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Everything posted by Mipit

  1. Thanks, dvmai, Im going to look for the last of the slots.
  2. You should have 0 tech until you get 6k infra. And when someone buys tech, your buy 50 and then sell it. Thing is, are you a peacefull nation, aka, do you refuse to declare war for no reason?
  3. I added the ones that I could. Just a few more.
  4. Balls, I wish people posted their resources when when replying.
  5. I have Cattle and Spices if needed. Aqua team. Vaderland http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=322876
  6. Aluminum- Eutopia [Xenn] Cattle - Vaderland [Mipit] Fish- Intercourse [tezznah521] Gems- Eutopia [Xenn] Iron- Iplaytowin [dvmai] Lumber- Iplaytowin [dvmai] Marble- Kanata [Porter96] Pigs-Intercourse [tezznah521] Spices - Vaderland [Mipit] Sugar- rtellez06 [US of R] Water-rtellez06 [US of R] Wheat- Kanata [Porter96] Just Sugar Water. This will be a long term circle, Leave a message or PM me if you are interested. Nation Name: Nation Leader: Nation Link: Resources:
  7. I guess I will sign up for this. I wont leave my trades until its ready to go though. I have Cattle Spices, http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=322876 Edit: I see that I didn't get accepted. Nevermind.
  8. So far, no replies to my messages on 2B, but we are almost done.
  9. Okie dokie, I saw your edit before your post. leet skilliage.
  10. Can I apply for 2B? Spices and Cattle And Im getting my harbor soon. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=322876
  11. Im a part of TDO, not a full fledged member yet. And im about 56 people away from 2000 population, then I can save up and buy a harbor.
  12. I am the leader of Vaderland, And I want at least ONE BILLION. Wait, I want more! I WANT 200 THOUSAND! But sir, that's less! IT SOUNDS BIGGER TO ME! TBH, Just want any aid, Soldiers, Money, Tech, Diseases. I would be grateful.
  13. Nation: Vaderland Ruler: Mipit Nation link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=322876 Resources:Cattle Spices Needed resources: Any trade circle, perfer a growing rather then war. Must be Aqua. Long term, Going to have a harbor soon.
  14. Yeah, thanks for butchering my name. But yeah, im saving up to buy a harbor. By the time I get a trade circle, I might have 3 billion population
  15. Yeah, thats true and all, but if I get a harbor, my Resources gimped me enough to not get any tradcircles for a while.
  16. A harbor is useless if nothing uses it.
  17. I hate my Cattle/Spice. Yeah its half of fast food... But its not that awesome. Still havent found a good trading circle.
  18. Yeah, Im just recouping from an attack. Just started playing and I needed the bank for the extra income. Cant even aford to loose a bank and get a harbor.
  19. Nation Ruler:Mipit Nation Link:http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=322876 Resources: Spice Cattle Circle Request: Ive been delaying trades until I can get a good circle, I've just been having trouble getting a harbour.
  20. Oops, Delete this, my bad.
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