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Posts posted by UberSpion

  1. Your fraternization with the alliance referred to as Ronin is quite disgusting and therefore I believe OSA, along with Ronin, should be dead and stay dead.

    Edit: Also...I miss you Uber. :(

    Jack! How dare you replace my avatar-o-awesome! ;)

    Without you on irc, I don't believe you exist.

    P.S. OSA smells.

    get out sir before I declare war, then go into peace mode, and then give you white peace even thought there was already peace and no real war.

    A very nice read


    Congrats friends.

    Many a great things to come between Genesis and OSA, I look forward to it!

    switched flags to the new awesome one

  2. Open Source Alliance Announcement


    Brought to you by: UberSpion

    Welcome Cybergins,

    I feel that Comic Sans MS isn't used enough in these forums so I must go about taking advantage of this font like it was a fine wine. I might even use clipart... HOLD ON TO YOUR PIXELS!


    I come to you with a little update from OSA, specifically from UberSpion's eyes. I've been absent recently from the circles of politikin, but have been brought back to the game from the recent lulz that is this last "war." I must say, well played. I mean you guys took playing a game that takes five minutes tops, to a whole new level... by not really playing the "actual" game at all. Not enough pixels were sacrificed to call this a war, and to declare war and not lose a single pixel just makes me sad. I think when me and Drai nuked each other, we lost more pixels then some sanctioned alliances lost this entire war. Well done!


    4srs, good job.

    Currently, OSA's nation building program is masterfully executed by our MoET (Nolíshiwan, agent509). Our nuclear capability is impressive with nearly half of our close group being :nuke: capable. Externally 2009 showed us exactly what we were expecting. Near Nothing. Our bonds with Ronin keep growing stronger, this friendship based relationship is exposing many new revelations to us. Accordingly, we will continue to only form bonds with Alliances that we are willing to burn for, unlike what we have been seeing lately from other alliances. I know mhawk has butchered the real meaning of "honorable" but I must say that our allies are top notch, and with this recent activity, OSA and I felt secured and surrounded by good folk. Friends were at our shoulders, side by side, ready to march if the call came. I cannot say enough about our Ministry of Defense (Teh Pimp and Chronopolice), keeping those nations not following the boring mundane stalemate that ended like a sequel movie (exciting at first, but then the same lame one liners, and not enough new material) and updated everyone accordingly. Orders were dispatched swiftly with a slight premature "burst" from Hisk of Ronin, who due to an exorbitant amount of boring politics decided to unleash his load of pent up frustrations all over our Senior Envoy Victius. This mess was contained thankfully and the loss of pixels were much like this war. Near none.

    As you can see from Exhibit A.


    Exhibit B shows our steady growth and awesome pixels.


    If anyone would like to contribute to the burning of our pixels or would like to congratulate us on getting closer to sanction, please contact OSA at www.theopensourcealliance.com


    I appreciate your attention and I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and didn't make a new years resolution for more pixels... Hopefully those kids looking for their hood find it soon, because this is getting ridiculous, no one in the e-getto have an e-iphone? Maybe a bedazzled sidekick or something?

    Yours Truly,

    UberSpion of the Open Source Alliance

  3. Is Valhalla suppose to be the convict crew that tarred the plate factory roof in the spring of forty-nine wound up sitting in a row at ten o'clock in the morning drinking icy cold, Bohemia-style beer, courtesy of the hardest screw that ever walked a turn at Shawshank State Prison?


    all o/ the war of pixels! and o/ bob sanders for he knows not what he does!

  4. Except it was written by mhawk in such a way so that HE could break the treaty in much the same manner when he felt it best. So all this outrage is simply over the fact that PC found the loophole, and used it before mhawk and TPF had the opportunity.
    TPF showed when they attacked Soldier what they thought of their treaties. PC followed that example perfectly well.

    You followed an ally in an aggressive war, they fact that they $%&@ed up and jumped into a losing war instead of one more curb stomp like usual is the irrelevant part.

    You were not defending an ally, you were backing an ally in an aggressive action. Even with your backing they still lost. Sad, wait. No its not.

    You are not the good guys in this piece, you can follow a treaty, bravo for you. Would you like a medal for making sure you feed your kids too? You don't get bonus points of acting correctly. What you do get is responsibility for actions, including what treaties you hold. What you did was choose to hold a treaty of aggression with an alliance known for a history of attacking people.

    These are the key points to this thread. Spot on gents.. Spot on..

