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Posts posted by Ogaden

  1. <_<

    First of all Mogar is not RIA government, and decided to do this all on his own without asking anyone. RIA government continues to take all our agreements seriously and has taken steps to rectify this situation, as we did indeed sign the NAP with DBDC in good faith. Honoring treaties and agreements and being "honourable" goes beyond just fighting for your allies, but also respecting agreements you make with people you don't necessarily agree with. I have thus sent some of my own dwindling tech supply to the doomforces to make up for Mogar's poor judgement.

    If you would like to clarify a situation with RIA in the future please consult a member of the cabinet or the triumvirate.

  2. If bloody mindedness alone could change the world, it would have changed. We sacrificed and fought longer than any reasonable person should have, the people saying that I'm not being optimistic enough are the same people who did absolutely nothing and even now are waiting around for a white knight in shining armor to ride in and defeat DBDC. Well who is this white knight supposed to be? GPA? IRON? Where were you for the months and years even that people were fighting and dying and burning their nations to the ground to try and bring DBDC down a smidge? Oh right you were cowering in the corner.

    So now what was once physically possible if people had the testicular fortitude is now simply physically impossible. You had your chance and you fucked up.

  3. God what a pointless discussion, yes let's argue about how to prevent something from occurring that already occurred months ago

    The gigantic circlejerk at the top are never going to attack each other, the champions you seek are cowering in the corner, the grand coalition you imagine will never form. There is no hope nor is there any point in trying.

  4. He isn't even DBDC.  He is DS who came over to ghost before they hit Invicta.  You do have good friends who kept you from being blown apart this war after chasing him to the DT AA.  I have a feeling it may come back to bite you in the future, but who thinks ahead like that?  I mean, its all about today right.

    Lifetime on your knees vs a day on your feet etc etc.

    Also the line between DBDC, DS and DT is so blurred I don't see how that's even a valid point, DT could have just ghosted DBDC like everybody else did to hit us.  I'm sure once again we're on some list somewhere of people to wipe off the face of the earth, but when haven't we been on that list.

  5. The thing is, DBDC in reality is the largest alliance in the game, the actual members of DBDC are the front wedge, the "business end" of DBDC.  Their various network of supporters who feed them tech, money and political support in endless quantities is ultimately the source of and ultimate constituency of, DBDC,


    DBDC ignores the treaty web yet at the same time uses it to protect and shelter that vast network, and at the same time to use people's allies against them.  Basically everything RIA has ever worked for, the sacrifices we have made, the relationships we have built, the effort made to build our nations, is worthless and pointless since the entire system is rigged in favor of DBDC, who have no respect for any of those things yet benefit from all of them.


    So what's the point?  Why bother?  Why shouldn't we all just quit?  CN is over, you won, congrats.

  6. If CN were a little league game someone would have called it by now, DBDC won, you can all quit now.


    We're content to just nuke one of their nations forever, not much else we can do really



    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.



    Everyone has friends in DBDC, few are friends with all of DBDC. One of the most overlooked factors of DBDCs greatness is its foreign affairs structure. They have someone who is an amazing friends/dual member with every sphere who serves as a liason. Surely they will never destroy SP&TR because of Bones. Surely they will never roll FEAR because of Vesp. Surely they will never roll Aztec because of SCM. Surely they will never roll tJL/AI because of WC. etc.
    Victory is inevitable. If there is any that doubts, please stand up. 


    You realize the alliance that noone is left to speak for them is WTF right, not the other way around?

  8. Honestly, yes.  If you are going to post in a peace thread, with a peace deal, signed by both parties, asking if there is still war, the logical conclusion is just that you are indeed that stupid.
    But I like that logical caveat, there is nothing in the previous war declaration that suggests that you could make peace later.  Thats clearly brilliant.

    Moth isn't stupid, just has lots of experience with DBDC this year.
  9. How dare you Avalanche, can't you see how many alliances Umbrella is fighting?  Their herioc downward struggle against the oppression of so much pixellated airbreathing needs none of your defensive bandwagoning.


    You don't even have the decency to strike at them with a flag that isn't a broken link.  For shame.

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