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Posts posted by Stewie

  1. 3 hours ago, Nolegdai said:

    Why do you even ask? If it is so agreeable to you, why do you not simply share it? Do you expect me to back down? Perhaps it's not what you share that will damn you, but what you withhold. If you've nothing to hide, then lets have it all.


    Here you go.


    Please see comments explaining reason for war.


    deathbiterToday at 10:55 PM
    and it is here
    These logs are of concern to us for several reasons:

    The first particularly noteworthy matter is who the core participants of the logs are, that being several government officials in Non Grata and COBRA. This is not an issue of a few loose lipped ordinary members deciding to engage in hostile banter. Or even government members joking around about disliking other alliances. It would be far less interesting if it were. Instead the aforementioned government members in question saw fit to discuss matters such as "putting out disinformation" in a discussion pertaining to "CLAWS turning on NPO" and working on "some movement of RFI vs Oculus". Even if we were to ignore some of the discussion topics about "rolling CLAWS afterwards" as being a joke and nonsense about "the purpose of Oculus" as being propaganda, these other elements are concerning as we have both Stewie and Lyanna backing plotting against the alliances in RFI and Oculus.

    These discussions took place during a time when NG was not supposed to be engaging in hostilities against us and went around feigning a desire to move on and bury the hatchet.

    And then we have Thrash approaching Lowsten about getting rid of CLAWS from RFI which at the time were more believed to just be weird ramblings until we found out about the other logs.
    so that along with the 4 screenshots i shared with u earlier
    the summit will likely take place tommorrow since u said stewie/johnny are asleep. Lowsten will be setting up the group dm and inviting people
    summit is scheduled to end on the 23rd 10pm server time. Between now and then neither party will further escalate the war and no new declarations shall be made, but existing wars will continue to be fought

    BuuyoToday at 10:58 PM
    However, since Stewie and Johnny are gone to bed I'm not sure how the new declarations on their part will work. They are not on to pass the information to their governments
    deathbiterToday at 11:02 PM
    are anyone in cobra/ng not in anarchy/peace mode?
    BuuyoToday at 11:02 PM
    I'd be surprised. I'll have a quick check
    deathbiterToday at 11:02 PM
    if they are all in anarchy then they can't declare new wars
    Iron's leader is asleep right now as well so I think some leway can be given it a few slip through
    over the night
    BuuyoToday at 11:04 PM
    24/26 for cobra, 39/41 for NG. Little chance there, but yeah some leeway will be given 😛


    Screens leaked by LH from NG’s member channel.




    Private conversation leaked by LH.




    Logs from The Summit where I share everything either side of the above leaks.












  2. 2 minutes ago, citizenkane said:

    I'll just pop you in a high chair, and read you a book from the NG Library -  "That's not my CB", - the first page having your CB on he left, and on the right.. "That's not my CB, it's a proper CB full of substance and actual reasons"


    Also, I won't change your nappy now that you've messed yourselves after realising you don't have the support you thought you had. 

    Call the mods


    There’s been a murder.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Nolegdai said:

    It's your leadership that refuses to take responsibility, hoping to force our hand so they can learn the product of their own undoing. This would be unwise. Everything else is salt.


    What would you like to know?


    I can share the exact 4 items that your leadership passed to their allies and the reason for war as well as the logs around the snippets.  You can assess with your own eyes whether or not that counts as plotting then.


    I have nothing to hide.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

    I take complete ownership of my logs which at the time was my viewpoints and some have changed.

    Background of these logs, Caustic went inactive and Stewie took over the ship. 

    I talked to no one outside of NG at that time and I wasn’t trying to get you to say anything- didn’t know you- my hope, and this is true, was that you weren’t going to do something stupid and half-cocked


    Elements of these were the logs used by the CLAWS coalition to justify war.


    So..  yeah..  they didn't get them from me which means you were the source for CLAWS.


    Caustic also didn't go inactive.  I offered to take over as we felt it would provide a contact for the alliances we were at war with who hadn't recently antagonised them.


    By all means drag my name through the mud.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

    The problem is that you’ve taken the time to listen to them, while your intention may be good, as soon as they smell a hint of weakness they start lobbing insults and regime change narratives.

    Tehol, you’re an up-and-comer and when you lie down with dogs you get fleas, especially with this bunch.


    The two scenarios are letting up on NG and Cobra and everyone remains distant and lives happily ever after- or letting up on NG and Cobra and they seek revenge (which isn’t a rare thing for NG).

    So why even take a chance? Better to be safe than sorry.


    Inciting war against NG now?


    Thanks for the CB.

  6. 2 hours ago, tehol said:


    > cobra and NG plots to take down CLAWS and co during a treaty period

    > apparently CLAWS is the aggressor?


    Lord Hitchcock tried to get me to say I would treaty and then use RFI against Oculus and I said i wouldn't comment on it.  


    So please.  By all means say I was the aggressor.


    Context is key.  






  7. 23 minutes ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

    So TPF, an alliance who undermined NPOs good will on a Valentine’s Day with attempting to carry out a despicable act of perma war is now defending an alliance (NG) who has been involved in the most rollings where evidence was denied- and Kim Jun Lucious is questioning GATOs core democracy.


