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Madame Unicorn

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Posts posted by Madame Unicorn

  1. We find it ridiculous that Yamato would even consider this kind of action, and we demand their expulsion from the Pax Pacifica.

    We will not defend Yamato, but we will try to stop an unnecessary war.

    By Dragon Empire wishing to be removed, we thank them, and respect their leaders even more for being diplomatic in this time.

  2. Mykep.. What can I say?

    I could start by asking you nicely to not leave. You're a great RPer and from our talks, a great person. But you've probably already gone (if not, pleeeease dont go!), so. Have a good life. It was really great RPing with you.

    I can probably guess that what happened and what was said fuelled this decision to leave. And.. I'm really really sorry.

    Please don't go...

    If you need to talk... Send me a PM and I'll give you my contact details.

  3. Charli smiles as Mykep closes the door to the bedroom, tripping up as she falls back onto the bed, Mykep on top of her. They kiss, slowly, lovingly, before Charli gets up to lock the door. She climbs back onto the bed, and kisses Mykep again.

    "So... What now? What do you want to do?" Charli removes her shoes and throws them to the ground, moving her hands up under Mykep's shirt...

    "What do you think I want to do?" He smiles and lets her do what she wants... A fiery passion growing inside of Charli as she goes.. Exploring.


    The next morning, Charli wakes up, her body enveloped in Mykep's warm embrace. She gently gets out of bed, and after putting clothes on, maks her way down to the kitchen to make breakfast in bed for the both of them. She comes back holding a tray carrying coffee, juice, and copious amounts of pancakes drenched in maple syrup. Charli sets this down, climbing back into bed and kissing Mykep as he awakes

    "Good morning, how did you sleep?" She whispers, taking her boyfriend in her arms..

  4. Charli, with her eyes closed, felt his lips on hers for a brief moment, savouring his taste. She leant back and smiled, looking at her new boyfriend. It sounded right. Charli looks at Mykep, before standing up and taking his hand. The lights twinkled like stars in the sky, and the music changed to a soft track, perfect for dancing to. They walked to the centre of the courtyard, where Charli grabbed her new boyfriend by the hips, and moving to put her arms around him, their bodies moving slowly with the music. Her head, resting on his shoulder, felt warm. She felt happy. This moment was perfect. Whatever was to happen next, was up to him.

  5. Madame Unicorn looks at all the leaders and dignitaries standing with her. These were people, who, like herself, cared about The Lady Protector and wanted to see Brisbane, and the Hanseatic Commonwealth restored to its former glory. She smiled and looked down at her feet, before looking at Sarah.

    "It's a good idea, and as long as you're not proposing a merger, then I'm all for whatever ideas people have."

  6. Charli looked at Akeiko, stunned.

    "But, that was really good pizza..." She turns around and sees the pizza on the table.

    "Wow. That. Looks amazing." Charli tried to contain her drool as she turns back to Akeiko and Sarah.

    "Also, the pizza guy... Was that your boyfriend..thing?"

    Charli picks up a slice of pizza, licking her lips and taking a bite. It tasted like she had bitten into a pizza made by Angels. Bacon, tomato.. Cheese.

    "Omg.. Wow," Charli swallows and grins.

    "This is amazing..."

  7. Charli smiles, "Yeah, Sarah. What have you done with your looooovers?" She puts down her beer and laughs, throwing her head back. Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and Charli jumps up, racing to the door.

    "Yay the pizzas are here!!" She opens the door and finds a rather interesting looking man dressed in what appears to be a plumbers outfit. She smiles politely, looking him up and down before handing over the cash for the pizzas.

    "Thank you very much.. Err, Maruigi?" Charli nods in approval before turning and taking the pizzas back to the basement, forgetting to close the door, leaving Maruigi looking slightly confused, his 'firm buns' twitching in the rain.

  8. Charli giggled, grabbing her phone and dialling the number for the local pizza restaurant.

    "Yeah hi... Can I grab.. three pizzas? Yeah, regular toppings is fine. Thanks!"

