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Posts posted by Timtacious

  1. I don't often say much about these types of announcements, so forgive me for asking...

    But shouldn't you have ensured the recovery of your members, those you are (or were) responsible for, by ensuring the completion of the payment of reparations?

    I can think if several ways to have accomplished this, but to simply drop the matter altogether in the form of disbandment seems unfair to your members.

    This. Especially the nuked ones.

  2. Well, it shouldn't hurt to get in on this :) I'm writing all this by hand though, so.. =\

    Invicta is the only alliance I've been in and want to be in. The people in it are funny, active, and helpful :)

    You'll get accepted easily into the community, especially if you're involved in the forums, which you sound like you would be. We love ourselves some active members, and we'd always love to get more.

    6 mil in aid (new member, graduation)

    More aid most of the time you ask (people are just WAITING to fill your slots)

    We also have guides. But you sound pro.

    Our forums - http://cn-invicta.com

    No matter what you choose, we'd love to see you over at #invicta on Coldfront. Or, to make things EVEN EASIER (gotta love it! :D ), use this link



  3. You made a huge generalization (as others said already), that isn't true for many alliances.

    Example: The requirements for aid at Invicta are simple, a few days to prevent alliance-hoppers and minimal posting (10 posts). New members are given their aid ASAP.

    To get more aid, access, etc, people do need to pass a test. However, the guides are all easily accessible.

    Example 2: http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.as...&Extended=1

    He jumped on 3 of our nations, saying Invicta was weak and some other crap (don't remember exactly what). By the next day we had his defensive slots filled, and were defending our nations. We also filled most of the defender's slots filled with aid, to ensure that they weren't anarchied and didn't need to collect during wartime. EXAMPLE

    TL;DR: Don't make assumptions made on one bad experience, there are many, MANY alliances out there, and only a handful of rotten apples.

    Also, shameless alliance promotion FTW :P

  4. M ods may disagree

    O bviously, if you try to break the rules

    D oubt of our determination

    E ven if you believe you are right

    D oes not stand a chance

    I n fact it is dangerous

    T hus follow the rules or suffer the consequences

    o/ Admin

    o/ Mods

    o/ poems

    o/ rules we must follow

    EDIT: I lol'ed at the mod edit. Not as sexy, but.. it'll do.

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