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Everything posted by Bouldechek

  1. Always sorry to see a protectorate feel they're not getting what they need from their allies. Hopefully you guys will get what you're looking for this time around. Prosperous future to you all! And I'd hope that the rest of ODN, much like myself, doesn't feel any strong anger over this... seems such a trivial point to be mad about, no?
  2. I snarfed. That's the win for the night in my book...
  3. Attempting to purchase: You selected to develop a Stock Market at $30,000,000. Yields the following error: You have received an error trying to view a page. Here is the detailed error code: You either do not have a space program or you already have existing facilities on Mars. I didn't ask for a Stock Market on Mars
  4. This is wootable Welcome to our now-shared insanity.
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