growth, providing entertainment, the wish to promote a political ideal, justice, revenge, nation-building, providing a community etc. etc.

    Thank goodness there is such a mixture of motivations, as if there wasn't things would be pretty boring. It's the interactions and conflicts of these motivations that make Planet Bob what it is.

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