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Posts posted by UberSpion

  1. Honor isn't throwing your pixels to the wolves.... Sadly I see the CN version of what "honor" means just that...

    1 a: good name or public esteem : reputation b: a showing of usually merited respect : recognition <pay honor to our founder>2: privilege <had the honor of joining the captain for dinner>3: a person of superior standing —now used especially as a title for a holder of high office <if Your Honor please>4: one whose worth brings respect or fame : credit <an honor to the profession>5: the center point of the upper half of an armorial escutcheon6: an evidence or symbol of distinction: as a: an exalted title or rank b (1): badge, decoration (2): a ceremonial rite or observance <buried with full military honors> c: an award in a contest or field of competition darchaic : a gesture of deference : bow eplural (1): an academic distinction conferred on a superior student (2): a course of study for superior students supplementing or replacing a regular course 7: chastity, purity <fought fiercely for her honor and her life — Barton Black>8 a: a keen sense of ethical conduct : integrity <wouldn't do it as a matter of honor> b: one's word given as a guarantee of performance <on my honor, I will be there>9plural : social courtesies or civilities extended by a host <asked her to do the honors>

    TPF has always been nothing but a bunch of punks. Every political move you have made has been BRILLIANT. You can be good at the game, you can prepare all you want for a war that EVERYONE saw coming for months... But when it comes down to it, honor is not letting the pixels go to the way side for your friends, for which I see no friendship at all. Like everything with TPF, it's just business. Honor is respecting your comrades, respecting your opponents, and having a history of treating others accordingly. I've seen many a protectorate and allies get hung out to dry and raided by yourselves. This isn't honor. War doesn't change the definition of the word. You are who you are, you are getting what you are getting. Peace mode isn't honor. Peace mode isn't supporting your allies. In this war, being stubborn isn't honor. Being stubborn isn't going to get you or NPO peace. Your version of honor is a joke sir.

  2. Yea, that's right... Why all this NPO talk? Who cares? That was soooo last month.

    You know what, I have to give NPO props for what they are doing. I talked to Moo for oooohhh a few minutes a week or so ago, and the guy couldn't be in better spirits. VietNPO just doesn't have a good ring to it though. Maybe something like "NPO Banking Nation Protection Possibilities Curve" Anyone? Anyone? Econ anyone? no? tough crowd...

    Karma, I find it hilarious that everyone is saying all these things about internal bickering. Besides, who would want a fighting force that is fighting the force that is "being together." It's like the snuggle bear advertising for Trojan or something...

    Echelon, just keep doing whatever it is that NPO is doing and you'll be just fine. Shadow Puppets is a past time that is coming back I say...

    Londo, you just keep getting sexier and sexier. Athens is at all out war and your chart looks like the U.S. economy upside down.

    So the question is here, why must we be bothering ourselves with peace terms when all we really want is all out war. CN would sell like Sesame Street Gone Wild ads during mid-day television... Not like our little threads of cake, baked with sunshine and happiness will really mean anything. NPO will get whatever terms they finally fold their cards with. Nothing we can do to adjust the perspective of the private channels that control such things. Best thing NPO can do is disband and come back a few months later with this guerrilla force-like rebound.

    I have no idea who you are or what you did with my beer, but I dislike you.

    Do you guys really care about terms? Honestly? I know I don't. Quick, someone declare war on mudkips...

    What are your guys thoughts on mudkips? Do you even know what they are? Do you even know what alliances accept mudkips as their lord and savior?

    What nations even know what VietFAN/ Federation of Armed Nations is?

    Are the youthful nations of CN going to require a history lesson to be accepted into mainstream politics?

    this has been your mental dumb down by yours truly.


    p.s. no proof reading was done, ok maybe a little

  3. Theres all sorts of posts about how NPO deserves such harsh terms to be in line with all the evil things we've done.

    So heres a list of all those evil terms we've done in those evil wars we viciously started.

