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Posts posted by Z3000

  1. What will be of the NPO after this war?

    The lower third of the sanction chart for a while

    What kind of changes do you see the NPO will do after this war?

    probably A change in foreign policy

    Will the NPO play a role on the next war? If so, in what capacity?

    most likely not. They'll still be rebuilding

    Will there be an alliance that is willing to sign a treaty with the NPO, If so, which ones?

    there are a few.

    Do you see any Karma alliance being allied with the NPO? If so, who and why?

    a couple still hold treaties with them. The alliances fighting them, probably not for a very long time

    Will the NPO seek vengeance?

    yes they will.

    Will the NPO disband?

    probably not they still are sanctioned you know

    Will there be a leadership change in the NPO?

    once again most likely not

    Do you want to see a leadership change in the NPO? If so? Who do you want to lead it?

    meh I want to see it. Don't kow who should though.

    What kind of political influence the NPO have left towards the CN community? Do they still have any?

    very little if they have any at all

    Feel free to answer all or some of the questions I post. I might come here and add more questions if I think of something good to ask.

  2. Haha, I was actually looking forward to this war until I realized how large his alliance was. He also just got put into Anarchy (Big surprise ^_^). So much for an alliance war it's almost like an alliance slaughter. :huh:

    I know I bet WAPA is begging for mercy right now :P

    Radium will win! :P

  3. No look at the terms other alliances have gotten from NPO and allies of NPO, it makes perfect sense for them to get the same treatment back. The NPO for too long have held there noses high saying that they were the over rulers of CN and would try to squash any person that came after them, there are those who would never be erased no matter how many times they were Zied no matter how much crap was thrown at them. These are the true people of CN the ones who don't give a damn about others opinions.

    you know we're not actually giving them the same treatment. Notice the lack of a Viecory.

  4. The Republic of Lenahan lives without toasters, microwaves, or ovens.

    We cook our food with fires like the cavemen before us.

    Technology of any kind would be appreciated... B)

    but I thought you roasted the bodies of your children and ate them? Here in the nation I own we eat our own legs raw :P

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