    She turns to the others, "Yeah the pizzas will be here soon," And then she looks at Akeiko, "Hon don't be embarrassed, I've got a potential, uh.. boyfriend. I don't know if you guys know him, but his name is Mykep... Really really cute! But... Well. How far have we all gone with our... counterparts?" Charli grabs a beer and sits down, "What I mean to ask is.. Well.. Akeiko.. how far have you gone with this fine looking 'fling' of yours? At least start by telling us his name!"

  9. Charli looked at Mykep. Straight into his eyes. She held his hand tightly, her other hand holding her wine glass.

    "... and if it isn't clear by now, I'd like to be your boyfriend." Charli looked up at Mykep, surprised. She sat there, hand entwined with his, looking at him. She liked him, but they were leaders of countries. Running a very serious business. Would they have time for each other? Would they see each other often? Charli thought about it. Yeah, she had doubts. But she needed someone. She had been lonely for so long.

    Charli smiled, "And I'd like to be your girlfriend."

    She finished her meal and sat back, closing her eyes, the world seeming to be at peace.

  10. Charli smiled. Every time they kissed was like a dream, it left her feeling light, and slightly fluffy. She turned and took Mykep's hand, leading him down the stairs and out to the courtyard, where the sky was setting slowly, filling the air with a pink glow. Fairy lights decorated the ivy covered beams that crossed the courtyard above them, lillies growing around the sides, and a small stereo in the corner playing some soft classical music. A table was set, with the normal affair. Laid delicately on the plates was the most delicious rice risotto Charli had seen. The rice was enhanced with fresh peas, chicken and lemon juice to give the rice a kick. The pair sat down, and a waiter bought out a bottle of Methode Traditionelle, the bubbles fizzing in their glasses.

    "So, I hope you enjoy this. I picked it out myself. Bon Appetite!"

    Charli slowly took a small mouthful and chewed, moaning softly at the taste. She looked up and smiled, waiting for Mykep's response to the meal.

  11. Charli looked over the documents, knowing Mykep was acting strange, but choosing to not say anything about his sudden change. Yes, Charli had been feeling butterflies, and had been talking to Constance about her feelings, but she was sure that it was not anything to worry about. Standing up, Charli slipped off her stilettos and sighed,

    "Feels so good to have those off for awhile."

    She seemingly glided over to her desk and picked up a pen, ready to sign the documents. She looked at Mykep and smiled, signing her name on both of the documents, then handing them to Mykep, her hand brushing against his. They acted like children, polite and conservative. Her mind played tricks on her, She wanted to jump on him right there and then, but decided against it. Charli wanted to appear proper and polite. If only for tonight.

    A knock at the door stopped Charli from moving in to kiss him

    "Madame, Dinner is served. Please make your way out to the courtyard," One of her assistants smiled before shutting the door. Charli slipped on her stilettos and smiled,

    "Let's go eat. I sure hope you like Italian food."

  12. Charli smiled as Mykep embraced her, giggling as he stuttered out "So business first, pleasure after?" Charli smiled, "Yeah.. Something like that." She turned and walked over to the car, climbing in as Mykep got into the passengers side. They take off, driving along the coast for a little bit before turning inland and driving through Ilam, the sun setting through the trees, everything turning a bright orange and gold colour. Charli decided to take the long way around, giving Mykep an informal tour of her capital city. Finally, they arrive at the house, Charli stopping the car and turning to look at Mykep before leaning over and kissing him softly.

    "I've... Missed you. A lot." She smiles and gets out of the car, walking up the steps with Mykep, before leading him up to her office. She grabs a folder and gestures for him to sit on the sofa with her, the folder the reason for the "business" trip.

    "Well, I need to talk to you about the GPI.. I was handed documents by General Davies of Promised Land, really nice guy. But I would like to know what the GPI actually is.. What we're about. And I'd like to pledge my support to the cause."