    Oh my...


    TPF are defending Cobra.


    NG's allies have performed political support to progress this war towards an expedited conclusion.


    Also NG and TPF of today are not NG or TPF of previous years.  As you yourself have decried historically.

  8. 2 hours ago, Lord Hitchcock said:


    An official Statement from King Neptune’s Bar

    “I, Lord Hitchcock am confused by Cobra’s claims. The referenced war on General Kannibis was a bipartisan agreed upon term during the Cobra-KNB war. The Gladiator term Cobra themselves drafted and we signed to.


    The term could not be fulfilled due to range issues and Johnny wrote it off publicly without our consent. KNB chose to fulfill said term (no timeline was ever established, nor does a write off not allow the lender to repay its debts) when possible (while this war made it possible, if the war was not occurring and it was possible it would still have been performed.) In fact, an additional cobra nation was added so that it didn’t appear KNB was let off easy or given any slack on their end because GK hasn’t fought back.

    That said, Cobra and KNB agreed to these legalities. To set terms of which we obliged only to war after terms were followed sets the same dangerous precedence Cobra is accusing their aggressors of.

    These legalities have also been vetted by lawyers who recognize this legal framework to be, and should be, recognized by Cobra who voided their obligation. Therefore, KNB does not recognize Cobra as they have become a Failed State.“


    Cobra are not a state, they are an alliance of nations.


    If you are going to claim legalities get it right.

  9. 9 hours ago, LJ Scott said:

    Think I sussed it:




    I actually chuckled at this.


    I mean..


    If I was plotting to do something I would have made significantly more treaty movements than I have..  


    Reference: 2011 where I dumped Pandoras Box because they didn't want to hit SF/XX


    Me being coup'd from NG leadership in 2014 because I wanted to sign treaties with Polar/XX to go after former PB alliances.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Lord Hitchcock said:


    People do care Stewie, the OP said this was merely a punishment and Johnny does appear to be turning the corner, a few more weeks of lobotomies just may push him to write a pro DBDC article... hoping the treatment works.


    As for exiting with your heads held high, continuing down this dark path of misleading will only be because said heads were raised up on spikes by your enemies. Would strongly encourage you open up factual dialogue and right the ship, regardless of Caustic's advice, sometimes ultra level testosterone bull headedness just doesn't work- honest and integrity are what I recommend.


    I say it all the time, you gotta get a good lawyer, I hired White Chocolate and her fees are high but she has been an incredible liaison. 


    Factual dialogue.


    Would be nice to know what I'm meant to be seeing...

  11. 27 minutes ago, Lollerobot said:

    Perhaps a bit melodramatic, but a beautiful post nonetheless.


    How so?


    CLAWS and NPO are after blood.  NG has literally done nothing in months as we've become a retirement village.  Cobra have been fighting off CLAWS plotting against them and their allies for nigh on a year.


    Apparently having Charismatic leaders who don't sit down and do what they're told, whilst inspiring growth in membership is a bad thing these days.


    27 minutes ago, Lollerobot said:

    Can anyone truly be outed from bob though?


    They can.  NPO have done it in the past.  Leopards really can't change their spots.

  12. 2 hours ago, AlmightyGrub said:


    I doubt you will ever see the evidence.  The narrative doesn't require evidence, it never has and never will.  You can either win the war or you can not.  If you can't you ask for evidence, if you can who cares? 


    Nobody cares.  Let's be honest grub, at this point I can hear a pin drop.  The Claws and Pacifica led coalition are stomping out the last embers of life and then everything will finally meet the heat death of bob as we all bask in the glow of allarchon.


    But NG and Cobra will exit the end of this battle with our heads held high.  If we are allowed to exist on bob after this war ends..  heaven only knows  But my guess would be No.  So we exit bob with our heads held high instead.  We died as we lived, standing shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters in Arms.


    Friends > Infra




    The bigger question is will anyone else care either?  COBRA is unloved and has done nothing to inspire loyalty or friendship from anyone who matters.  NG still have some friends, but will their friends risk everything to charge the gates of hell on their behalf?


    But there for the grace of God go I?




    Who is there left to care?  All the "active" alliances on bob outside of NG and Cobra and their direct allies are in RFI or Oculus so they get away with the final moral decline of this planet without any consequence.


    Honestly, it is for our friends to decide whether they wish to stand together at the last, and rage, rage at the dying of the light.

  13. 27 minutes ago, Stonewall14 said:

    :war:Is that what we are doing? Cool story bro! I thought we were just stomping cockroaches and snakes in area clean up project.:war:Little fellas like you pose no threat to DBDC I can see but it's cool with me, glad we could help 🏋️‍♀️

    Literally what you're doing...


    DBDC/CLAWS plotting against us and Cobra for 6 months during the NAP... Yeah that's fine.


    Double Standards are rife in the Body Politik

  14. 14 hours ago, Stewie said:


    Look... it took a while but I found some Seaworthy Seaboxes at the back of the NG IRC channels for you to watch the war from.  They're how we used to deal with Spies back in the day as we Keelhauled them




    I'm still sad nobody has laughed at my LH box of shame...

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