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Posts posted by KingChris

  1. [quote name='Pravus Ingruo' date='23 June 2010 - 11:23 PM' timestamp='1277353410' post='2348447']
    [center][size="5"][u][b]QUARTERFINAL RESULTS[/b][/u][/size][/center]

    United States of America v. [b]Republic of Tahoe[/b] 0-1
    The match was a tale of missed opportunities and wild momentum swings. The United States, still carrying their momentum from their 4-2 victory over the Isara Alliance, attacked against Tahoe from the opening whistle. A shot that found the back of the net in the 21st minute off the foot of Clint Slate was disallowed due to Slate being offsides. Another chance by Slate in the second half rang off the right post and skirted wide of the net. Jozy Albers also missed a chance at an open net in the second half. With another Republic of Tahoe match looking like it was going to penalty kicks, the United States went on the attack just into stoppage time. A cross from Ricardo Duncan lead to a header on the far post by Edson Buchanon that was handled easily by Goslan Bourkia. As the United States team slowly turned to start back upfield, thinking the match would be over soon, Bourkia fired the ball up the pitch to Bouaziz Hanouf who began a fast breakout that resulted in five Tahoean attackers facing two American defenders and the keeper. Near the penalty area, Hanouf passed the ball out wider to Naim Daoudi who crossed it low to streaking wonderboy Gersom Salem. Salem and USA keeper Brad Garthwaite met at the ball at the same point, sending Salem tumbling over Garthwaite and the ball ricocheting out into the middle of the penalty area. Hanouf, still trailing the play, raced in and buried a right-footed shot into the back of the net, scoring at 90+1 minutes. The United States looked stunned and never again mounted a chance, as Tahoe advanced to the semifinals, 1-0.
    OOC: Disallowed goal? Five against two? Race-in goal? 90+1st minute? Are you sure you didn't manipulate the results so that the US would be the other team of today's game? :P

    Press release to come later.

  2. [quote name='HHAYD' date='23 June 2010 - 08:55 PM' timestamp='1277344500' post='2348312']
    Thomas Hankie: "What happens when there are two or more people with every different points of view and are competing for the only spot?..."

    Jake Ben: "And besides, its a tradition to verbally bash each other and then forgive each other once when someone receives the spot."

    [i]Meanwhile, the other three continue arguing and are on the verge of punching each other.[/i]
    "The question was intended for those who were actually flaming, but thank you for your answers, gentlemen."

  3. Governor Sepulveda had just arrived in Texas from the GPS Conference a few days ago, tired, stressed. As Shehatta was giving his speech about the supposed hypocrisy of the United States, John Sepulveda wasn't in his office, watching and taking notes.

    He was on the beach near Mermaid Pier, Galveston, celebrating his 1st anniversary with his wife. Alas, he finally had a refuge away from politics; away from security; away from chaos. And when John had realized the morning before that his wife was pregnant with their first child, how could he be happier? The sun was setting, and John and his wife Jaime walked on the beach. John smiled nostalgically as they walked; it was the site of their first date and many dates after. Leaning down, he proceeded to repeat his most favored memory, as he started to etch in the sand. His wife watched in awe as she saw John forming the "John + Jaime," surrounded by a heart. As he looked back up, he saw Jaime's face, the sun's rays radiating outward. Becoming teary-eyed, he thought, "I'm finally going to have a family with the most beautiful and most loving wife I could have." Getting back up, he took a step towards Jaime, said, "I love you," closed his eyes, and moved his face toward Jaime. She did the same, and they recreated the moment they were married exactly one year ago. It seemed to both of them that that one kiss would last forever.

    To them, it would. A gigantic explosion raced towards the beach, and as it passed through, the lovers' skin began to erode, followed by the bones. By the time anything was visible, the beach was destroyed. The emblem John made was missing. The couple and their baby was gone. Their hopes and dreams perished.

    [b]**Austin, Texas. Shortly after the nuclear explosion**[/b]

    "Holy @#$%. Hey, call the governor."

    "Uh...hold on...he's not picking up."

    "Haven't you two forgotten? He's on vacation, celebrating his anniversary with the First Lady."

    "Where is he? Maybe the local police will know where to find him."

    "He's at...oh &@*%!!! %&$@!!! We're all screwed!!!"

  4. Question asked by a Texan independent media company:

    Excuse us, Mr. Akhmed S., but we just have a quick question: do you ever intend on becoming a suicide bomber? In fact, do you think this picture looks like you?