    "Oh, and dinner will be about an hour away, so feel free to relax a little.." Charli smiles and makes herself a $@tail before turning back to Mykep.

    "You want anything?"

  13. Madame Unicorn grabbed her keys and got into her car, smiling as she put her foot on the accelerator and sped off down the driveway. She could see his plane circling the airport as she drove out onto the tarmac, stopping short of the runway as the ground staff prepared for the landing. Suddenly, a low humming could be heard, as the plane came down, seemingly gliding down onto the runway. Madame Unicorn smiled as she stepped out of the car, smoothing her dress down as the plane taxiied and stopped. She walked over to the bottom of the steps and smiled as the door opened... Just a few seconds and a heavy 747 door stood between Madame Unicorn and Mykep, reunited again...

  14. Stohrting in Stockholm


    Hey I recognise that round funny looking building... That's NZ's parliament!

    Fun fact; The round building, or the beehive, is actually where the government sits, the grey smaller building right beside it is where the debating happens and the opposition offices are also there.

  15. Madame Unicorn hangs up and continues looking for a dress, finally picking out a long red dress and matching stilettos. She lays it out, smiling as she grooms herself in preparation for the... business meeting.

    Madame Unicorn smiles to herself as she climbs into bed, eagerly counting down the hours until Mykep arrives.

    The next day, Madame Unicorn jumps out of bed, ready for the day. She runs down to the kitchen to finalise the menu, then out to the garden, to set up the table and chairs on the courtyard. As the time to drive out to the airport gets closer, Madame Unicorn runs around her bedroom and bathroom, putting on her clothes and make up. She looked in the mirror, hoping tonight would be about nut just business, but pleasure too..

  16. Madame Unicorn smiled and hung up the phone, running out of the lounge, jumping into the air as Constance smiles,

    "So he said yes then?"

    "Of course he said yes! Ooh, could you help me pick out something to wear?"

    "I'd be happy to, Madame"

    "Oh, that reminds me. Better give him a time. I'm going to say tomorrow night."

    Madame Unicorn picks up her phone and rings Mykep again.

    "Hey, sorry to be a bother but I forgot to give you a time... Um how is tomorrow evening for you? I need time to.. Uh, plan things."

    She runs up to her wardrobe to pick out an outfit, her phone nestled in between her shoulder and her ear, waiting to hear the voice of a man that she can't stop thinking about..

  17. Madame Unicorn watched as she saw the destruction unfold on the television screen before her. Black watery tears ran down her face as she watched, mesmerised, her heart aching. Suddenly, the screen went black as Constance switched the TV off with the remote.

    "Oh Constance," Madame Unicorn sighed, "There is so much death and destruction in this evil world. But when it happens to the people you are closely allied with, and when your best friend's Capital is destroyed... It really does sink in harder than ever before."

    The Madame slammed her hand down on the table and stood up, her face red with rage, her body shaking with fury. She threw a vase at the nearest wall, smashing into pieces, the flowers inside it falling to the floor as if to personify human emotion.

    "DAMN THOSE %^$*ING GNR %^$#!*&@!!!"

    The Madame ran off into her bedroom, screaming the whole way. She stops, and picks up her phone, before running back to her office and picking up the phone on her desk, punching in some numbers...

    "Mobilise 15,000 troops immediately to Brisbane. Get food, water, blankets, and medicine. We need to help our friends"

    Madame Unicorn then writes a note, ready to be sent off to The Lady Protector:

    Dearest Sarah,

    I cannot provide much, but I believe 15,000 troops armed with food, water, etc shall be enough to help. I am sorry I cannot do more.

    I hope that you are able to rebuild quickly, and I wish you, the Diet, and all of Brisbane the best. I offer my condolences.


    Madame Unicorn.

    She folds up the letter and sends it off to Brisbane, hoping it would find its way into Sarah's hands soon...

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