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Emperor Nicholas II

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Everything posted by Emperor Nicholas II

  1. lol i love ye old peace lets hope this battle stays between the big guys and us small frys sit, wait, collect
  2. you mean the 6 mil bribe lol even if i could afford to give bribe people to join my alliance i wouldn't i'd rather have 15 members i got to know and actually chatted to then to have 50 members who only joined cause i offered the most cash
  3. More pictures of this guy lol which are actual photos and not paintings
  4. well that we are the Russian Empire now i need my 2 guys to swap over now, the guy who had the name is in active so hope he vanishes soon so its all mine =D
  5. Come one people what are you waiting for? join the Russian Empire!
  6. Lol i expected someone else to make this Alliance but i guess Kevin doesn't play Cyber nations only Battledawn.
  7. The Empire of Russia is your only choice Join Now!
  8. The German Empire is the wave of the future! =) (along with the Russian Empire) lol
  9. Anyone like my flag? i am no way creative so this was about an hours work to make lol
  10. Citizens my man, my people are slaves of no body, And thanks to Alfred von Schliefen for his kind words lets hope in the future our 2 Empires may work together to create one Great European Coalition.
  11. We stay true and honest to the people, and will not let them down. Well i saw the German Empire so i was like yeah we need a Russian Empire =)
  12. The Russian Empire The Empire of Russia, founded due to the unruliness of lands of Russia the people there need stability and our Government System established with a lengthly Constitution ensuring all Citizens of the Empires have rights, there is a proper government structure with a Duma that the citizens vote people in, and the Council of the Empire which is the upper house. I as Emperor work in conjunction with the government and is not a absolute monarchy where only i have say in what happens. We need more members 17 is not enough! can't even have elections yet due to there being so few people =/ The Empire seeks citizens for its expanding borders and needs YOU! to be that person to fill the ranks, there are many positions within the Empire so there won't be a dull moment here. The Empire cannot really be considered an Alliance per say as of yet being one clueless idiot who wanted to gun it out and lead a bunch of people to victory lol Why should you really join me? Good question we are a white team color alliance so it is least likely you have to convert in terms of colors and can keep the trade you currently have. I cannot offer you petty bribes like a lot of the bigger alliances do to get you to join them but i can offer you a place in a small but emerging alliance that will be a positive example of an alliance for all, there be no hating here, the Government of Russia will ensure everyone has a fair say in the Empires Governance and that no one and i mean NO One will ever be left out everyone has a voice here. Sign up here: http://russianempire.forummotion.com/portal.htm We even have a Twitter Twitter of the Empire I do my best as Emperor of Russia and hope you do the good thing and sign up! Member of Mitteleuropa so we are protected well so do not even think about it! Мы работаем вместе, как один, мы боремся, как один, как мы дышим, мы являемся одним! Roughly meaning We work together as one, we fight as one, as we breathe, we are one!
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