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    Destiny Land
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    Nusantara Elite Warriors
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. New is new, kaskus is kaskus We dont care about what happen to kaskus in their war. It just canceling the trade is affecting directly to new member trade. And you call its okay..... Cuih cuih cuih..... Chicken pok pok pok.......... :kabur: Edit: Ps. We are now in war with int and mw Bcause the sanction, some member can not purchase nuke, just because of the senate sanctioning kaskus nation
  2. Poor alliance..... Can not win to a tiny alliance (kaskus), and now using a chicken pok pok pok way (sanction) Only Maho using embrassing act like that :ngakak: *sorry for poor english..... :)
  3. i would like to nominate FEAR and WFF for the most honorable alliances
  4. [center][IMG]http://i52.tinypic.com/2akab9z.png[/IMG] NEW ANNOUNCEMENT[/center] NEW has to pay 60M and 1000 Technologies to DF nations that we attacked, they are 6 nations according to this: [IMG]http://i53.tinypic.com/o5534k.png[/IMG] so we did divide it into Reps 1 to 20 ( @ $3,000,000 + 50 Technologies ): [IMG]http://i51.tinypic.com/slnslu.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i52.tinypic.com/5pj5mo.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i52.tinypic.com/291jhia.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i56.tinypic.com/2mfk79.png[/IMG] It's done, we keep our promise and finally Happy NEW Year!!! Signed, Wukong, Great Prophet of NEW Mahoism and Tusbol Game Founder
  5. [quote name='Finnish Commie' timestamp='1293608413' post='2557138'] I am fairly certain if NEW went attacking those guys they'd have a new war in their hands [/quote] well, commie, you can make yourself believe that this time you are the winner... watch up your step commie
  6. [center][img]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm105/adanyaboeloe/NEWFlag.png[/img][/center] Dear alliance leaders of the world, It has come to our attention that some members of our former allies in TPF and TOOL are not aware that the treaty shared between Nusantara and them had been officially cancelled long ago. The time of cancellation was real unfortunate, it was near the outbreak of the global war. Thus, we have chosen to not announce the treaty cancellation in open world forum in order to not destroying the moral of "our side". Also, we do not want any misunderstanding about our position in the war. If all is sane, we should not worry about that since we still hold our treaty with FEAR, which means we were not attempting to run from the war. But, we were worry that some people could go all crazy, believing !@#$ as pizza, even if you told them loud and clear, that it is not. The reason for the cancellation, if you must now: [list] [*]TOOL: a government to government discussion about the scope of our treaty reveals that there are many situation where what we thought should be a mandatory defense but could become optional defense in their view. [*]TPF: we were disappointed by how the aggression by GOD, Ragnarok, \m/ and Athens against TPF ends. It could have been an awesome war. [/list] Our relation to both TPF and TOOL remain good and we still consider them as good friends. signed, Mahaprabu: Cyrus0321 Mahapatih: Gantanx Panglima Maho: Wukong
  7. NEW dont need aid sir as long DF keep retroops and fight us back we can get the money from loot
  8. agree.... lets see who will be the winner the challenger or defender
  9. wow now you are telling your alliance DOW NEW with incative nations??? im sure now DF is only want to claim victory from other aliance hard working....
  10. in my dictionary, i call it coward and please, tell Ancest III and Taukhla to fight back i cant get land and tech from them as long they do not retroops or fight back
  11. Dark Fist, please.... please fight back HATRICK???
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