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Wu Tang Clan

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Posts posted by Wu Tang Clan

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    The human is born free, and everywhere he is chains: the chains of social structure, of economics, of norms and of culture, and above all, the chains of themselves.  Many believe themselves a master of others only to become more a slave than they are. In order to free themselves of these chains, we seek creation of order and government to dictate what is right, just, and best. In doing so, we ignore the most natural order of all, the family. The artificial orders create guides, then rules, then laws, then mandates. The social structure of these orders and governments has failed, leaving us only at the mercy of more chains. It is with this in mind, that as a collective we seek not to establish rule, but freedom. We seek to establish a family of like-minded individuals seeking truth, love, and freedom. We thus create, Civitas Solis not as an order, but as a beacon of hope. Not to dictate what to do and not to do, but to exemplify what can be done.

    Each human being is born free, their liberty belongs to them. No human has the right to dispose of their freedom except themselves. And though the previous generations and those surrounding  them can place stipulations in their name, they can never completely dispose of it. In order, then, that an arbitrary government might be legitimate, it would be necessary that the people at each generation, at any time, and in every manner have the option of accepting or rejecting it. Now it must also be noted that human kind cannot create new force, and thus have no other means of self-preservation than a combination of many. In this combination it is of absolute necessity that the strength and freedom of each individual is the chief instruments of his preservation. And thus, we arrive at the ultimate goal of our particular establishment: To find a form of association which may defend and protect with the whole force of the community the person and property of every associate, and by means of which, coalescing with all, may nevertheless obey only their own desires, and remain as free as before.

    As such the founding principles of our establishment shall be: equity, freedom, and sincerity. These principles shall be binding, to the point that the following doctrines of the charter so established in the formation of this community shall seek to serve these principles to an end and as a means. And with that, the formation of the family of Civitas Solis does so establish the following charter as a recognition of our establishment on this planet…




    [center]Charter of Civitas Solis[/center]


    I.                 Preamble
    a.       Civitas Solis (henceforth referred to as "Solis") is founded on the principles of devotion, integrity, and candor. Solis' purpose is to provide a community that’s members’ burn with so great a love for their alliance, as scarcely been viewed as possible. In doing so the alliance intends to foster a government committed to a duty of excellence, a membership full of ambition and competence, and a spirit of charity toward all.

    II.                 Admissions
    a.       Solis accepts applications from any nation interested in joining. The interested nation must not be a member of any other alliance and must abide by the codes and conducts outlined by this charter. The interested nation must meet the following criteria:
          1)      The applicant must not be in any wars.
          2)      The applicant must be on the yellow team.
          3)      The applicant must be willing to answer questions during the application process.
          4)      The applicant must be willing to partake in an academy program as defined by the government of Solis.
    b.       Exceptions to any of the above may be granted depending on individual circumstances.

    III.             Government Structure
    a.       The government hierarchy of Solis shall be as follows:
          1)      The Hoh
          2)      The Princeps

    IV.              The Hoh
    a.      The Hoh is the final and ultimate authority of Solis.
    b.      The Hoh has the power to make and execute all decisions of alliance affairs
    c.      Any powers not explicitly listed in this charter are given to The Hoh.
    d.      The Hoh holds his/her position for life, or until resignation. The next Hoh is designated by the outgoing Hoh.
    e.      The Hoh can only be removed from power by a three/fourths vote from The Princeps.
    f.      Should The Hoh go inactive for a period of ten days all powers will be delegated to The Princeps. Should The Hoh remain inactive for thirty days The Princeps will determine the new Hoh.

