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The Wizard of Oz

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Everything posted by The Wizard of Oz

  1. [quote name='Arrnea' date='19 February 2010 - 07:33 AM' timestamp='1266582829' post='2191910'] Fark announced, some time before Ozland Cobras hit the SOS Brigade, that they considered themselves basically to have a one-way ODP with anyone who was on the receiving end of an offensive war (in this case, Ozland's act of aggression against the SOS Brigade, an alliance with a much lower average NS than itself, and far less nuclear weapons). Ozland had no treaty mandating them (or even giving them the option) to go to war, Fark did. TPF 'defending' Ozland is a joke, because they're defending someone who committed an offensive act. MHA likes Fark, so it makes sense for them to hit TPF in Fark's defence. Poor attempt to spin, Kat. I guess since you can't win on the battlefield (which is laughable as Cobra of War), you decide to try (unsuccessfully) to spin things here. Better luck next time. [/quote] Arnea.. you must be seeing the war with you head in the sand. SOS was ranked 4 higher in the stats then Ozland. You had never war'd. Sure we had nukes but you had time to get them since you never war'd. We attacked you since given the time frame, you had just as much time to build as we did, we fought 2 wars before you. Not our fault you were infra huggers. If you were not prepared for war in a war game, I think it speaks for itself. Farks declaration on Ozland was a fail by their own OP. If you read the opening post it says that as soon as Ozland offers peace to SOS, they would peace out. They failed to see we DID offer you peace, you rejected my offer. So the bawwwing that somehow we curbstomped you and you needed Fark to come save you is a fail. Personally though I enjoyed Fark coming in, I actually got to fight some decent wars. All the manipulations of the truth don't change the truth. I don't blame you for trying , you certainly didn't get us on the battle field.
  2. [quote name='Thom98' date='18 February 2010 - 02:45 AM' timestamp='1266479156' post='2189254'] it's the thought that counts, my nation needs all the emotional support it can get, my people are running wild in the street, naked. Then someone had to go and ruin it by tossing a nuke on those poor free spirited souls. [/quote] Hmmm green naked people running in the street, don't sound so bad. But I could be wrong..
  3. [quote name='HisK Owns You' date='17 February 2010 - 11:54 PM' timestamp='1266468872' post='2188883'] When driving? [/quote] Could be... so many things could be put there.. making the phrase VERY user friendly.
  4. [quote name='JonBoy16' date='17 February 2010 - 11:36 PM' timestamp='1266467790' post='2188845'] Finish this phrase [/quote] NO... you fill in the blank how you see fit.
  5. Welcome back Thia, I hope you had a great time
  6. Use both hands, when throwing those slots. o/OB o/Qazzian
  7. It's nice to see history does repeat itself. Give em hell TPF!! Honorable people those guys at TPF. o/TPF
  8. [quote name='marcus the great' date='16 February 2010 - 01:36 AM' timestamp='1266302185' post='2185046'] o/ TPF honorable as always. [/quote] Very true words Marcus. [quote name='shwypn' date='16 February 2010 - 08:00 AM' timestamp='1266325226' post='2185474'] O/ TPF forward the King Cobra! [/quote] It's an honor.. we appreciate the support. TPF welcome to the fray!! You show yourself to be very honorable and true to you word! This holds the utmost importance to Ozland as the future will reveal and history will show. o/TPF o/war
  9. [quote name='Imploding Diarrhea' date='14 February 2010 - 09:51 PM' timestamp='1266202313' post='2181960'] Your #1 nation bailed on SOS and moved to your AA He passively called me a coward. Don't know why, but he was the one throwing CMs, bombing runs but didn't do GAs until I was attacked by 4 nations(4 days later), still it was the nuke that sent me to anarchy your #2 nation was anarchied at my initial blitz,although I do have to admit it was his nuke that took me down below 5% Although I would have to say it was fun getting tagged by larger nations, I was already out of stuff to throw by day 4 Keep em coming! It's probably the first time I won a GA at 6% odds (guess that's desperation on my part) [/quote] You fought like a true warrior. NATO trained you well!! I would not say that for most of SOS. My mention of members baling in my OP, was a reference in general that I have seen through different rounds and different AA's. It was not directed at any one AA. As far as you getting called a coward.. I knew nothing of this but at least he said it passively. I would say you did the most damage then any other SOS member. So a coward you are not. You do seem a little out of place with the company you keep. A 6% win on a GA is quite impressive indeed.
  10. [quote name='JonBoy16' date='14 February 2010 - 04:03 PM' timestamp='1266181417' post='2181213'] Is it just me or has SOSBrigade suddenly gotten cocky after Fark and GATO jump in on their behalf? [/quote] Ha Ha, Nah Jonboy, everyone sees it but they are just hoping they can change their reputations, if they act like they actually did something significant to change the tide of the war.
