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Posts posted by Stonewall14

  1. On 8/14/2022 at 11:56 PM, Stewie said:



    Hailing a thread from 

    On 8/14/2022 at 11:56 PM, Stewie said:



    Hailing a thread from a month ago...


    Just awaken to the truth... the dragon is dead


    Just awaken to the truth... the dragon is dead

    you're delusional and a groupie wanna be, holy war is eternal...o7 The Dragon is alive and well and eternal....:war:


    On 8/15/2022 at 12:28 AM, Caustic said:


    I and those like me—we hold greater rights than any to destroy Pacifica's sickened empire, for it was our blood, our bones, and our sweat that built it. Look to your shining champions now. The hordes of bloated fools enslaved to the Pacifican creed and shackled in service to their Throne of Lies. None of you left are worthy of the Oculus crown and the dominion that once came with it.


    Do I deserve vengeance? Let me tell you something about vengeance, little scion of Pacifica. My friends and I swore that we would atone for the great sins of the past. We would bleed the unworthy empire that we had built, and cleanse planet Bob of your taint. This is not mere vengeance. This is redemption. My right to destroy is greater than your right to exist.


    Remember that, when we come for you.

    cool story bro but you will always be a bottom feeding cockroach waiting for a jackboot crush,,,🤡

    I'm shocked you are not in PM like most of your allies...;P

  2. On 2/4/2021 at 7:13 PM, Stonewall14 said:

    We are currently looking for shooters and looters who want to join our Elite Cadre V...If you want action and to become a Nuclear equipped military powerhouse, the Order is for you! Join today and learn in our gladiator academy and grow like kudzu in strength and Honor...o/ NPO o/ CADRE V

    Cadre V o/

  3. 7 minutes ago, The Big Bad said:

    Ok so anytime he says you will be paying reps for years or other such nonsense we should just keep in mind he is talking out his backside and mock him for it.  Thanks for the clarification.  

    dude you're the very definition of alligator peen holster and hummingbird badonkadonk , running your mouth like you're some coalition vengeance parade...stfu and grow some furries AROUND YOUR PEEBLES...🤡 

  4. 3 hours ago, Gh0s7 said:

    Lol, are we ignoring 'longest allies'? If he leaked the members chat, you'd see me and Hersh defending them every step of the way. And in the end, Hershey uktimately.makes all decisions within our alliance. We can express our opinions, but he is the one that makes any and all decisions.


    It's nice to see Armen is a snake though

    And me lobbying for CLAWS as well, all this was is a few of the members were mad at CLAWS but Hershey, Ghos7, and I(Govt), all advocating in favor of our allies CLAWS...:war:

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