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Posts posted by Z3000

  1. I wonder how hard it is to make your on Alliance?I'm new and all,and all of the Alliance's that are "trying" to get me to join them are not of my liking and I was wondering what all it toke to make one?

    If you've never been in an alliance don't even bother trying. You need an idea in how an alliance works. Get yourself settled down in a nice alliance and get into government there. Then maybe.. maybe you can think about starting your own. It'd actually be best if you were in some clan in a diffrent game and have some of them join it. If you haven't and your thinking of one of those rule the world things then it won't work unless you happen to have a genie on hand.

  2. Would You really like to eat troll? You might get infected :P Always make sure trolls are fully cooked and even if it is, throw it out! IT'S A TROLL

    some people have no taste. Troll tastes best when it's cooked in a toaster and wrapped in cheese.

    edit: Randomly quoted someone

  3. seems like a good thread to put. Give a good warning to other alliances. btw the size doesn't work.

    oh and also

    kingofwolves: Shows no regard for tech raid policy even after the leader of the alliance in question (KoTC0 sent a PM to him. He already has replied to thers so it's clear he's ignoring

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