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Everything posted by Damian55

  1. And the only treaty we have is with TPF so DON"T LISTEN to the first post!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Bump, gov. leaders include Venom btw (see we didn't forget you bro)
  3. I like this idea, and second this notion
  4. Really? http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...51360&st=60 look at post #75
  5. For one, after the war, instead of swearing revenge and rushing into an attack against UN and TPF the RE could just chill out have let cooler heads prevail and rebuild because what this war has shown is that alliances need to expected the unexpected. Thats what we learn after our war with SWAT, and the best thing is to just make it a good war and, let your newbies grow in this war. So once its done, and you've rebuilt the alliance, you'll be rushing out the gates with force that no one has seen before.
  6. Yet you keep critizing, wat happened to the respectful war idea?
  7. Sigh...........look bro, im done with you and your whining, if you wnt to do that go ahead, just keep bumping the post if you want, but your embarrasing yourself.
  8. Hey we lost to Swat, and yes we surrendered, but since then we have a treaty with TPF and were are also in safe hand with other alliances, because we have learned we have to grow before we can fight. We learn from our situations.
  9. Oh yeah, im not defending the UN, even though 90% percent of my 100 and sumthing post came from last night when RE was talking bad about us, hey but your right i'm not defending us. Get your facts right. And to the earlier post yes the UN is on T.I. side of the war. P.S. this was suppose to be a nice war, but all you guys are doing is complaining, use it as a learning experience and grow from it
  10. Uhh yeah it is, fact is the war started and is happening so just use it as a learning experience for next time. Lets just make it good, no more trash talking
  11. My point on the boards is to defend the UN after ppl like RE try to rag on us, no matter what we do. And when alliance say the we jumped into T.I. because they were winning when we are in it to assist our allies.
  12. SHOWING DIGNITY, don't make me laugh, you have been crying all over the boards about how the war is unfair so stop lying and saying you have dignity. Resource 1:http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=51360&st=0 Resource 2:http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=51340 Resource 3:http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=49830&st=100 What dignity the RE has, i wish i was part of that........... HAH
  13. Haha obviously you can't run your own alliance because obviously your alliance is getting destroyed right now, and obviously your crying about it, so quite frankly you decide to turn your emotions to the alliance that you tried to steal. Btw, its not "my" alliance, the leader is Naonmatrix, and from what i know, every time I say something you don't like you cry to him, correct me if i'm wrong, oh, thats right, i'm not. Now i'm going to ask you once to stop posting on the UN recruitment post, its making a bad name for yourself Thanks. -DAMIAN
  14. If you want details on why i said you sad, go on my recruiting post i made for you , btw everyone ceasar is finding all my post and replying to them with stuff about the UN cause he has nothing better to do. JOIN UN. BUMP
  15. Thats a good idea, because if the rounds are shortened, then that mean if you get in about 3 wars to 5 wars, you pretty much done, or you would have to create a new nation, but you trade resources might not be as good. I like this suggestion. And i second this notion.
  16. Friendly bump from your boys back at the UN.
  17. Hah, the UN w8ed until our allies, TPF siad for us to attack, we were "planning" when we were going to come in. and if you look at this post,http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=51282&st=80, we are part of T.I. BUMP!
  18. Hah, if we want to talk about embarrassing, i would rag on the RE, cause there pretty bad, but i don't want to dwell on that, but thnx for the bump. BUMP
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