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The Big Red 1

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  • Nation Name
    Pacis Gaudium
  • Alliance Name
    NPO Applicant
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. You know soon, all three of those guys are going to have a heart attack...just wait. Moo doesn't go down without a fight!
  2. May I state the Irony of this clause considering the fact I was attacked by Vox Populi like 3 days after I began CN. All I was, an NPO Applicant and I was attacked by someone who's AA is now Vox Populi. Someone who's war reason was 'For Vox'. This nation was clearly stronger then me. (But still in the level for attacking). He attacked without warning and put me in Anarchy. So how can you stand up against these so called 'bullies' when your actions indicate you are a terrorist organization that tries to lower the applicant to NPO by attacking Applicants? Is there a way you can some how defend this clause in your announcement when your actions prove otherwise? I'm not antagonizing you. I just want to hear your side of the story. Note: I have not read the whole thread.
  3. Dear, President Scroougee. Thank you for not attacking me today, I really don't want to bother with you after I make it into the NPO. I'm sad to say it is a poor showing to attack me on my third day of Cyber nations, while I was in NPO Applicant AA, and when you are considerably stronger then I am. Glad that you can show your Vox Populi AA now. Though that could be a threat to you after the war. Oh, and a request. Could you please take that taunt off your nation description? It makes my blood boil everytime I see it. -Big Red P.S. It's real fun having this small war where losing 30 soldiers for me is a big deal. When some of these guys are getting nuked like no tommorrow. @All large nations: My pixel people thank you for the cancer, and extreme mutations befallen to them in recent months.
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