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Bionic redhead

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Posts posted by Bionic redhead

  1. 1 hour ago, Jazzy95 said:

    Not you literally cropping out 15 and 38 because they're in war mode 🙈 Also show @BigKif some respect, he's done more damage than like 90% of people in his tier.


    It's also literally a quarter of your alliance, at a tier where you need all the firepower you can get, sitting in peace mode. But no it doesn't matter because 2 out of 24 nations were cropped out.


    Changing the subject though, what does CLAMS think about GATO aiding a nation you're at war with? Because 3 of their guys, including their finance minister, did just that.

  2. 13 hours ago, DeathAdder said:


    Frankly, I don't believe that buying up to 2k, 3k, 4k infra each round makes one good at fighting, but hey, you do you and keep patting yourself on the back because you can do the same as anyone else and down-declare.


    Which is a fun idea, except for the most part I've stuck at the minimum infra needed to buy boats/planes/nukes (so 2k and then 1k once my boats were all sunk). Out of interest, how exactly did you manage to bulk up 11k NS overnight? Surely it wasn't buying up to 2k, 3k or even 4k infra in order to fight in a down-declare? Methinks you might be projecting your own failures. I mean besides your failure to lead NPO effectively, your failure to maintain allies that can carry their weight and won't just turn on you, your failure to win the war or even your failure to fight worth a damn.

  3. 1 hour ago, DeathAdder said:


    I love that you're so upset that I didn't buy above 1k to offset your Mars wonder and instead just nuked you that you have to whine about it on the OWF. Never change.


    Yes I'm very upset and whining about the fact that I beat you hands down both times. Woe is me. The word you're actually looking for is 'disappointed'. I was hoping that someone who proclaimed themselves as "terror of the mid-tier" would be good at fighting, because most other people who made such a proclamation and then turned out to be a bit naff would die of cringe and embarrassment.

  4. 1 hour ago, Stonewall14 said:

    Exactly we are aiding our whole coalition and will do so for duration np...your coalitions is going broke fast 🤡

    Did you really start giving aid so you could talk !@#$....🤑



    Does this mean that you'll actually try fighting back? It was funny to see you buy back up to 2k infra only to then throw away half your navy, but all you've done for the last 3 days is run blockades and spy ops against me. Be a sport and run a GA or two. I need the casualties and you're turning out to be even more ineffectual in combat than "Terror of the mid-tier" @DeathAdder.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Kapleo said:


    Maybe that's what Non Grata wants, or most of it. It's quite clear it's not what the coalition as a whole wants. Walls have ears, and your coalition is getting louder about this.



    Seems it is not only Sarkin all there is to worry about. There's a bunch of alliances that very much would prefer to go back to die. It's a forced march. Not everyone will be able to keep a pace like the Legion's or FTW's.


    Point is, it's bound to happen with your current setting. Herogasm is a Frankenstein of a coalition. Bunch of folks there that loathe each other and got stuck in a fabricated war. NG may be able to and may even want to maintain the current pace, but not everyone will want to do it with/for you or others. 


    Get everyone in the same page. Otherwise it's a matter of time before Frankenstein collapses like a house of cards.


    That's certainly an 'interesting' take on reality.

  6. 1 hour ago, DeathAdder said:

    Status Quo Ante Bellum generally means that the parties don't impose onerous terms on one another. Telling you that we aren't letting Polar out early, or pointing out that OG/OBR entered in stating in their DoW they were a separate coalition isn't onerous terms.


    Stay in. I don't really give a $%&@. Pacifica has half the game trying to park on our alliance and we're still out-damaging your side and will be back to full strength post-rebuild long before any of you.



    Also NPO: Why does nobody like us and why are our allies looking to ditch us at the earliest opportunity?

  7. 26 minutes ago, Thrash said:

    Why is this in alliance announcements?


    Apparently it's Doom's official opinion of NG. Also their private opinion of 'Ron, NPO and CLAMS, but we don't talk about that. Of course if this is the standard that Doom have been reduced to then we should probably just declare victory already without the pretense of peace talks.

  8. 2 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


    They do make for good piggy banks to break open, though that's more something which benefits me more than it does them. 


    Considering you're below £50 million you do kinda need the money.


    3 hours ago, paul711 said:

    Maybe if you guys talk a little nicer we will give your guys some tips,  a few seem, what's the word,  noobish in thier fighting skills.


    Gaslighting is certainly an interesting strategy ...

  9. 11 hours ago, Highroad said:


    Funny but there are only one or two of us that have been in PM for a little while, majority have been grinding since June 29th. (Possibly before that with the UCR conflict).


    So not quite accurate but we will be out to see you I'm sure!


    * Edit - After looking through the NG nation list... Ya'll really don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to nations that have been sitting in PM for a few months 🙉


    The difference is you have half of DS in peace mode and there's almost nobody left above 3k NS, but with half of NG in peace mode we can still beat up 4 other alliances.

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