  5. [center][url=http://i.imagehost.org/download/0069/USA_Soccer_Pile][img]http://i.imagehost.org/t/0069/USA_Soccer_Pile.jpg[/img][/url]
    [i]USA Soccer Players are Toppled After the Victory[/i]

    [size="5"][font="Impact"]USA Defeats Isara Alliance 4-2, Advances to Quarterfinals[/font][/size]

    In the country's first international sports competition, the United States team proves its skill and determination after narrowly advancing to the knockout stage by pushing around the Isara Alliance. With morale high at the beginning of the game, the US pounded the soccer ball into the goal one, two, three, four times before the half. After that, the game was pretty much over as far as the US was concerned, as the goalie allowed two goals. Still, at the end, the moment that the US team and fans had been waiting for finally came when the referee blew the final whistle. The US will be facing The Republic of Tahoe next. The US has played Tahoe once in this Cup before, and the match ended in a 2-2 draw. However, with the US being #14, and Tahoe being ranked #6, chances are, Tahoe will narrowly win this one, possibly 3-2 in the shootout. Coach Lacci of the US chuckled and commented, "We were going to send the Tahoan coach a bottle of champagne for defeating Labrador for us, but seeing that we're playing next, I think I'll just share it with my team for their best game yet."

  6. [quote name='ottawa1234' date='23 June 2010 - 12:02 AM' timestamp='1277269337' post='2347342']
    Bohovia remains neutral in this war...however...should Bohovian sovereignty be violated, we will take significant military action.
    **Private Message to Bohovia**

    The United States activated the defense clause of the GODSWILL treaty.

  7. The United States of America invites nations to send an association football team (soccer), a basketball team, a baseball team, and an American football team to the U.S. to compete in a summer tournament involving those four sports. The games will be hosted all around the country. The finals for each sport would have taken place in Washington, but due to the recent attack, and due to the upcoming war with the GLS, they have been moved south to Dallas.

    For basketball, there will be either 6, 12 or 24 teams allowed, depending on how many teams sign up. If a number between 12 and 24 teams sign up by the deadline, the teams in each region will face off, with the winners advancing to the classic. The teams will then be split up into groups of six, where they will enter round-robin matches. At the end, the top four in each group will advance to a single-elimination stage.

    For baseball, there will be either 8 or 16 teams featured. The same procedure will be followed if a number of teams between 8 and 16 sign up for the deadline. Each team that qualifies will play every other team once, then the top half will advance to single-elimination.

    For association football, the classic will follow the same format as the Cup of Nations II with 8, 16, or 32 teams.

    For American football, all teams that sign up will qualify, and they will be split into two groups and play 16 matches. The top 6 teams in each group will then face off in a playoff style similar to that of the Gridiron World Cups.

    Nations may sign up in this format:

    Nation Name:
    National Team Name:
    World Continent:

    Deadline: July 15th

    Current teams:

    Basketball: USA, United Isocoles, Queendom of Australia, Alaskan Union, Carthage, Zargathia

    Baseball: USA, United Isocoles, Funky Republic of Puerto Rico, Queendom of Australia, Alaskan Union, Carthage, Vietnam, Zargathia, Girltopia

    Association Football: USA, United Isocoles, Funky Republic of Puerto Rico, Queendom of Australia, Alaskan Union, Isara Alliance, Carthage, Vietnam, Alaska Republic, USC, Zargathia

    American Football: USA, United Isocoles, Queendom of Australia, Alaskan Union, Carthage, Alaska Republic, Girltopia, Zargathia

    OOC: I would've started this earlier, but seeing that there are two sports tournaments that are ongoing and one to follow, I'm going to wait until things die down. All sports except for soccer and football will use the fantasy draft. Basketball will use NBA Live 10, baseball will use MLB 2K10, football will use Madden 10 with the teams based off the IFAA rankings (to be determined with Sargun's Gridiron cups), and soccer will use FIFA '10, with the teams being based off of the IFAA rankings.

  8. [quote name='Fizzydog' date='20 June 2010 - 09:59 PM' timestamp='1277089157' post='2344531']
    We ar enow going to join GODSWILL. We have permission, I take it?
    You will be peer reviewed by the other members of the bloc, and a vote will take place following that.

    OOC: Hey guys, considering that the U.S. is run by two players, should we get one or two votes? Or how about every nation gets two votes (send an additional representative or something)?

  9. [center][url=http://a.imagehost.org/view/0874/a_2][img]http://a.imagehost.org/t/0874/a_2.jpg[/img][/url]
    [i]Clint Slate kicks the ball off the Chinese goalie for a goal as he cowers[/i]

    [b][u]USA Advances to Knockout Round[/u][/b][/center]
    Realizing that winning the game would be crucial to advancing to the knockout round, the U.S. team began the game determined to defeat their opponent. When the first whistle blew, they took the game into their own hands by scoring two decisive goals to take the lead. They were caught by surprise, however, in the 44th minute, when a Chinese player managed to rocket the ball past the goalkeeper. However, after the half, and realizing how much they wanted to win, managed to score off an absolutely amazing header. When the final whistle blew, the team stormed on the field, extremely ecstatic that they had pulled in their first victory of the Cup. They were even more joyful when they discovered that Tahoe had defeated Labrador, guaranteeing a U.S. entry into the knockout round. How will they do there? Who knows. They play the Isara Alliance first, who is ranked 8 spots lower than the U.S., but got first in their group. But for now, millions of U.S.A. citizens, including the ones on the field, will be celebrating their dramatic entry.

