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Posts posted by ChimpMasterFlash

  1. To clarify what my noble brother has said,

    The Grand Lodge of Freemasons does employ a Masonic Hand of Mercy and has used it since our conception. While we are amongst the few who have earned success completely without a protectorate, Masons have a keen understanding of the perils of unsolicited extended raiding; with that being said, I am particularly referencing the prohibition of enabling a defender to fight back and am not referencing standard raiding between two nations in honorable combat.

    We use the Hand of Mercy with sincere diplomacy to deescalate unwarranted attacks; extended tech-raiding, however, is much too close to ZI or PZI in my humble opinion.

    I am neither a Council member nor spokesperson, those words are my own; they are, however, spoken from the lips of one of the Lodge founders.

    So, is it true that Free-Manson's have a secret hand shake that comes over a secret opening dialog? I tried gain membership to a masonic frat party, but when asked 'if I believed in a higher power' I answered back "does the flying spaghetti monster count?"

    They didn't take me :rolleyes:

  2. "OH my I just feel out of my seat lol cause this was 90% of the reason the GOONS feel. The arrogance, the failed control policies, and a few other reason related to not playing nice with their fellow alliances in CN."

    Not sure how i feel.

    Being a part of old and new GOONS I can say with out a doubt our current leadership is far greater than anything the old GOONS have had before.

    That being said I doubt with 99% certainty that this new leadership core will take us anywhere but up.

    edit for poor use of quote tags.

  3. They voted to suicide due to the momentum that ~ alliances had and because UJP was falling apart. GOONS knew what kind of surrender terms they were going to get from Sponge, and they weren't going to roll with that.

    Only certain leaders decided this and it was not a vote. There were certain strategies in place that were a total failure due to key nations deleting and leaving. This caused a chain effect which hastened the fall of goons and contributed to the end of the alliance.

    Truth of the matter is that Goons 1.0 were the pitbulls of the game but became bloated with floating liquid poo which stunk up the Goons name. For every vocal arrogant Goon who up and deleted there were 10 hardcore players who loved nothing more than frog stomping nations within the parameters of fair play. Fact of the matter plenty people loved goons when they were on their leash and did a good deal of damage for them.

    Goons 2 Will still have some great players who will enrich planet bob and get their fair share of curb stomping. We still fight for a higher cause and hold true to a fair amount of similar beliefs. However there will be no 12 yr olds allowed to run their mouth with a goon tag as before.

    During UJW I know my platoon had a good time posting recruitment messages from out attackers in out forums. Seems someone wanted us.

    It should be noted that there is clearly nothing wrong with fun vocal arrogance:) It is only a problem when you can't back it up.

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