    • First Arctic War - Unknown reparations paid or not paid to NPO
    • Citrus War - $500,000 paid to NPO.
    • ICSN Debacle - Unknown reparations paid or not paid to NPO
    • Second Polar War - No reparations Paid to NPO
    • Great War I - No reparations paid.
    • Great War II - No repartions paid to NPO.
    • Holy War of Farkistan - No reparations paid to NPO
    • Great War III - $800,000,000 paid to NPO and pals.
    • The Alaskan Folly - No reparations paid to NPO.
    • Green Civil War - No reparations paid to NPO.
    • NPO-ONOS War - No reparations paid to NPO.
    • FAN-WUT War - No reparations paid to NPO.
    • Great War IV - No reparations paid to NPO.
    • Reeducation of Devildogs - No reparations paid to NPO.
    • FAN-1V War - No reparations paid to NPO.
    • Continuum-GPA War - 10,000 technology or $300,000,000 paid to NPO.
    • Wolfpack War - 3,600 technology paid to NPO.
    • GATO-1V War - No reparations paid to NPO.
    • Golden Sabres War - No reparations paid to NPO.
    • NPO-BDC War - No reparations paid to NPO.
    • CIS-1V War - No reparations paid to NPO.
    • Great War 5 -
      • 500 tech
      • 58,000 tech
      • 2,000 tech
      • 8,000 tech
      • Total Great War 5 Reparations = 68,500 Technology.

    Total Reparations New Pacific Order Recieved: $800,500,000 and 82,100 Technology.

    Karma Terms: $7,000,000,000,000 and 300,000 technology.

    Karma demands roughly 8.75x more money than NPO got from her wars,


    Roughly 3.65x the Technology NPO recieved from her wars.

    Edit: Thanks PapaJacky from Legion

    what about all the alliances forced to disband due to the reps requests or terms?

    p.s. i before e except after c

  4. UberSpion I'm sorry but I'm going to have to revoke your posting license. This hurts me more than it hurts you, believe me.

    I keep wondering how many posting licenses i hold, because I have had it revoked so many times already by people...



  5. Oh God look at the full logs...

    how about these FULL FULL logs

    [16:02] <&electron_sponge> you do it and it'll be the end of you

    [16:02] <@UberSpion> please, for i only want to contribute to the goodness of CN

    [16:02] <&electron_sponge> and for that, you shall die a fiery cn death

    [16:02] <@Stumpy> can i make TSDM8?

    [16:02] <&electron_sponge> ....never you vial creature

    [16:02] <&RandomInterrupt> Yeah, I helped kill those TSDM8 !@#$%^&*, they can never come back. I love being the second worst dude in CN.

    [16:03] <~AirMe|Away> anyone know where i put my peanut butter?

    [16:03] <&electron_sponge> thats right, yes... yessssss gooooodddd...

    [16:03] <&RandomInterrupt> can i go home now?

    [16:03] <&electron_sponge> drink more blood of the lulz

    [16:04] <&RandomInterrupt> yes master

    [16:04] <@UberSpion> YOU ANIMALS!

  6. ...

    Screw this, I'm going outside.

    P.S. Re-form \m/ already no one's stopping you.

    Oh but i have tried:

    [16:02] <&electron_sponge> you do it and it'll be the end of you

    [16:02] <@UberSpion> please, for i only want to contribute to the goodness of CN

    [16:02] <&electron_sponge> and for that, you shall die a fiery cn death

    [16:02] <@Stumpy> can i make TSDM8?

    [16:02] <&electron_sponge> ....never you vile creature

    as you can see, this tyrant will never be stopped...

  7. I think electron sponge is a cool guy. Eh kills \m/ and doesn't afraid of anything...

    he tells me do things and I done running...

    Electron Sponge is a vial person who spits the falsehoods of the past. While the coolness possibly overwhelms the negatives. I still cannot forgive you

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