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Posts posted by UberSpion

  1. your channel is full of filthy nasty people who use vulgar expletives and make fun of people. I refuse to enter your channel of cooties. Your alliance has been voted off the island, and will no longer be invited back to the sandbox or swings. Please enjoy that slide that no one wants to play on and is too short to really enjoy sliding.

  2. /A\nother /A\lliance - Libertarian Socialist Federation



    Hello Cybergins! I come to you with something we've been working on for some time now. We've had the pleasure to enjoy the company of Superzorro at /A\/A\. It's with this friendship we based our alliance relations on. We at /A\/A\ prefer to treaty with friends only, not just POWAH. So it's with great pleasure I provide for not only your reading entertainment, but also a word of warning. /A\/A\ and LSF.. we be tight yo... Like locktight tight. We be so tight, we bit hard tight. Like TIGHT. So it's with this "tightness" we decided to perform a pictorial adventure.

    Come, follow me.. to the conference room..

    Like A Boss Accords



    This treaty is signed and agreed upon in a drunken state, between Libertarian Socialist Federation and Another Alliance who both would enjoy watching their children grow old in a safe environment full of lawn darts and lead laced slinkies.

    Article 1: Friendship


    A) Both parties agree to remain horrible and down right rude towards each other at all times in all public domains and agree to always troll or flame each other. Any disputes shall be handled diplomatically or in the octagon of lubed death.

    B) Both parties agree to enter into a state of non aggression for the entire duration of this treaty and agree to never conspire or commits act of espionage against one another.

    C) Both parties agree to never give any form of aid to an alliance or individual that the other party is militarily engaged with, unless the sum of aid is $1 and 1 soldier, then it's just down right funny and completely necessary.

    D) Both parties are to remain independent of one another at all times and agree to never knowingly interfere in the internal and foreign affairs of one another.

    Article 2: Communication


    A) Both parties agree to remain in constant communication with one another through the use of their respective forums and IRC channels in order to keep the relationship a strong as a intoxicated 40 year old using enzyte.

    B) Both parties agree to share any and all information pertaining to the safety and stability of one another. Any and all information passed shall be kept confidential.

    Article 3: Mutual Defense


    An attack on either signatory of this treaty shall be treated as an attack on both signatories. All proper retaliatory measures will carried out in due process. This article is subject to a non-chaining clause. Shall any required military assistance be required. A photo of the member making the request will be required, and in hand shall be a alcoholic beverage toasting to a safe and swift battle.


    No-chaining clause: If either signatory is attacked due to honoring a military treaty that they share with a foreign alliance, mutual defense is no longer mandatory, but an option. Both alliances advocate enacting the option, but understand that there is the possibility that the other may choose not to enact the option, for whatever reason, and that decision will be supported by the other signatory, regardless.

    Article 4: Amendments


    Any of the signatories have the right to propose amendments to this treaty, after which both signatories will have to agree before the amendment is taken in effect.

    Article 5: Cancellation


    This treaty can be canceled at any time, by either signatory. The canceling party must give the other party a 72 hour advance notice of their intent to cancel in private and will remain in effect until this time period elapses. After this 72 hour process is over, the treaty is declared null and void. With that, we shall glare at each other from across the streets with death in our eyes.


    /A\nother /A\lliance:

    UberSpion - Triumvirate of LULZ

    Mundokiir aka Stormsend - Triumvirate of SRSBSNS

    shadowduelist aka mak - Triumvirate of Girl Fights

    Libertarian Socialist Federation:

    Delegates Council of the Libertarian Socialist Federation


    "like a boss"

    Have a good week Cybergins! And expect an/a (someone throw a english n00b a bone) Easter Surprise from /A\/A\.

    UberSpion - Triumvirate of LULZ

  3. Another lame announcement from a lame alliance... :v:

    Since when was the word "lame" suppose to dig deep down into my soul and burrow it's way through it like a candy cane fashioned into a lance? Considering my level of maturity, not too long ago or just now. OMG SELF BURN!

    but for theRAPEutic reasons I came up with this number.


  4. /A\/A\ Official Announcement




    brought to you by your hated friend, UberSpion

    Welcome Cybergins. As promised I come to you with a weekly Another Alliance update. While sitting here listening to a remix of Katy Perry's "I kissed a girl" performed by Attack Attack... It hit me. I need to scratch the funky bunch and write a bit more.

    So here is where we're at chartwise. As you can see the chart looks completely different for some reason. Nothing has really happened. Just steady growth through tech programs and nuclear preparation. My head is TURNED SIDEWAYS trying to figure out why the chart changed. If you look at the previous weeks announcement, you can see what I mean. I mean if I look at it from MULTIPLE ANGLES i still can't really see what this chart is trying to tell me.


    Thank you for your time Cybergins. Enjoy the rest of your week.

    UberSpion - Triumvirate of LULZ

  5. Official /A\/A\ Uber Announcement


    Cybergins! I come to you with a official /A\/A\ update.

    *rubs aloe on back*

    /A\/A\ would like to personally welcome everyone back from their Spring Break. Like most Cybergins, you didn't go anywhere. Spent most of your time in front of the computer with your tighty whiteys at your ankles. If they can make it that far. They don't call them tighty whiteys for no reason do they EHHHH *jabs ribs with elbow* I mean I remember the times during the days of the Republic.. very constricting...

    With this return to service. I would like to announce a new mandate made by myself... the supreme Allied commander of the european forces during 1943-1945... We shall now make a very annoying and unnecessary announcement every week. I do apologize for this. But some Defensive people have been questioning our current status. So i must evoke our unspoken "reach around clause" so that everyone gets the warm fuzzies. A lot of people for some reason keep asking if my alliance is dead yet. Like they want me to fail? I find this very disturbing, but not surprising. The caliber of people asking such questions have either rerolled due to exile or fail to follow through on anything they say. I for one am sticking with it. It's not easy being a small alliance leader. Many have been there, few have survived. I mean the constant measuring of "parental endowment" is non-stop. Although I like to think i have a huge ginormous throbbing "parental endowment" to measure against everyone else.

    So with all that said... HI! My name is UberSpion, and today I bring you something rather interesting.

    /A\/A\ will be sponsoring a "State of Current Affairs Propaganda Contest." Located here




    please note that it is >500k of AWESOME... any question of this shall result in massive loads of spittle spots on my monitor.

    Thank you for your time,

    UberSpion - Triumvirate of LULZ



  6. Official /A\/A\ Sponsored Contest


    Hello Cybergins, I come to you with a contest of LULZ/DRAMA/and all around trouble making. /A\nother /A\lliance will be hosting a Propaganda Contest. Top 4 winners will receive 3 millions monies from the vaults of /A\/A\. The winners will be chosen by a vote later down the road. There are no limits to the number submissions. But you can only be recognized for one photog.

    The basic topic of Propaganda is "State of Current Affairs." You can pick any sides, it can be fictional or relevant. It's rather broad. It can be about how BAWWW your alliance is or the relations of others. Anything goes. So you have to ask yourself. Do you feel lucky? Eh? Do ya? Punk.....

    This contest will be running through April Fools (April 1st) and then into the 9th of April will be the final vote.

    Reply to this post with any submissions.

    Good Luck, and get creative!

    UberSpion - Triumvirate of LULZ



    The views or subject of all submitted photos are views not support or implied by /A\/A\

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