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Posts posted by Z3000

  1. KoTC is a small alliance with 14 nations and about 150k ns. You can play an active role in KoTC as we have elections every two months. To my knoledge we have never launched a full-scale conflict.(One was only partial)

    We are also an active alliance with several expierienced nations. And If you want to grow we have start-up aid as well as tech eals.

  2. I'm trying to start a new alliance, I have a forum, but the problem I'm having trouble recruiting people to join the alliance. The alliance has a few members, but we're way too small to give out aid to nations who are joining. Does anyone have some suggestions that'd help me recruit more members?

    OK after reading the other post qwhen you said this was your second nation. I'd say that you should get a good protecter first of all. They also usually do tech deals too so that would help your ns growth

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