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Posts posted by Ezequiel

  1. [quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1306467387' post='2718794']
    Wow, a shout out to me, and one that lists rather nice qualities about me. This might ruin my image of being rather mean to everyone on IRC. It is good to see you have stuck through thick and thin, I am glad you are still around trucking. Keep on being yourself, and don't let anyone get you down.

    P.S. Emperor Tiberius is no longer around, he occasionally still pops onto IRC though.

    P.S.S. You should give a shout out to Londo for making the game interesting to play and giving Octava Orden attention. Remember there is no such thing as bad Publicity, only Publicity.

    He's still here, trust me. ;)

    You know, I forgot that one.


  2. [center]Ahoy ye land luvas!


    It's ye capin' a EspaƱ... Ok, that's enough pirate talk. Hello all! Most of you know me for one thing or another, so I think rolling on from that will be a good way to keep time for us all.

    Today, my nation has hit 1000 days old. Yay, woo, etc, I know it's not all that big anymore, but it's still something to be proud of and something to celebrate a little bit for. Yeah, I've been around for longer than 1000 days, add about 300 or so days and we may be accurate. But today isn't a time for me to be forefront and foremost of attention. The attention should be put onto my friends and allies I have made in this game while serving my duty as head of certain alliances, member of government, and a plain old member. So, without further ado. Here is my list of thanks in no particular order.[/center]


    [*][b]AlrightyGrub[/b] - First guy to give me a welcomed home, even if I was kind of an annoying member(:P). I still enjoyed it and hold Polaris in high standards since being in it.
    [*][b]Randalla[/b] - Not much I can say about her that she doesn't already know. You've stuck with me through thick and thin for most of my time in CN, mostly while in OO and SQ, and that means a lot to me. If it were not for you, I really doubt I would be here today making this announcement that no one really cares much about. Nevertheless, I would never hold you in anything less of outstanding.
    [*][b]Liltrekkie[/b] - Trek, you are one heck of a guy. Weather it's causing trouble with alliances or helping me hold a broken alliance together, you were and still are there for me and the alliance. The help you've done does not go unnoticed, even though most people on here think of you as broken yourself. I on the other hand, would not exchange you for anyone in this game if I had the chance. I hope you get well.
    [*][b]TheRec[/b] - Rec, you were trouble from the day I met you. I still remember that, by the way!(:P) You've been so much help to OO, and now SQ. You're another great guy and I don't know what I'd do with out you.
    [*][b]Riser[/b] - You are three are THEE MAN: Riser, Nils, and Outsiders. You guys have done and helped so much with everything you've done that I would have never expected it from anyone, let alone you guys. You are very loyal to whom you for and I find that extremely admirable. Riser, you've always stuck by me in OO, even for the wrong reasons. That hasn't gone unnoticed, and you know this. You have taught me so much in the time I've known you, and I appreciate it.
    [*][b]Nils[/b] - Nils, you are one hell of a man. From one life changing decision to another, you've gotta let me catch up! You've done so much with your time in TGE, you held the broken pieces together with you know who and you did a hell of a job. You've stuck by my side in the mist of war, and in times of peace when we needed aid.
    [*][b]Outsiders[/b] - As are you, Mr. Outsiders. You may never accept it publicly, but you know this. You've stuck with my as did Nils, and there's nothing in the world that would change that. You've always been there and you continue to be, and I foresee a long friendship between us two.
