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Lady Red

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Blog Comments posted by Lady Red

  1. Or you could just not act like a $%^&@# because you are on the net. If someone stops you in the street and says help me my child is choking do you laugh and say this is the street idiot not a hospital and Im not a doctor. You acted like a @#$ because you are a @#$ not because you are on the net.

    This child isn't choking though. She's throwing glasses of chocolate milk at walls. If confronted with that situation in real life, my advice would be the same. Take a switch to her.

  2. You guys are horrible. Thanks for not taking me seriously.

    Full of tact, aren't you all?

    I really don't appreciate the joking on this- I'm dead serious.

    Thanks to all those that gave good advice, and to all those that didn't... Just because you think you're funny doesn't mean you are. Especially not right now. Go be funny elsewhere- I don't need that crap.

    Who's laughing? I'm calling your parents right now to give them my advice directly.

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