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Everything posted by Viper

  1. I agree with you guys on this suggestion, would be a lot more action.
  2. I agree that we need more than 3mill so that we can get bigger faster and do what CN TE was made for...now 1bill - thats epic!
  3. I love how this turned from expelling a member to a Battle.net Clan haha
  4. Il Impero Romano: MisleadRH posted logs about how we were going to kill the NPO even though we had been playing with him on many different games for many years, and we trusted him. Elborrador is a wise man and felt his alliance in danger, why would you want him to defend the guy?
  5. Poor diplomats, must be bored out of their minds then since you loooooove picking on small alliances. I actually do have another question. Is it by fear, or by war hunger that you have attacked us?
  6. Please tell me you're not one of NPO's Diplomats? Wait, do you guys even have diplomats?
  7. How did we spit on those things my friend? We were having good tech deals and a peaceful time and you say we spat on all of it :lol:? I think I missed something because we really liked IRON but then you decided to cancel everything when you saw a picture saying LordNightmare wanted to kill the NPO a month ago.
  8. Just to get a few things straight. We have NOT attacked your forums. You guys saying we are the DevilDogs and have a bad reputation for ddosing the NPO forums, well the guy that threatened to attack their forums is the exact same guy that got kicked out of Jarheads and posted the logs saying we were going to attack the NPO.
  9. I am the Jarheads Secretary of State, and I would be more than glad to do diplomacy with you guys. But I was gone for one day, came back, and the war had already started. You saw the logs and attacked without talking to Jarhead's president, VP, or anybody... I don't call that trying to do diplomacy
  10. ^says the guy that talked crap about NPO, ddosed their forums, and even threatened them during the DD war.. Warning to the clan he is in right now: I would advise you kick him out or not give him any access to anything, because when he PMSs he'll get your alliance killed right away by making up bs. Just trying to help you out. yeah...our leader is a Marine, idiot.
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