  11. [quote name='Elrich von Richt' date='14 February 2010 - 01:32 PM' timestamp='1266172370' post='2180969'] Oh dear, it would appear you've run out of the steam to bother attacking me. Is this really all you can offer? Why, heavens, I never even reached ZI by a mile. [/quote] You were only fighting one member, who was fighting 5 other wars besides with you. Did you help your AA any? Why should you, with others fighting on your behalf. With a NS of 1678, after almost a full round and only 1 war all round. You should be proud of yourself for your obvious skills.
  12. [quote name='Arrnea' date='14 February 2010 - 01:20 PM' timestamp='1266171640' post='2180946'] Please tell your nations that are currently engaged in battle with my nation to send me peace and send someone else, preferably with an airforce. I'd declare myself, but alas, I'm in anarchy. [/quote] Your so skillful.. 2 out of the three nations your are warring with are fighting 3 AA's at the same time in 6 wars. The other you are fighting has only 3 wars just like YOU and he has been inactive since first day of war. BigKat I might add while involved in 5 other wars besides you, is NOT in anarchy. Obviously you can't handle what you got. Request denied. You false bravado and make-believe skills don't change the stats. Keep telling yourself the sky is green, it will still remain blue for the rest of us.
  13. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][color="#FF0000"][size="7"]Ozland's Elite Cobras: I salute you!![/size][/color][/center] I was reviewing our current war stats, as I piled through my 17 messages of attacks on my nation. Noticing GATO had joined in the war against us, with out even the respect of declaring. I started reviewing the members wars and nation stats. I realized what a lucky leader I truly am. With the odds against us and increasing, and a new era of no shame in piling on a small AA. I noticed all my elite cobras had stayed fast.. kept fighting and NEVER COMPLAINED. I have seen members bale on their AA as soon as they get hit. These guys have shown courage, team work and a true enjoyment for what TE is suppose to be..War... [b][size="5"]I am very proud to be the leader of this alliance and proud of each and every member of the Ozland Cobras. WAY TO WAR GUYS... YOU TRULY ROCK....SALUTE[/size][/b] [color="#0000FF"][size="3"][b]I would also like to give a special shout out to those TPF nations and RD nations that have stepped up and assisted us on their own. SALUTE[/b][/size][/color]
  14. Good luck to all!! With a current war with R&R as well, for good war sakes I hope some allys come in for The Vault. o/war
  15. [quote name='Arrnea' date='12 February 2010 - 02:03 AM' timestamp='1265958199' post='2177206'] You didn't offer peace, you demanded our surrender. That will never happen. [/quote] Just wanted to make a note of [b]clarity[/b] here. You were offered peace here. [quote name='The Wizard of Oz' date='07 February 2010 - 01:06 AM' timestamp='1265522772' post='2166302'] If you want to fight the 7 days.. its cool with us. If you ABSOLUTELY hate the thought of war and actually playing the game, pm me in game and [b]we can peace this out[/b]. [/quote] I also made note of this.. [quote name='Arrnea' date='07 February 2010 - 11:43 PM' timestamp='1265604226' post='2168118'] Also, I know exactly what will happen if we call in any of our friends as backup against a TPF protectorate and I'm not really willing to bring my friends to destruction just so we can have it a little easier ourselves for the last 13 days of this round. Not really much point, is there? [/quote] Welcome Fark These helped give me proper perspective. [quote name='Locke' date='06 February 2010 - 08:17 PM' timestamp='1265505442' post='2165619'] my skill lies in the realm of words moreso than war. [/quote] Then this: A real Mr.Obvious [quote name='ReadyFireAIm' date='07 February 2010 - 10:20 PM' timestamp='1265599232' post='2167944'] Why do all SOS Brigade war threads devolve into pointless arguing and whining? [/quote] The good news is, we finally have some great battles going on, I also noted some cheesy bacon floating around, landing on Farkistan territory. We all know who delivers that. Farks not actually confused why a few of our friends joined in for the fun.. A 20 nation attack to provide support for an AA that ranked 4 higher then us at the time of our DOW. It was their 1st war, our 3rd. Did we curbstomp them? Your 20 nations that attacked certainly wouldn't get support or help from the other 40? It is what it is. 94 nations vs 25.. Yes embarrassing I have to admit. Being baffled over a few nations jumping in for some fun on our side of the war is epic.
  16. [quote name='BigKat' date='12 February 2010 - 10:06 AM' timestamp='1265987174' post='2177593'] Funny, I already knew that you couldn't handle us without mucho help. You have your crytal ball, we have our steel ones. [/quote] Agreed!! Personally I am thrilled that it took 94 nations to make it a fair fight against our 25.