    [*][b]E. Grievous[/b] - You... You, sir. Are a pain in my ass. :lol1: You've done so much for us, that I cannot ever begin to pay you back. You've been there just like Siders, and have been nothing but help to me and OO.
    [*][b]SkyGreenChick[/b] - The almighty creator of my Signature Avatar and Signature, good ol' Pirate Ezequiel. I have nothing to say but good things about you, and for the sake of time I will hold them as you already know it all.
    [*][b]BloodFury[/b] - Brother, as I consider you. You've been there, always. IRL, CN, whatever was needed. We're there for each other bro, and you know this. I really don't need to say a thing here for you to know how it is.
    [*][b]Lord Bob[/b] - You... You fiend! How dare you stab me so many times, I've counted[I think] 120 stab wounds to my pixelated body because of you. :(( You're awesome man, and you know that.
    [*][b]Jebus[/b] - Jebus, Jebus, Jebu... Wheeew, caught my self. I don't want him to appear. While we were in TDE, even though I really can't remember much, you were awesome and still continue to be so. Even though we haven't talked much lately, you're still great.
    [*][b]Sasuke[/b] - Sasuke... This man has been one of my best friends and allies here in CN since the beginning of it.
    [*][b]Tharbakim[/b] - You... I'm still waiting, you know. But you've been there when I've needed you and will continue to be.
    [*][b]Pokeybear[/b] - Pokeybear, you are the awesomest bear eva! You've been there through thick and thin, and you continue to be. You're an awesome friend, and I don't know what I'd do with out you.
    [*][b]Mach[/b] - Mach, /me glomps.(:P) Haven't talked to you in a awhile, hope everything is OK and you're doing well. You've been there for me and I appreciate that more than you think.
    [*][b]Spectre[/b] - You know what you did ye drunk. :P
    [*][b]Shaneprice[/b] - Shane, you've also been there for me when I needed it. You were a key agent back at the beginning of OO and continue to be a great influence. With you're help, we had a great allie and I had a great time. You know what all you've done, don't forget it.
    [*][b]Ironchef[/b] - You were and continue to be a great person and friend. You've helped me gain on info from how to conduct foreign affairs to how to manage a simple back. You influenced OO a lot and how I ran it, and you know what else you've done to help me.
    [*][b]Emperor Tiberius[/b] - E.T... Man, I know you're still around so when you read this message me. We gotta talk, it's been too long. You were my first, only and #1 fan it seems. I am more than joyed to see that someone here will stand up for what's right, too haters. :)
    [*][b]Sippyjuice [/b]- Sippy, you influence OO a lot, weather you know it or not. We, and I, also appreciate you not dragging OO into war when it was unneeded. That was such a display of high honor that we may never we pay it. You are and were a great president, keep up with GDA.
    [*][b]PopCap[/b] - PopCap, How is it going over there? We haven't talked in a while.
    [*][b]ChefJoe[/b] - You gave me a good home in Val. I appreciate it.
    [*][b]AaroN[/b] - Man, you know what you've done. You're great at the graphics and being a good friend.
    [*][b]Okandjo[/b] - Just because you are too special to leave out.
    [*][b]Londo[/b] - I would like to thank you for bringing my baby, OO, to the world stage of acknowledgment. You may have dissed us, but it was interesting for a lack of a better word.
    [*][b]Memoryproblems[/b] - You're awesome MP, and I apologize for anything you may feel I did. You've also been there for OO all through the life span of her. We all appreciate your help and will not forget you. We still need to talk then.
    [*]Cerridwyn[/b] - Cerd, you're one heck of an odd old woman(j.k :P). Since I don't really know you that much, that's about as much as I know so far. See you on IRC!

