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Posts posted by FreddieMercury

  1. Good sir, you should re-read the thread, I have already explained why this is clearly not a bandwagon. If you disagree, feel free to reply to that particular post, otherwise, I would appreciate if you didn't come into the thread all uninformed and posted, "lololololo bandwagon".

    Why clearly coming into a war without a valid CB is not a bandwagon, gee this like the GDI thread. If your "friends" were doing poorly and you came in, yeah sure I'd be sympathetic and I'd cut you some slack. But you came in to dogpile NEW of all alliances. :awesome:

    I've skimmed through this thread, and I'm still unimpressed good sir.

    I wrote a pretty big essay which includes plenty of stuff on morality and ethics. Please feel free to read it, and then maybe your opinion will become more informed.

    And you still declared on NEW with no valid CB? Nice.

  2. If you are unhappy with our decision to DoW, then that's your own problem we really don't care, and will never care. Your arguments are stupid and illogical and have and will be proved as such.

    Lol, I hope I'm not the only sensing the Irony here.

    Anyways, nice of you to bandwagon on on those 1V/Q Hegemony, morality and ethics must compel you nothing else since they are ebil guyz... oh wai- You declared on NEW....

    Nice, very honorable of you all.

  3. Edit: Although I can see what you mean, I assure you that TSI weren't forced into this and they were given the opportunity to back out at any time.

    Haha, I heard about TFO's role in these talks. Not just from RV either. Good luck in signing treaties in the future.

    The argument that ig you don't like peace terms "just don't accept them" is dumb. I suppose an alliance could just reject them and play this game like FAN for 2 years. Fun.

  4. Does anybody want to explain to me why reps are required? Is it because TFO and Internet Superheroes took some damage? You two knew exactly what you were getting into when you joined this war. If your infrastructure is simply that precious to you then you would have been better off sitting out. TSI honored a treaty. These reparations are not necessary. All they are a sign of is that both of you two, both you alliances, are filled with and run by petty and opportunistic cowards. I recommend that any self-respecting alliance refrain from conducting business with these hooligans.

    Never thought I'd agree with you.

  5. Wow.

    I support Mogar, even though he can be a tad annoying at times I can honestly say he's the one of the most courageous and honorable people on CN. He entered strictly for his allies at the TPF-- not for the NPO and its cause-- he was willing to go to ZI for that friendship.

    I SERIOUSLY doubt you are telling even the whole truth. Take your BS somewhere else.

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