  17. [quote name='Arrnea' date='12 February 2010 - 02:03 AM' timestamp='1265958199' post='2177206'] You didn't offer peace, you demanded our surrender. That will never happen. [/quote] Excellent!!! Now your having fun!!
  18. We here at Ozland Cobras Salute Fark for stopping by to say hello. We are glad we have made a difference this round and actually got your attention. You know our attack on SOS was provoked... with no wars their nations was bored to tears. We were only trying to help. Cya on the Green side Boz o/Ozland o/fark o/war
  19. A very traditional war. Enjoy each others pixels
  20. [quote name='Bernkastel' date='07 February 2010 - 02:18 AM' timestamp='1265527138' post='2166478'] [b]How much more dense could you possibly be[/b]. That said, [b]I wasn't being provocative or challenging[/b], Mr.Swazz approached me in a rude and very cocky manner through private means. I've kept nation leaders' logs of all our back and forth. I decided not to give Ozland Cobras the satisfaction of destroying all that I have built and instead, [b]decommed and sold everything[/b]. You won't get any tech out of me for much longer. You'll just have to nuke it off. [b]Hows them apples[/b]. You clearly have no concept of chivalry and honor, even out of war. The point of a surprise attack is to cause disarray, which you handled nicely genius. Tech-farming? Really? You are a [i]disgusting[/i] and [i]terrible[/i] alliance to support such an atrocious act. I no longer have time to waste with such low rulers and a low alliance. [/quote] You are indeed funny... Nice contradiction!! I LOL'd @ Provocative opening sentence. You decommed everything.. very nice. I like those victory apples just fine. Based on your perception that makes Ozland Cobras the most ebil Alliance EVER. Go Cobras!!
  21. [quote name='SwazzSwazz' date='06 February 2010 - 11:04 PM' timestamp='1265515486' post='2165949'] [sub]I'M FED UP WITH THE BMW[/sub] I had to respond to these insults somehow, because the guy blocked me from sending any more messages - smooth move. I believe I am the one you were talking about Bernkastel. At the very least, you can give me credit for offering you terms of surrender. If your going to make statements like "I'll give everything to SOS till the end" then honestly stop the BMW and just take it and say "sorry swazz I don't agree to your surrender plan." No [color="#FF0000"]()[/color]Itching, [color="#FF0000"]M[/color]oaning and [color="#FF0000"]W[/color]hinning please. [/quote] Agreed Swazz. SOS if your approach to our guys is provocative and challenging, don't be surprised or offended when naturally my guys will step up to your senseless Rhetoric. I have not known any of the Ozland Cobras to be cocky or rude unless provoked. Perhaps if you are frustrated, give us a fight. Seems like some of you could careless about TE or your nations. Ozland does not follow your cavalier approach to warfare. I had know idea your alliance was in such disarray. If I had we would of started tech-farming you much earlier. If you want to fight the 7 days.. its cool with us. If you ABSOLUTELY hate the thought of war and actually playing the game, pm me in game and we can peace this out. You can love us or hate us but we are here to play the game. If that makes us bad bad people.. I can live with that.
  22. [quote name='Arrnea' date='06 February 2010 - 02:12 AM' timestamp='1265440377' post='2163805'] Oh, by the way, you spelled our name wrong in the OP. It's SOS Brigade, not SoS Brigade. The 'o' needs to be capitalized (since it's not a minor word like 'of' or 'on'). [/quote] Fixed, I was just trying to make your name snazzy. [quote name='JonBoy16' date='06 February 2010 - 02:15 AM' timestamp='1265440515' post='2163820'] Nice show, Ozland! I don't think you could have picked a better target! You two have fun. o/Cobras! [/quote] Thanks JB, We are just helping out.
  23. [quote name='Arrnea' date='06 February 2010 - 01:51 AM' timestamp='1265439071' post='2163680'] Nice show, Ozland, I must admit. You managed to push our anarchy count up to 21. [/quote] Thanks Arrnea.. We try to treat our guest right.
  24. [quote name='Bernkastel' date='06 February 2010 - 01:08 AM' timestamp='1265436530' post='2163438'] This was a [i]brilliant political[/i] move. Also, you will be destroyed. o/ SOS [/quote] Thanks Bernkastel.... plus I look forward to this destruction. [quote name='Arrnea' date='06 February 2010 - 01:18 AM' timestamp='1265437084' post='2163506'] Bring it. Hope you like to eat nukes. Forward the SOS Brigade! [/quote] Yes we shall sit at the table together and eat nukes and crumpets while sipping tea..
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