  5. TPF accused PC of recruiting from them, constantly threatened to roll them in their early days, made them sign on to OPP, wanted out, got out, still wanted to roll them, still constant threats over recruiting that just simply didn't happen. Then the stuff I wasn't there for, and then I came back, STILL wanted to roll them, STILL threatening, etc. etc. etc.

    Basically what TPF did was taunt a rabid dog for a year, always treating it poorly and threatening to kill it.. then PC got out.

    I kind of expected nothing less than this.

    as much as my loins tell me not too, I have to agree with you. PC wasn't the only alliance under TPF protection that was treated as such. I hate to pull this card, but the former alliance Purge is a prime example of this. Under protection of TPF, was going to merge with some other alliances outside of OPP, TPF not only stopped it, crushed it, viceroy'ed it, attacked the gov members, destroyed their own protected alliance, tech raided it even... TPF was appalling then, and is appalling now.

  6. Your argument is illogical, nonfactual, and absurd. It is historical revisionism at its worst, a lazy, idiotic simplification of events that stands in blatant contrast to the reality of the situation at hand. The truth is you obtained logs of Sethb accepting information from a Blackstone Collusion member. Was he justified in doing so? I don't know. If your Dear Leader Moo-Cows is to be believed, then no, this is not a crime, because after all, as he said, "You know as well as I do that every alliance accepts information." Now, if we believe that by every all alliances, and by alliances he is referring nations grouping together for the sake of common interests, then isn't he, in no small part, saying that his alliance does the same thing? After all, it has happened before. In June of 2006, The second in command of the Order, Vladimir, accepted information from a LUE spy, did he not? Although there are certainly other factors at work here (and if someone would like to discuss this, I will oblige, time willing of course), but by your own simplistic logic, Vladimir did exactly what sethb did. Was he kicked from his alliance? Was he ZI'd for doing so? No, not really. In fact, he still holds a distinguished position in the alliance and was never punished in the slightest beyond a public apology. Clearly, this is a double standard at work here. Following the precedent your alliance set in this situation, OV was perfectly justified in refusing your demands. Therefore, OV and VE, by the statement of your leader and the precedent of your alliance's actions, were justified in stating sethb would not be kicked out of his alliance and ZI'd.

    Now that we have established your reasons for entering the war were illogical, let us get to the matter of blame itself. If there was no logical, concrete reason for war, that means the NPO was unjustified in attacking Ordo Verde. It is here you regale us with what is clearly a loaded sentence, "Karma saw that as the perfect time to launch their planned attacks." I think we all know what Arcades is implying here. He is implying that Karma are the aggressors, that they were unjustified in attacking OV. Now, as we have explored, this statement ignores the fact that the NPO, by their own precedent, declared an unjustified war upon Ordo Verde. With the treaties the majority of Karma nations had directly or indirectly with OV, they were legally justified in joining in the war. Now comes the occusations that Karma committed the horrible crime, that most unspeakable of evils, of reaching out to their friends in this world and working towards common defense. Clearly, this is a reprehensible crime that- oh, wait, sorry? NPO has been doing this for the better part of three years? Forgive me then. In all seriousness, your alliance had shown a continued belligerence towards their alliances. The Karma War, if anything, legitimizes these fears, because the NPO did exactly what Karma thought they would. To seek allies in the event an alliance that has shown a tendency to declare wars for reasons that contradict the precedent they themselves have set is not moustache-twirling shenanigans. It is common sense.

    What comes across from this post, more than anything else, is a cognitive dissonance of enormous degree. That the NPO and TPF's actions in instigating and starting the largest war Cybernations has ever seen cannot be their fault, that the Order and their allies are incapable of fault. You blame upon us what should indeed rightfully be blamed upon your own government, not upon those of us who chose to defend our friends and allies. Let us put a stop to these mindless fallacies, this endless mockery of the historical record, this desecration of logic and reasoning. The fault in this situation is solely and completely that of the New Pacific Order and The Phoenix Federation. Any arguments to the contrary are merely the delusions of the hopelessly gone and at worst cynical enaction of the old proverb that all by repeating a lie over and over, you make it fact. You don't and in this case you are wrong, completely and unequivocally. Your post is a waste of data and utterly lacking in any redeeming value. Thank you and have a nice day.

    While an excellent read, I would have to say that the person you are quoting is the same guy that posted this gem...

    #1 rule in CN is to not let the past be forgotten.. ;)

    I wouldn't really take it for a grain of salt, sadly the nubile nations that haven't found their historical mate will read it as truth. So keep spreading the good word.

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