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Posts posted by Random

  1. Hey Moo, remember when you asked TDSM8 to pay more reps than we had? Remember when you changing the terms and holding us demilitarized for 6 months killed our alliance? Remember when you asked Athens for 6/7 of their tech? Remember when you held GATO in a viceroy for a year? Remember when you perma warred FAN? Remember all the people you forced out of this game? Remember all the homes you destroyed? Shut the $%&@ up. You are playing a pity boat when you deserve none. Im so sick of you guys trying to act like you deserve any better than this.

    Won the *%#$ing thread. You deserve a medal.

  2. Simply partaking in discussion does not make you a supporter of one side or another. I would like to think that in my time here I have been consistent in calling out people - both sides - when I see, in particular faulty argumentation style or things I disagree with. Simply disagreeing with someone does not make them my enemy.

    That's not it at all. I have no problem with opposition but this guy has been continually insulting Karma alliances or individual members for awhile now. Notice in Tyga's avatar title he has "Blizzaro-Moo" in it? Yup Nizzle was the one that had said it to him as a way of insult. Now he's trying to make our MDP allies in Vanguard look like...actually I'm not really sure what he's trying to prove(honestly he's been "no this! oh wait no that!" there's no point to it) here but the demeanor is insulting. He comes into the thread acts like he's the messiah of morals and then when asked for factual evidence and logic he refuses and continues ranting on about his own morals trying to force it onto everyone. I absolutely despise people like him, simple as that.

  3. You haven't read the thread, Revanche, because these comments litter the thread. From MoDs to dozens of members to prominent members back to MoDs. Don't try to insult my intelligence by claiming you have read the thread and found no such statements.

    From statements calling these pre-terms, which are prevalent on the first 10 pages, to disagreement over whether or not NPO has to leave peace to get surrender terms. It's all in this thread for your easy review. If you don't wish to admit this, that's fine by me. You certainly aren't under any obligation to do so.

    Again, I am not going to pull up every single post in this thread, and others, that proves my statement. Insofar as effectively and decisively winning a war? Well, the two of us apparently disagree on what that means. I don't view it as stomping an enemy into a bloody pulp, but then again I rather enjoy war and competition.

    My posts lack the slightest grasp on fact or logic? That's laughable, considering the statements you have made within. I guess making the claim "It only exists if you want it to" works for both sides of an argument, eh? Also, as I am not involved in the NPO front nor in any war effort that would indeed make you and your allies "your side". At least, that makes the most sense to me. There is your side, the other side, and me. Pretty clear.

    If clear questions, alternate methods, and trying to sort out conflicting statements is "smearing"...then I guess that is what I'm doing. Until I, persistently, get attacked by enraged individuals such as yourself I don't have any issues.

    It has to be a policy, then? I thought high ranking members of other alliances stating such was good enough. Silly me. I guess the argument only works when you are shouting down your enemies...then every member represents their alliance?

    I believe in free speech, so I'm unclear as to what you are talking about. It's your folks that paint every member as a representative of their alliance. It was a pretty little rant, though, and one quite supportive of free speech. I do appreciate it.

    Had you taken a few deep breaths before raging away at your keyboard, the thought might have crossed your mind. "Hmm...neither of those numbers represent NPO's strength accurately. Yet one happens to be one-fourth of the other. How interesting."

    A smear campaign? Yet again, the behavior is unacceptable when it's done TO you and not BY you. I gave you the chance to take your disagreement with me into private venues, yet instead here we sit shouting back and forth at each other.

    You've read the thread, and it's hilarious that you are trying to paint me as a beacon of morality. I don't believe I, or anyone else you 'smear' with this, have attempted to impart some divine moral code onto you. Unfortunately, statements such as this and the fact you responded publicly instead of sorting our personal disagreement out in private, only displays the fact that in your moment of glory you cannot take any sort of criticism.

    Oh, but wait, there's more. I'm sure you will shortly post about how you can handle criticism so long as it's based in fact and logic. You may then continue to insist I am neither, and therefor I am 'smearing' (Again, only your side can do that) as opposed to offering criticism. I care not. I will continue to voice my disagreement, ask my questions, and gather information into the way the war is being handled. Speaking of that, how can you claim these terms are not required to be met for final peace...yet still claim they must suffer more? It's obvious they cannot suffer much more unless they leave peace. Quite a pickle.

    It's been great, Revanche, and I'm sure you feel better for the exchange. I'm certain you are gloating about making me look "quite the fool". Frankly, I'm disappointed though. I would have thought that you of all people would address my issues in private as opposed to continuing to fan the flames. It's only bad when the other people do it, right?

    As always, if you would actually read the thread instead of claiming to have done so, good luck with the war. There has never been a disagreement over the war, only over the execution and demeanor. I, personally, think you are exacting more revenge than anything else. I guess that's just me instilling some of that "morale code", though. Damn it all. I'll try again, though. Feel free to take this up with me. I doubt you will, though. Regardless, I won't respond to you. Not again. I will respond to arguments over why it's not overkill, how fast NPO can regrow, why these terms are absurd, etc. I won't partake in your continuing crusade to attack individuals and blame alliances while expecting no blow back. Enjoy enforcing your double standard.

    Alright I was going to make a long post stating reasons why your nonsensical crap is just that but your not worth the effort so I'll just leave you with a very famous 1 liner.

    It's quite obvious that you support the NPO and as your a member of government you would be well within your rights to, oh I don't know, assist them militarily? If your going to talk the talk then walk the walk as well.

  4. Liberals in Canada don't support change so as far as I'm concerned--epic fail. [OOC]Also I never regret anything on a game.[/OOC]

    Edit : Apparently I can't even spell my own countries name :lol1:

  5. A hypocrite of a hypocrite becomes another hypocrite to a hypocrite...

    Man I lost myself in all those hypocrites..The point being that in one way of another somebody somewhere will find something hypocritical about another individuals actions, beliefs, and overall way of life. Hypocrisy is an existent that will always turn around on itself and the cycle will never end. That is human nature. One could argue that what I'm saying is also hypocritical and have a valid point on it and another could argue on the hypocritical nature of what the said person argued was hypocritical in this said post. The bottom line is that everybody's way of life, moralities, style, etc etc are different and overall no two people are the same--even twins, triplets, etc.

  6. This is a pretty good idea. If your nation has been nuked then the flag becomes available to you to select. Hmmmm.

    You should make a topic in the suggestions forum and have everybody submit Nuclear flags and then have the admin team decide which one to add. That would be epic. :awesome:

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