    [*][b]AzN[/b] - You've always been there for me, OO, and SQ. We really appreciate all you guys have done and you know that.
    [*][b]GDA[/b] - You guys have given us more than we deserve. We are so very thankful to you guys.
    [*][b]TGE[/b] - While you guys were around, you were great allies and helped us out a lot.
    [*][b]GGA[/b] - Again, while you were around it was so much fun with you guys. Helping with all of you and working together made it easier to work than working alone, and I hope you guys appreciated the help and as I do for the part you guys played in OO's history.
    [*][b]TSCE(TSA)[/b] - You guys have been so much help and fun. We have talked a lot and we all love ya guys. You're awesome allies and we wouldn't trade you for anything.
    [*][b]Polaris[/b] - You were my home for some of the best months of my CN career, 6 of them to be exact. It was extremely fun while it lasted, and you all know how it was.

    [center]With that, I've made my shout outs to all those who have helped me in my first 1000 days. I'll add more as I realize I'm missing a few here. Hope you guys enjoy. Anyone who has finals like I do, good luck with them and have a great summer!

    This is also my 1400th post. Woohoo...



  3. Again, outraged. He replies...

    [quote]I apologize, JM. Vallo Kahaala. We will not accept these terms. Just because Ms. Daolo is out doing god knows what, probably out hunting reindeer, does not mean you have the right to hold our prisoner. Again, we ask you return the prisoner immediately.[/quote]

  4. Outraged at the actions taken by the Finnish, President Juris replied promptly.

    [quote]This prisoner must finish his sentence in our prison, where he is sentenced to life with a possibility of being hung. We will not stand for the Finnish to keep our prisoner in their camps, he has caused us much damage. To our people, to our nation, and to our security. We can not, and will not allow him to stay in Finland.

    We HIGHLY recommend you reconsider your actions, and extradite the prisoner back to Livonia so we may deal with him as we see fit.

    Juris Kristaps.[/quote]

  5. [b]...2000 hours, Capitol building, Danborg, Livonia...[/b]

    A man comes in running into a meeting between Juris Kristaps, President. Bendek Kaz, Secretary of State. And Aldona Georgs, Secretary of War and Defense who are talking about the recent pirate attacks on the northern coast. Out of breath, he starts his ramble,

    "Sir, the security was compromised at the jail in Viimsi. The prison has restored security, but the Russian outlaw pirate we recently captured, Jack Sparrov, was no where to be found when a search was conducted. He must have escaped!" he finally says, trying to catch a breath.
    "He did what?!" Juris Kristaps yelled. Grabbing his head, scratching it as it he gets up out of his chair and walks around the room.
    "He's gone sir, no where to be found!" The man said,
    "How can he just be... Gone?" Bendek Kaz said,
    "We don't know, he's no where to be found."
    "Do we have any leads?" Aldona Georgs said,
    "We have one, sir."
    "And that is?" Juris Kristaps said,
    "We believe he has run off to Finland, as our troops in the area state they say him heading in a ship to the north."
    "Why would he go to Finland?" Bendek Kaz said,
    "He is not an outlaw in the country, and being the closest country, we believe he is heading for it."
    "Where at in Finland?" Aldona asked,
    "Makuluoto, ma'am."
    "Isn't that a restricted area?" Bendek asked,
    "Yes sir. Highly restricted."

    [b]...-300 hours, Viimsi Prison, Livonia...[/b]

    Jack Sparrov is outside, in the courtyard of the prison with the rest of the inmates. He gets a visitor, and goes inside to answer.

    "Ye be ready?" Jack Sparrov asked the visitor,
    "As I'll ever be." The man stated,
    "You know ye job, get to it matey," Jack said,
    "As you wish." the man stated,

    Getting up, the man walks over to a security guard and asks him something, there is some sound of violence in the courtyard and all the guards run to stop the fight. The man grabs the keys off the security officer as he starts to run, not phasing the officer. He goes to leave the room. 10 minutes later, the lights go out, the security cameras down. The emergency power has not been working lately, and it fails to turn on. All systems are down. Before breaking the glass in front of him, which has been replaced with real glass rather than the normal unbreakable fiber glass, Jack lights some sort of torch to guide himself. He breaks the glass, it's heard by the man who cut the security. He's out, and a danger.


    [quote]From: Livonia High Government
    To: Finland High Government
    SUBJECT: Jack Sparrov

    Greetings Finland,

    We have recently had a prisoner escape our prison in Viimsi. We believe he is en route to your coast. We request you arrest him [b][i]immediately[/i][/b] and expedite him back to Livonia for arrest.

    President Juris Kristaps.

  6. "Is this pact one of police? I do believe it is not, and we should not interfere in other nation's matters that do not pertain to Zurich. IF Slavorussia wishes to counterattack Torun and Finland, then we have no issues with that. So long as they do not try anything with Torun's pre-war land, if this happens we will defend Torun. However, we will not place sanctions of any kind, nor will we deploy our military to defend a nation we have no relations to."

  7. [quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1304488556' post='2705809']
    ooc: My decisions were pretty good actually. Whether you like them or not, whether you understand them or not I don't think you have a right to judge since you were never hurt by them.

    OOC: Considering I am your neighbor, and most of my border is with you, my leaders do have a right to judge and worry. For a matter of fact, everyone has a right to judge what ever you do. That's how the world works, we aren't in a communist nation.


    "Be not a liability, but asset."

  8. OOC: I know this, but Justin hasn't made good decisions, considering how he borders Livonia.

    "We recommend that England refrains from insulting their Allie. We vote yes, to Slavorussia's observations status." He states, angered at the English comments. The comments from the English were noted.

