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Posts posted by Baltus

  1. Yeah... I mean, I know by far more about ARES than about the "Green Old Party" (#49) or the "Mortal Wombat" (#51).... And yet the two of them are by far better positioned than ARES.

    Oh... so far the NPO, NG, MK and NSO are heading the list of "Alliances more likely to get rolled".
    I enjoy seeing how we think that the next war will look like.


    I'm not too surprised by these results so far.
    I mostly created it with the intention of seeing if there were "strange surprises" (i.e, a new "anti-hippie" crusade against the GPA... but the poll, so far, shows that such thing is very unlikely to happen).

    Well I know GOP and Mortal Wombat far better than ARES. NS doesn't have to equal "fame". Also IMO ARES has never been "famous".

  2. I have seen the light. Here at the Viridian Entente, we have some experience in fighting IRON. We know their ways and their weaknesses. We will share them here for the benefit of all who fight against IRON.


    1. duelking is a bad poster. Always focus him.

    2. Buy a lot of land. This will make it difficult for the IRON soldiers to reach your capital.

    3. Never save money, always spend it otherwise the bullies over at IRON will steal it.

    4. Yamuliss: Clearly you're new so I encourage you to take other's advice and accept peace. You stayed on IRON's AA without intending to join them. IRON owns their Alliance Affiliation and can demand that you leave it. Only members and applicants of IRON can reside on their AA (this is the case with all alliances) and by not applying they can ask that you leave and if necessary force you to. 

  3. I wasn't in BFF when it exploded buddy, but nice try. All I'm saying is NG gave up being on the winning side of a global war, a shit ton of stats, and political capital among the vast majority of Bob to defend you and your alliance. So, you repay them by cancelling at the first hint of trouble. Really swell guys.

    I'm not even a NG fan and I find this a bit messed up. They even went in for you on an optional defense clause. I'm sure it was a terribly hard decision though, so I'll let you morn your loss.

    If you're referring to the EQ War, NG joined on a MDoAP with TLR.

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