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Posts posted by Poyplemonkeys

  1. [quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1291896712' post='2534804']
    On the Sheep? I thought only those from Scotland/New Zealand did that.

    I think you're confusing Scotland with Wales. Easily done, after all I can't name all the US states, why should you be able to name all of England's counties :P

  2. [quote name='Llanowar Elf' timestamp='1291796815' post='2533787']
    You fail to understand what i mean, or i was conveying it wrong. A polar attacking nation sends the report to the defending nation. If the defending nation deletes those reports quick enough, there is no way to calculate the damage because it is also removed from the sent message folder from the attacker. Which makes being able to collaborate the battle reports on athens end impossible.

    Apart from the screen you get completely separate to the battle reports showing you the damage done in the attack? Be better at collecting information in future.

    GATO did 3k NS damage per nation they put forward? That is utterly pathetic, even if you work under the assumption they were only in 1 war each :D

  3. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1291576655' post='2531067']
    With the minor exception that Athens, taking Sajasabies route, is simply helping a nation fighting against tremendous odds from an alliance that is essentially hitting it "just because." It is far beyond a tech raid. And is bullying at its finest.

    Actually choked with laughter at this.

    How can you have the temerity to call Sajasabie's actions bullying after what SWATland did to kick it all off? You are hilarious man, utterly hilarious. The idea that one cannot go rogue against a non-alliance is also pretty good too. I mean, it ignores the fact that most people go rogue against a single nation they don't like and the alliances just get brought in as a consequence of that, but that's part of the reason it amuses me.

  4. [quote name='SonOfHoward' timestamp='1291488760' post='2530092']
    If I recall Nemesis and Umbra had the top blitz stats in the Karma war. I don't know what happened to Nemesis after that but it was quite a fall.

    102% :smug:

    Don't think we fell away all that badly... We managed to counter a declaration on Browncoats with such speed and numbers that a friend of mine on the other side of 'THE TREATY WEB(c)' asked if we had spies ^_^

  5. [quote name='Believland' timestamp='1291505019' post='2530352']Wasn't Blacky the guy who tried to delete everyone on Admin's April fool joke?

    Just NPO. He told me he knew it was a joke while he was doing it but still had fun :awesome: Are you back Blacky? I would love this to be the case. I've missed you ^_^

  6. [URL=http://rapidshare.com/files/417285733/AirMe_Talkshow_-_Season_01_-_Episode_1.mp3]Episode 1[/URL]
    [URL=http://rapidshare.com/files/417287777/AirMe_Talkshow_-_Season_01_-_Episode_2.mp3]Episode 2[/URL]
    [URL=http://rapidshare.com/files/417289357/AirMe_Talkshow_-_Season_01_-_Episode_3.mp3]Episode 3[/URL]
    [URL=http://rapidshare.com/files/417290723/AirMe_Talkshow_-_Season_01_-_Episode_4.mp3]Episode 4[/URL]
    [URL=http://rapidshare.com/files/417292335/AirMe_Talkshow_-_Season_01_-_Episode_5.mp3]Episode 5[/URL]
    [URL=http://rapidshare.com/files/417294022/AirMe_Talkshow_-_Season_01_-_Episode_6.mp3]Episode 6[/URL]
    [URL=http://rapidshare.com/files/417295408/AirMe_Talkshow_-_Season_01_-_Episode_7.mp3]Episode 7[/URL]
    [URL=http://rapidshare.com/files/417297285/AirMe_Talkshow_-_Season_01_-_Episode_8.mp3]Episode 8[/URL]
    [URL=http://rapidshare.com/files/417300190/AirMe_Talkshow_-_Season_01_-_Episode_9.mp3]Episode 9[/URL]
    [URL=http://rapidshare.com/files/417301903/AirMe_Talkshow_-_Season_01_-_Episode_10.mp3]Episode 10[/URL]
    [URL=http://rapidshare.com/files/417303345/AirMe_Talkshow_-_Season_01_-_Episode_11.mp3]Episode 11[/URL]
    [URL=http://rapidshare.com/files/417304852/AirMe_Talkshow_-_Season_01_-_Episode_12.mp3]Episode 12[/URL]
    [URL=http://rapidshare.com/files/417922591/AirMe_Talkshow_-_Season_01_-_Episode_13.mp3]Episode 13[/URL]
    [URL=http://rapidshare.com/files/417925190/AirMe_Talkshow_-_Season_01_-_Episode_15.mp3]Episode 15[/URL]

    Episode 14 had a recording error so was only available live and never available for download.

  7. [quote name='williamson69' timestamp='1291343473' post='2528595']
    Yes, I love this. I just started listening to this. But I like it a lot. I would like to hear all of them. I want them. I have saved the episodes that are on this one so far. But I want to hear many more of these. But I think the other people you have talk on the show need to be able to be heard easier. Their voices are not nearly as clear as yours is.

    I will post links when I get home, unless Airme asks me not to. I sent them to him but judging by his posts he's been fairly busy and having a Rapidshare mirror when he does upload them to his site can't hurt anyway.

  8. When I was told about this last night I didn't really think too much of it. It's true that for me the Nemesis ideals and the reason I joined on day 1 died a long time ago and after a long time trying to turn things back I decided I needed to move on, so when I was told this was happening I wasn't surprised.

    I'll never forget my first year in the alliance as being the best time I've ever had on the Cyberverse. A year in the life of a pack of trolls indeed.

    However seeing it announced has really hit home, this has devastated me. Good luck wherever you go everyone, don't be strangers, ok? :(

  9. That's not an alliance policy? It's a choice every ruler makes. Join a protected alliance, get protection for your alliance, or remain unprotected. Every ruler in the game makes that choice and choosing to remain unprotected means you may get raided, by GOONS, or by any raiding alliance. You're still setting your own policy...

  10. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1291285574' post='2527940']
    You make war against unaligned nations who disagree with your policy.

    If that's not setting policy for them, what is?

    What policy is that setting for them? The policy of finding protection for their group of nations is the only one I can see being set, which is hardly a ridiculous policy to have?

  11. [quote name='SWAT128' timestamp='1291156072' post='2526777']
    Is there a reason you are so upset?
    Being upset wasn't a prerequisite to wishing ill will upon someone last time I checked. I simply hope your nation burns to the ground ^_^

    [quote name='im317' timestamp='1291158472' post='2526810']
    people always say to "do something about it" and now SWAT does something and people are upset, you really cant win here can you.

    What's he doing something about exactly? A serious answer to that might assuage me.

    [quote name='SWAT128' timestamp='1291158588' post='2526812']
    Well, he is in GOONS so I find it odd that he'd be complaining about this. They tend to be bigger jerks than myself.

    Well putting aside the fact you've specifically looked me up in order to make a point about my alliance affiliation rather than my beliefs, when GOONS are 'being bigger jerks' it's at least either fairly entertaining for the masses, or not announced to the masses.

    You could have upped the entertainment value of this by taking on someone who might represent a challenge to your nation, but alas, it was not to be. Rest assured, the soldiers of Poyplonia are quaking in their boots at this show of bravado from the mighty Catland.

    [i]Edit: Have edited this post 4 times now, refuse to do so again even if there are mistakes <_< [/i]

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