  9. "With their current government, we do not see how anything would change and/or be prevented. However, if we get a letter from the Slavorussian government with signatures, agreeing they shall honor this pact to the fullest extent, and be accounted if they fall through, then and only then, shall we change our vote in favor of Slavorussia. We don't see this as much to ask."

  10. Pondering for a little on the side, the delegation talks in hushed tone to one another. The main representative stands, like he does every time he talks.

    "We still see nothing that has been enabled us to change our minds. We simply cannot trust the Slavorussians, until they at least attempt to make up for the cowardice, as we see it no matter what others think, they had in the UK. Being overpowered is not something two nations of equal size can do. You had a say, and you could have raised your voice at any time. Yet, you didn't.

    Why, exactly, for what reason should we change our minds and attempt to give you trust when you can't stand up for yourselves and have a say? If you can't even do that, then we don't see how you could possibly, [i]in the least[/i], be an asset to Zurich. Instead, we see it as a liability to have a Half-Euro, Half-Asian nation who can't even stand up for themselves in the bloc."

  11. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1304379954' post='2704461']
    "Slavorussia left the UK and Zurich to preserve their own peoples safety aswell as the integrity of Europe. The former UK was lead by madmen, the Slavorussian Government got out when they realised this. If need be, Britain will sponsor Slavorussia for their time as an observer. They are close friends if England and even fought during the Great British war of Independance. We believe Livonia should reconsider their vote."

    "They left the UK and Zurich after they saw a possible war, they didn't wish to fight for their people and their, at the time, nation. Even if the UK was run by madmen, and possibly it was, Slavorussia still had the obligation to defend the UK. Instead, they ran out when they could have. If we allow them in to observe, we doubt they will follow through with obligations such as voicing concerns, challenging topics, and stay with Zurich no matter the cost of the nation. The united people of Zurich come first, not the individual nation. As far as we see it, Slavorussia has nothing to give to Zurich, or the member nations of her."

  12. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1304338475' post='2704076']
    Slavorussia observation membership 4:5 votes yes
    [color="#FF0000"]Open Borders policy 1:5 votes yes, 3:5 votes no - Motion defeated[/color]
    European citizenship program 4:5 votes yes
    Intel article Amendment 4:5 votes yes"[/quote]

    "Livonia would like to ask to amend the open border motion. We suggest that we all allow a set limit to the amount of tourists we allow into our nations via this bloc. Like the policy most of us have toward immigration. It would allow for extra commerce, yet preserve the culture of our nations.

    We vote yes to both amendments.

    We feel Slavorussia has had a very dishonorable leave from the former United Kingdom. When in the UK, their representatives have refused to take the very serious matter of their citizen's lives into hand, instead allowing the other members of the former UK to do such. Not standing up for themselves, when they clearly had the power to do such. They had the chance to leave before the time they have, and they would have had a honorable leave; however, that is not the case. We do not feel that we can trust the Slavorussians in a matter of private intelligence and lives of our nations and this bloc. With the aforementioned, we vote No on the observer status of Slavorussia."

    EDITOOC: I fail at typing.

  13. "Greetings, MEMU. We in Livonia feel the Mediterranean is a very important part of European politics. It is a rather large bloc, and a very effective one at that. We would like to see if we may obtain observer status, as we are not a Mediterranean nation but wish to work with, alongside, and help our European neighbors."

    EDIT: Spelling.

  14. "Livonia feels the base is [i]necessary[/i] to remove the base as soon as possible. It is home to 30,000 troops of EoPI, it would serve as an invasion point and we would not be able to take it without risking more and more European lives." He says. "We need to remove it, we cannot wait until stability in EoPI is at age. If we do, we may end up facing a tough war to win. We suggest that we pursuit the EoPI to leave the base by means of an ultimatum."

  15. "Here you are, kind sirs." The Livlander diplomat said.

    [b]For The Grand Duchy of Livonia,[/b]
    [i]President, Juris Kristaps
    Vice President, Basia Augustyn
    Secretary of State, Bendek Kaz
    Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Septimus Nikolajs
    Secretary of War and Defense, Aldona Georgs
    Secretary of Internal, Pinja Brigita[/i]

    "We would greatly welcome Sweden into the bloc if they so apply."

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