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Posts posted by Aeternalis

  1. So are you like Pansy or something? :P

    Honestly, I could care less if \m/ reformed. If they're friends, are having fun, like I said let them be. However, I made this poll for the intent of also having fun. You guys need to relax and take things in stride.


    TheAUT, I usually don't cry when i have fun. :smug:

  2. OOC:You need to learn to distinguish between different verbs. Demand and request: different verbs.

    Don't worry though, learning a new language can be a difficult task and we all go at different speeds. Good luck!

    Usually i request the bank for all of its money, so it's not technically stealing. HURRRrrrr

  3. Where's Ivan doing this?

    Dude, let it go, it's already been shown several times that only Ivan and no one else has that authority. You're just screeching pathetically at this point.

    k, i'll remember that anything your gov (excluding one person) says or does is worthless and full of crap, just like your alliance. How do you guys deal with small issues when there is only one person with any amount of authority in your alliance?

  4. Because NSO has an actual reason to declare here, right? Goading and coaxing a militant response justifies every hostile action, correct?

    I used to think better of you.

    you put a demand out for reps and an apology and are backing off from those demands. We all just expected a declaration because, well, you are the sith and have very fragile egos, you know?


    "they have the spine," not back, spine, back just sounds weird.

    "stick to their guns," not nuts, that doesn't even make sense. Stick to your nuts? What a bizarre thing to say.

    I'm not one for absolute cliche, but you could argue the actually arguments. That would be cool

  6. Umm, no.

    Have you read anything posted from DF today? They are complete cowards. They threw the claims and did absolutely nothing. Nothing. Corinan asked for an apology and implied...what exactly? Nothing. And yet NSO is called cowardly?

    Stupid people are stupid.



    so what happens if reps and apologies aren't paid? They hit you how they wanted, now it's on you to put the licks on like you said you would. If nothing happens here, it's the NSO that backed off.

    word is word

  7. The NSO saw the issue as exactly what it is, a trap. Corinan asked for an apology because DF can not provide any evidence to support their accusations. At no point has NSO stated that it sees the issue as being worthy of a declaration of war and has not made such a declaration. It has acknowledged the failure of DF in hoping to gain one through this drivel but has done nothing else except defend its position on that matter.

    Dark Fist will not be able to coax NSO into a declaration simply because they dislike us. Lots of people dislike us. We now have fairly complete lists of them. So what?

    Anyway, I really do need to go to sleep. Have fun.

    Corinan also asked for reps. And if reps aren't paid...?

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