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Everything posted by Damian55

  1. Wow harsh . But at the same time you can't say its not true
  2. Is all you do try to find my post so you can reply to them, bro no one respects you, go find a hobby.
  3. Yo crushed my heart................................ the heart has flowers in it
  4. Uhhh...... that stuff ended yesterday bro, your kinda late, were on a new topic now, nice try though..... "Oh i'm Fenrir, lemme pick on an alliance that everyone already hates on, cause it makes me feel important" but good job on the late response.
  5. Hey, you keep replying, the UN will just get more members, we have those post cuase ppl like you who have nothing better to do, keep spamming our post BUMP!
  6. Congratz on your fight, good luck to both alliances. Much love. -Damian
  7. Like i said earlier, best of luck to UW, PK is doing the right thing, so don't hate.
  8. Nice speech, and i hope that you guys can pull a trick out of the hat, it would only make this war better. P.S. KDL, im sry, i sent flowers today, they should get there, if not, i send some more
  9. HAHA, ok, but thnx for the bump, and "I" did nothing the UN did something, If you dont belive me.............. Go Here:http://tournament.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?Page=4&searchstring=Declaring_Alliance,Receiving_Alliance&search=United%20Nations Or Here:http://tournament.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?Page=2&searchstring=Declaring_Alliance,Receiving_Alliance&search=United%20Nations And see how were fighting along side TPF, and the Initaive to defeat RE. JOIN UN!
  10. well maybe if you would stop posting on our post we would make these many, and its not the seventh, i didn't even know that you could count that high. JOIN THE UN BUMP!
  11. We are strong, We are great, We are united, We must fight to achieve our goals, We must fight for our members, We must fight for our family, because we are family. Let us march forward. We can do the impossible..... together.......We have to face the fact that either all of us are going to die together or we are going to learn to live together and if we are to live together we have to talk.......We are united........ Forum Site:http://z8.invisionfree.com/United_Nations_CN/index.php?act=idx Join, and find a home, an alliance, within the United Nations.
  12. Hey their out numbered because WE (the Iniative) came prepared unlike the RE.
  13. The RE is getting destroyed in the war right now just for everyones information, now RE who can't organize?
  14. And for the record, we know you helped out, we know that you helped us when EE left, and we know that you really don't hate us, no matter what you say, and we you for that. But that being said TPF signed the treaty to help us out, to make us the best we can be, so don't throw shots at their alliance. We know you helped us out but at the same time a month after you help us out your on the forums calling us " a joke" and saying we have no "honor". You say we betrayed you, but we didn't, if you feel we did ill take the blame for that one since i control the Foriegn Affairs, were had priorities as an ally and i just so happened that they were at war with you. You did help us when we needed you and we thank you for that, but you can't tell us that were trash and expect us to trust you. Let me be the first to say i'm sorry. We had priorities, we weren't attemping to backstab you, but don't call the UN thrash or question TPF's honor of treaties, if your to blame anyone it should be me, so let me be the first to say we know that you were here for us at the begining, but you weren't here when we needed you, when Swat abousoultly destroied us. we didn't betray you. if you fell that way im sry
  15. I don't know how to change it.......... and im not pre occupied with time zones, i have a life.......i hope
  16. Haha nice save bro. much love. and yeah that is what i meant, if you take it the wrong way, then what you doing is trying to find a flaw in the UN, and for those i say, grow up . but we love you though
  17. Bro chill, its a joke, and this is a game, we yall, its just a joke,
  18. Haha, funniest thing in my life, this is a game and i'm getting all sorts of mad.......LMAO I have no life...... PLH ppls (peace love and harmony). wow ima be a ...... when i grow up lmao
  19. well put . much love gil.
  20. Ceasar, peace, love, harmony, no ragging, no complaining, just chill
  21. I hope he actually listens this time. much love.
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