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Posts posted by Rajistani

  1. The previous IDC merged into Capax Legio, and thus, by reforming IDC, your treaties would have been nullified, so what you have pretty much done, is bandwagoning on an alliance you have literally no ties to.

    CP4 hit the nail on the head.

    It's the principle of the matter. I'm sorry that people are angry that I didn't think everything he does now is awesome because of the sideshow and brought up a matter of concern for me. I don't speak for my alliance in any way so don't take this as some sort of message from Sparta. Maybe I was getting a little too aggressive so I'll apologize for that, but my concerns were legitimate any way you look at it.

    Anyways, have fun with your alliance.

    No grudges here; and thank you.

    Well I lol'd

    I look forward to part 2 when the surrenders start coming in

    :blink: I have to make a part 2? <_<

  2. How did you become the leader of this alliance 1 day after leaving Sparta? I'm confused about this considering a cybernations wiki search shows the age of this AA and it is apparently quite a bit older than you, barring reroll. Still, that's contradictory.

    Either way, I retract my statement of you gathering intel as there is no certain proof of such and I won't condemn you without being absolutely sure. On another note, I hold on to my statement about your war tactics.

    I am not the leader, I am foreign affairs, and I was a founder... its not hard to get high up on a small alliance. I became government of MHA in about month after joining.

  3. If you are hiding under another alliance's AA then yeah... yeah it is. You are representing another alliance without following their ideals or orders. If you call that an honorable war strategy, then you are a hypocrite.

    Edit: Don't think I don't remember you hiding under Sparta's AA and gathering intel. You applied before the war and was caught so you bailed.

    [22:16] Session Ident: Pearl|Sparta (Coldfront, Rajistani) (Mibbit@coldfront-98F69600.eastfowl1.iit.edu)

    [22:16] <Pearl|Sparta> hey

    01[22:17] <Rajistani> hi

    01[22:17] <Rajistani> whats up?

    [22:17] <Pearl|Sparta> I thought you were someone else lol

    [22:17] <Pearl|Sparta> and you were trying to tell me that lol

    01[22:17] <Rajistani> its alright. >< i didnt try to sell u anything =P

    01[22:17] <Rajistani> its cool thoguh

    [22:17] <Pearl|Sparta> dude

    [22:17] <Pearl|Sparta> look at this

    [22:18] <Pearl|Sparta> http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=320564

    [22:18] <Pearl|Sparta> I thought you were that guy

    01[22:18] <Rajistani> rofl

    01[22:18] <Rajistani> damn thats CLOSE

    [22:18] <Pearl|Sparta> well

    [22:18] <Pearl|Sparta> Im sorry man

    [22:18] <Pearl|Sparta> I felt like the biggest dbag in the world after I realized this

    [22:19] <Pearl|Sparta> although, govt did express some concerns about your names and !@#$

    [22:19] <Pearl|Sparta> If you talk to tulak about it, he might be able to make some changes

    [22:20] <Pearl|Sparta> Idk, I havent talked to them about it

    [22:20] <Pearl|Sparta> if you still want back in sparta, I guess you can try tht

    [22:20] <Pearl|Sparta> that*

    While I have no problems with Sparta, I do not want to be let back in after false allegations and massive amounts of cursing directed at me FOR NO REASON.

  4. 1. MK does not speak for Karma. Archon speaks for Karma.

    2. MK's turf is Madagascar, not iceland.

    3. This work of yours, though apparently done in paint, reeks of effort.

    1) It was just a parody.

    2) Same answer as number 1. Plus, I didn't put thought into it at the time, i was just bored; didn't look up anything.

    3) Same as number two; plus whats wrong with effort?

  5. That's on them then and I reserve my opinions. My alliance and its treatied allies aren't known for it so you can assume I should change my mind because of what side of this conflict I reside on.

    P.S. I guess this means I hate MK because I disagree with a tactic they used in previous war(s)? I guess I'm just an unassuming groupthink robot now.

    Again, what alliance are you?

    and Many, Many, Many alliances have used this tactic before. It used to be the norm.