    V.                 The Princeps
    a.      The Princeps are expected to be the popular representatives of the alliance.
    b.      Each Princeps is in charge of a specific area of alliance affairs as outlined:
          1)      The Princeps of Mor is the official representative of Solis to the outside world. The Princeps of Mor is tasked with appointing and managing ambassadors and envoys, and works in conjunction with The Hoh in negotiating and drafting treaties.
          2)      The Princeps of Pon is the protector of the alliance, and is the highest authority in the military chain of command. The Princeps of Pon allocates and organizes members in military service as needed.
          3)      The Princeps of Fis is the primary manager of the economical situation of the alliance. Tech deals, trade circles, and management of slot usages etc fall under the umbrella of the economy of Solis.
          4)      The Princeps of Xin is the primary manager of day to day affairs. Admission, recruitment, and all things concerning the internal workings of the alliance fall under his or her domain. Maintenance of the alliance forums and IRC channel will also be conducted by the Princeps of Xin in collaboration with The Hoh.
    c.      The Princeps have the ability to appoint their own staff and advisers to help them with specific matters.
    d.      The Princeps will be chosen in accordance to Solis Procedure one as outlined in Article VII, a.

    VI.           The Membership
    a.      The Membership will be defined as any individual who has applied for and been accepted into Solis without a following resignation or effective removal from the alliance.
    b.      Members are expected to be respectful to each other and show honor, integrity, and respect to those outside of the alliance.
    c.      Every member of Solis is entitled to his/her opinion and may freely express it in alliance discussions.

    VII.        Alliance Procedures
    a.      The determination of Princeps will be based on a voluntary special election system. Procedures for a specific contest are as followed:
          1)      Any member actively contributing to the department may challenge that Princeps once every two months.
          2)      In order for the challenge to be effective the challenger must be endorsed by three alliance members, and The Hoh and two Princeps.
          3)      Following proper endorsement a period of debate will be open in which any member of Solis is authorized to ask any questions or make any comments to any individual challenging or being challenged.
          4)      Following the period of debate a vote will be conducted in which any member of Solis will be allowed to vote.
          5)      Whichever candidate receives the most votes will obtain the Princeps position.
          6)      The Hoh is not authorized to vote in the election.
          7)      In the event of a tie the Hoh will determine the winner.
          8)      A given Princeps may not be challenged more than once in a one-month period.
          9)      A Princeps cannot be challenged in the first three weeks of his or her initial term.
    b.      Treaties will be approved with the approval of The Hoh and three Princeps.
    c.      War may be authorized with the approval of The Hoh if the war is an obligation of a previously signed treaty. Under any other circumstances war may only be authorized with approval of The Hoh and three/fourths of The Princeps.
    d.      Amendments to this charter may be made with approval of The Hoh and three Princeps.

    VIII.             Alliance Policies
    a.      Tech Raiding is authorized by Solis under the following conditions:
          1)      The target is either unaligned or in an alliance consisting of fewer than five nations.
          2)      The target is not on the yellow team.
          3)      The raiding party ceases all attacks when asked to do so by the target.
          4)      The raiding party acknowledges all risks associated with raiding and accepts sole responsibility.
    b.      If a member consistently acts in a way that is detrimental to the alliance The Hoh, or any Princeps may expel that member from the alliance. Once the said nation is expelled, all ties to that nation will be cut, and the nation is free to join any alliance it so chooses. However, Solis reserves the right to warn whatever alliance they chose to join of the offenses committed by the expelled party.
    Any member is free to leave Solis whenever they so choose with no animosity or ill will whatsoever. In the event a member wishes to leave Solis, she/he is to message a member of government with a reason. If the member owes Solis or any of its member’s money or technology, the exiting member is expected to pay the money/technology back in a timely fashion.
    d.      In the event of a victorious war Solis will not demand reparations from a defensive party nor will we inflict terms that infringe upon the sovereign rights of another alliance. In the event of a defeat Solis will not accept terms that infringe upon our sovereignty including but not limited to, the cancellation of treaties, banning of members or the changing of any internal workings of the alliance. This article may not be amended in war time.
    e.      Solis recognizes its commitment to fulfill its obligation of creating the best environment for its members. If any member is unhappy or discontent with the direction of Solis they are free to address the government and the ruling body at any time. Solis will be run by the will of its members.

    Current Government:
    Hoh - BringMeTheHorizon

    Princeps of Mor - Wu Tang Clan
    Princeps of Pon - James Maximus
    Princeps of Xin - Furqan
    Princeps of Fis - Community

    Other Information:
    IRC: #Solis
    Forums: cn-solis.org
    Color: Yellow
    Protectorate: Dark Templar

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