  10. [quote name='HHAYD' date='20 June 2010 - 10:01 AM' timestamp='1277046069' post='2343761']
    USa has declared war on us and their treaty friends are joining the fight. We need assistance, please.
    "Au contraire, you failed to deliver your promise of non-aggression by allowing terrorist attacks to jump over our border. We find no reason why the CAN should support you, especially considering the fact that we were forced to disband a PEACE summit to deal with this situation. The lives of many, many foreign dignitaries were placed in jeopardy, and we will not allow that to happen on our soil."

  11. [quote name='Markus Wilding' date='20 June 2010 - 09:05 AM' timestamp='1277042698' post='2343732']
    OOC: Waitwaitwait.

    Hold up the truck here. I was given 48 hours, and because I wasn't on for one, I get DoW'd? That sounds ^&%$ed up, to say the least. Can you guys at least WAIT one damn hour for me to finish eating breakfast before you start killing me? Apparently not.
    OOC: zoot DoW'd you because you tried to aid the U.S. and York in attacking Canada. It had nothing to do with responding to our ultimatum.

  12. [quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='20 June 2010 - 04:40 AM' timestamp='1277026800' post='2343571']
    We will allow observers from other nations, but request only treaty partners send military forces into the country at this time. The reason for this is the U.S. has not shared intelligence with these nations to facilitate the recognition of friend and foe on the ground. If formal diplomatic ties are established and this information is communicated we'll be glad to work with other nations as partners in remedying this multi-lateral concern.[/quote]

    Private Message to the President:

    Mr. President,

    It has occurred to me that the attack in Washington could have been aimed at and could have potentially killed all foreign guests at the Global Summit. In addition to this, J Andres and the FRA were also attacked. Therefore, I would like to suggest to you that we allow any nation to send military forces, provided that they sign a [b]temporary[/b] agreement to share intelligence.

    Gov. Sepulveda

  13. [quote name='HHAYD' date='20 June 2010 - 12:39 AM' timestamp='1277012324' post='2343467']
    In Washington D.C.:

    Preisdent HI was sitting inside his ordinary looking but heavily armored car on the Pennsylvania Avenue. It could withstand heavy bullet fire and small shells, but heavy AT missiles would demolish it. Engineers were well aware of the weakness so they build a concealed 20mm turret and radar device into the roof. If an bomb, rocket, or missile is detected incoming, then the 20mm turret will open up and fire. However, the three former TUO's members were also aware of the car's design so they had the operative use a powerful radio jammer to prevent the radar from picking up anything.

    As the Capitol building came into view, the stop lights flashed red and the car stopped. Suddenly, from one of the apartment buildings about three miles away, an AT rocket was fired from a masked man armed with a LATNT covered with thermite packages, targeting President HI's car. Just as the stoplight flashed green again and the car be begin to move, the AT rocket sliced through the armoring and ignited inside the car, vaporizing President HI, his driver, and two personal body guards. The blast shattered other cars' windows that were too close and blew the armored car's shattered windows and the door away. Flames were seen leaping out of every opening of the armored car such as the busted windows. If Caudill looked out one of the Capitol building's windows that faced toward the Penn Ave, he would quickly noticed a burning wreckage lying on one of the avenue's intersections.

    As for the operative, he lighted the thermite to melt the LATNT and the radio jammer into an unidentifiable chunk of burnt metal and escaped.
    Before Secret Service Agents could stop him, as soon as he heard about the missle attack, Gov. Sepulveda sprinted out to the west side balcony of the Capitol Building. He made a quick glance at the armored car just in time to see a masked man light it. Sepulveda sprinted towards that area, barely missing any explosion that tried to kill him, only to see the man escape into the smoke. The governor raced into the smoke, looking for the culprit.

  14. [quote name='Markus Wilding' date='19 June 2010 - 08:00 PM' timestamp='1276995628' post='2343286']
    ***Private to USA/York***
    We offer a comprimise to the situation at hand. If we assist you in attacking Canadian forces in both Coruscanta and their homeland, would you be willing to allow us to keep our land?
    We reject your proposal. Our intentions are to bring stability into the area, not needlessly sacrifice troops.

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