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Posts posted by Timtacious

  1. [quote name='Matthew PK' date='29 June 2010 - 01:04 AM' timestamp='1277791440' post='2353662']
    To this day I do not understand why you think we would demand reps or try to humiliate you.

    I will not accept a "white peace" as if you were on equal standings.

    The answer to the first sentence is right there in the 2nd. Why do we think you'd demand reps? Because white peace is "unacceptable"

    You HAVE to be just feigning idiocy, right?

  2. [quote name='We Are Not Alone' date='07 June 2010 - 12:10 AM' timestamp='1275887426' post='2327458']

    On a sidenote we brought in 126 new recruits and its been a great process meeting so many new people and teaching them the ropes of this crazy place we call planet bob

    Similar to M6: How many of these 126 members will give a crap about [insert treaty partner's name here] if they have to sacrifice their noob nations? Especially if you let them vote, they'll bail on anyone. 126 outnumbers the 5 or so people who meant what they said about a madp

  3. [quote name='ChairmanHal' date='05 June 2010 - 10:45 AM' timestamp='1275752708' post='2324575']
    Numerous alliances had conflicting treaties during that war. They chose a side. UPN chose to buy popcorn and sit in the bleachers. Don't paint it as anything even remotely noble. Living on technicalities will only get you through so much on Planet Bob. Even your own government finally realized this.

    They didn't buy popcorn, silly, by sitting out they saved a ton of NS and got sanctioned. :awesome:

    [quote name='Torito' date='05 June 2010 - 04:38 PM' timestamp='1275773889' post='2325024']
    I recently left UPN as well, and its incredibly funny how ignorant people like you, Alterego, are about the situation but how much you seem to be furious about it. UPN has always been an alliance that prides itself on being transparent, open, and democratic. Of course this is not always the case and sometimes causes people to leave. After realizing the gravity of their situation, the UPN government decided to put war to a vote among the general membership, many government members voted for war on iFok, FCO, and other fronts in the war, [b]but the membership overwhelmingly chose neutrality.[/b] If the government had chosen to go to war with either side in this conflict they would have essentially shown a big middle finger to their members. No doubt mistakes were made, going back much further than the actual war mistakes were made in UPN's foreign policy, but I for one applaud UPNs decisions in that war, because its an excellent example of UPNs commitment to its OWN MEMBERS above commitment to loud, obnoxious, and ultimately meaningless agitators like you.

    o/ UPN, may you live up to your founding principles more and more each day.

    And obviously your members (apparently mostly low NS ones, since you had very few nations that could aid after the war), didn't value the treaty. Which is unsurprising, since they didn't care.

    In other news, I remember being attacked by RoK and SLCB, and not ODN... in fact, I didn't see anyone from ODN attacking Invicta. I mean, really? No DoW on Stickmen, when they pulled a massive stretch on their treaties because they wanted so desperately to hit us?

    At least 1 or 2 members didn't leave us to fry, they joined Invicta for the war because they didn't want to hide in a corner.


    [quote name='Kalasin' date='05 June 2010 - 06:59 PM' timestamp='1275782368' post='2325319']

    I don't see how this disproves my point. If anything, it means that ODN understands the difficulties of having conflicting treaties. :P

    UPN, don't feel bad that people are hatin' on you. Like someone wise once said: "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.”

    They stood up for something? Man, that quote is sure irrelevant here <_<

  4. [quote name='Matthew PK' date='14 May 2010 - 10:35 PM' timestamp='1273894499' post='2298292']
    Well now that "the precedent" has been set everybody can stop complaining about it.

    Right, so the precedent with unconditional surrender is to demand a whopping one tech. There may be some outcry if you have the audacity to go 100x over this, but I think they'll cope.

  5. [quote name='Jorost' date='09 April 2010 - 06:29 PM' timestamp='1270859351' post='2254799']
    Er, Timtacious, we [i]did[/i] withdraw from Poseidon! It's PEACE that we're still in.

    /me sighs.


    Also, just to be clear, "Regnum Invictorum" is the full, official name. "Invicta" is still the standard short-form name. It's like the difference between "La Republique Francaise" and "France."

    Okay, sorry for not reading announcements fully :(

  6. [quote name='Micheal Malone' date='09 April 2010 - 06:20 PM' timestamp='1270858821' post='2254781']
    Interesting. I wonder why the sudden about face?

    So, TL;DR:
    Name change
    UPN Treaty Change
    [s]Withdrawl from Poseidon[/s]

    Did I miss anything?

    Fixed that for you.

  7. I spoke with a non-gov Gre, who asked to stay anonymous and made sure I knew that he was merely stating what he's deduced, and may or may not be the official opinion.

    Hopefully, this will still be able to shed light though. The source will now be known as "NGG" (non-gov gremlin)
    Tim|Invicta: And I was wondering if you had any idea what unconditional surrender means, in the conclave's opinion
    Tim|Invicta: I'm on page 27, and I have no idea
    NGG: It means, IRON consents to do what ever we say, when ever we say.

    Tim|Invicta: But it seems like Ram and Matthew (main two POV's) are intent on keeping the war going
    NGG: Ram is intent on making this [OOC]game[/OOC] more intresting
    NGG: the plan he has takes time
    NGG: if all goes as planned, this dumb cycle of Gre vs IRON will end
    Tim|Invicta: (seemingly by iron being exterminated)
    NGG: lol
    NGG: nope
    NGG: as i said
    NGG: nothing we would not accecpt if we were in their places

    Tim|Invicta: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=83465&view=findpost&p=2245736
    Tim|Invicta: I basically woould agree with that
    NGG: I've been told by my gov that we cannot sign surrender terms
    NGG: or sign anything at all
    NGG: it goes against our FA policies
    Tim|Invicta: So is that something you wouldn't accept?
    NGG: from what i understand, there is no signing of unconditional surrender
    NGG: nothing to bind either us or them
    NGG: we went paperless, remember?
    Tim|Invicta: Yup
    NGG: remember though, i'm a templar, take what i say with a grain of salt[/quote]

  8. [quote name='tobbogon' date='31 March 2010 - 08:09 PM' timestamp='1270087755' post='2242801']
    I'm just a lowly templar, I am not as informed as you all wish i would be, anything i were to tell you would not be correct. I pretty much know as much as you do. But i feel like i need to contribute to the thread, because it makes me all sad that people are bashing us. Yeah, some stupid stuff was done, and by no means am i condoning it, but srsly, you guys are just lumping me and all the other dudes together with Ram, whom you all dislike. (Kind of like that show The V. Where Ryan Nichols is a 'visitor' posing as a human, but he isnt like all the other visitors, who are out to use and destroy human life, he's part of the Fifth Column, some rebel group. Not saying I'm part of a rebel group working to destroy The Gromlins. This analogy has gotten far too... yeah. Just saying, dont lump us all together.)

    ^More nonsense for your hungry mouths ;)

    Nah, I like you, and Omas too :3

    But seriously, this is stupid (also, I guess I should read the OWF more)

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