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Everything posted by Myalam

  1. I don't know of sustainable (not coming together just to attack someone) alliances existing today which don't either give money or lend money at a low rate. Essentially I was saying that all alliances have 'bribe money', some is just more hidden than other.
  2. Though NPO presumeably does give money to members in the alliance.
  3. We give 3,000,000,000,000,000 in one day! EDIT: In fact we give a far more modest 300k. 1m!?! Yikes, your alliance has money to give and then some.
  4. I'm saddened by the lack of the ODK in your stats. Are you planning to increase the number of alliances in the statistics, reduce the number to keep to the current 56? I'm also curious about how you get your stats. Do you look them up/get people to send them or do you have a special way to get the alliances listed?
  5. None, almost 3 months old now.
  6. I was just counting the resource boost, not the boost + improvements and the wonder.
  7. Oh, I thought he/she was talking about purchasing 1500 infra (to get to 2430 infra), not reaching 1500 infra. My mistake.
  8. I would only get 285 infra (with the industrial set).
  9. I'd agree that going with all pop boosters is useful to get new improvements (though the optimal industrial one gives almost all pop boosters anyway [1.24 vs 1.29 pop boost]).
  10. Sorry about that. It would be useful if an official (or at least officially endorsed) calculator was on the forum. Using the 'removed site' calculator you would need to spend about 41m at your current position. If you obtained the full set of factories it would only be 27m. If you had 5 factories and also got aluminium you would need 24m. What are Uranium and Gold paired with in your trades?
  11. The removed site has a calculator. ... Was that against the rules?
  12. Wouldn't it be better in the industrial set to have pigs rather than sugar (at 5k infra)? I'm wondering if I should swap them.
  13. Everything causes war here . Only if they try to steal a bridge (infra)! Which is why I find it odd that peace mode nations can be attacked with these features... Now that would be a bit overpowered, considering that war hinges on how fast you can get your enemy into anarchy. It would simply overpower any quad attack.
  14. Couldn't that lead to alliances getting smaller members to change larger members' government so that they (as an example) could have monarchy as the preference of the population when it wasn't before? You can also attack Switzerland with a nuclear weapon in real life... EDIT: Makes a bit more sense now.
  15. Well you do help in other ways than donations. I have the Industrial set (The best Industrial set) 2999.99 infra (soon to be much larger) I get donation deals.
  16. Or wait for a few days, secure a donor (but don't get a donation yet), spend your money on infra THEN get the donation. See if a wall increases your income also get the Satelite defense one. Others should only be bought during wartime.
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