  6. Getting curbstomped isn't really an excuse for what you're doing. Current alliances that are being defeated don't use that as an excuse for using that tactic so I don't understand why you believe you are entitled to it.

    Its actually an old tactic that was used alot, but then alliances, like NPO started keeping a list of every alliance over X size.

    It works in this scenario because our DoW was:

    A) Unexpected

    B) From a small alliance

    C) Doesn't have one single large alliance doing everything, e.g. organization of war etc. etc.

    P.S. what is your alliance?

  7. I don't really understand your edit, so would you mind explaining it to me? Also, unless your alliance's name in CN is IDC and not International Defense Coalition, then those people are still hiding, at least it wasn't under other people's AA's, I'll give you that. Either way, I stick with my belief that you guys should be flying the same AA's when you're engaging in conventional warfare.

    Well we DoWed ..surprisingly. Sicne we saw NPOs allies bail on them..

    I knew alot of members couldn't be on, so I told them to switch AAs, since I was expecting a curbstomp. If they werent on they would be destroyed... quick.

    So, if they got on like say the weekend, and then DoWed, they could do attacks before getting hit.

  8. If you are hiding under another alliance's AA then yeah... yeah it is. You are representing another alliance without following their ideals or orders. If you call that an honorable war strategy, then you are a hypocrite.

    Well no our main AA is "International Defense Coalition" ... were flying random AAs like mine is India's Divine Alliance...

    Its still IDC :blush:

    Alot of my members can't be on at update; so i told them to split AA and attack when they could.

    Edit: that way we can do some damage pre-anarchy

  9. Bandwagoning is bad!

    Whose bandwaggoning? Let me know and ill watch MHA and Polaris roll them. :popcorn:

    The comment about GDA's warchest was a little bit cruel :D

    Its okay a GDA govt member saw this before it was posted and laughed :D

    This might be interesting if it weren't in the Alliance Announcement forums. Does a 1 man alliance technically count as an alliance? If it doesn't I don't think this should be here nor should the OP be allowed to post here until he is in an actual alliance. If I'm mistaken, my apologies.

    Were a 19 man alliance.

  10. I've been itching to respond to this the whole time. Just because the NPO helped you doesn't mean they don't deserve what they're getting. They have racked up a lot of bad deeds and it's time to pay the piper.

    NpO forced alliances to disband, and they also helped alliances start up and get into BLEU. That doesn't mean they didn't deserve the beating they took last Summer. Hell, they at least couped sponge.

    You can be loyal to people if they've helped you in the past, but know that them having helped you doesn't make them good people.


    They deserve all of this and a lot more.

    This was posted when 1V and co bailed on NPO. I meant they dont deserve their allies bailing on them.

  11. Not funny, but hey did I expect better?

    IDC :rolleyes:

    You're pathetic.

    And I do believe when you declare on somebody, you need a mutual agreement to cease hostilities.

    Bad show.

    Not that you're worth of FOKs warslots anyway. >.>

    I didn't cease hostilities... I DoWed when only Athens God and GR DoWed on NPO.. when i declared war, i declared war on everyone attacking NPO, I posted this to clarify that i meant everyone attacking NPO at the time

    you need more arrows toward the legion were fighting about 10 alliances and welcome to the field IDC.

    This is not a declaration of war. I declared before you did.




    This is not a declaration of war, i declared before you did.


  12. idcflagcopy-2.png

    Well this war has been interesting to say the least, but here at IDC, we be bored. Also, we need to make some clarifications because after declaring on Everyones who declared on NPO. There were alot of more Declarations of War (If you didn't notice).

    So at this time, I would like to state, that we only recognize a state of war with Athens, GOD, and GR (EDIT: The International, and VE also). If you are also beating us down, and are not on that list, please contact me. You can find me in #IDC on coldfront, or #Speculation.

    On a lighter note, since noone has declared war on IDC, we got kind of bored and made you this show. Enjoy.

    Every image has something different, for the story line, so don't go too fast :D































    TORNs DoW with NPO (Contains cursing)




    Torn Decides to leave (Contains Cursing)
























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