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maxwell little

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Posts posted by maxwell little

  1. The FSS is BAD, letting half your soldiers survive a nuclear strike usually lets you get attackes right after. Losing everything means you are essentially Turtled until you rebuild. Also with the FSS your warchest will ge raided. If you have 2k tech and 8.5k infra GET the WRC!!! It doubles your techbonus and essentially gives you a 50% bonus on your damage, when you are at 2k tech. That increases to more than double by 5k.

  2. I am looking for as many sellers as I can get to sell some nations tech. Most are MHA, if you sell to them you get protection from raids. WAIT!!! Theres more! If you complete 2 1x1x1s every month you get 3 million every 10 days in bonus aid!!! Post here with your ruler name and your nation link to sign up, I will pm you in game with a buyer who will start the deal. Deals repeat if possible.

    Seller List and number of deals:

    1. alabamabob-1 deal

    2. freakwars-3 deals (elegible for aid after first 50 tech sent, in 11 days)

    3. big daddy-3 deals (elegible for aid after first 50 tech sent, in 11 days)

    All sellers have been placed. You should get money for the tech soon.

  3. The Mostly Harmless Alliance needs 20+ reliable tech sellers, between creation and 3k infrastructure, who are willing to do repeating 3x3 tech deals (3m/100T) every 10 days, on the 1st,11th and 21st of each month. We will organize the deals, all you need to do is send the tech offer as soon as you get the money. A guide to selling tech will be provided to you if requested. Also, MHA is willing to pay 3m every 10 days as a bonus to sellers who take part in a 3x3 and prove to be reliable. (Who complete 1 deal without serious delay) The MHA has buyers lined up with their cash, and we are starving for tech. The MHA tech centre is on our forum, and can be accessed by non-members. All Sellers who are in a deal with have MHA military protection from tech raids, within reason. (Would need to be Triumvir approved)


    The MoT (Ministry of Towels, Economy) and the Tech centre are willing to negotiate 5x5 and bulk import deals with alliances as well as individual nations. Post here with your ruler name and nation link to sign up, and do the same on the MHA forum, here:


    Please sign up, MHA wants as much tech as possible!

    Maxwell, MHA SoT (Secretary of Technology)

    Will be bumped daily.

    Backup Seller List:






  4. That is not accurate, a nation with 45000 taxpaying citizens and 100$ in net collection per person would gain a boost of (20x0.28x45000) or about 250k a day in extra taxes. The DRA only gives an extra 3%, or in this case 135000 a day in income. The SM bonus is modified by economic improvements, which you have all of by 45k citizens, when you correctly factory/IA/LC swap. The SM is the best first, usually around 4k infra it is actually better than the SSS, 20$ income beats out 7% when your income is less than 280$. The difference is that the SM is 10 million cheaper, and you will not make the difference back in 30 days from the SSS's usual edge. However, getting SSS second adds that 7% modifier onto the SM boosted income, making them together far more powerful. Then you buy the +5 happiness wonders, then MP/SDI, and you slip the DRA in whenever you want to buy 6 tech slots or give out aid to your alliance.

  5. since income scales per citizen it has the same effect regardless of size, infact it is more important for large nations because their improvements can multiply it. Population is big when you are <1k infra because every improvement counts. 1 guerilla camp beats the difference in military between a 3br and an 8br, also the increased soldier cap and income puts them in a much better posistion.

  6. In TE everything is fair. In CN standard, in my opinion tech raiding is legal, but the defender (the raided) has every right to use everything in his/her power to hurt the attacker. Nukes, Cm's, you name it. Even if the raider only does ground. All attacks count as a full war, regardless of the reason, and a nation that is raided has every right to fight back. With everything. If the raider offers peace accepting it isn't always a good idea. Tech raiding would not be profitable if everyone fought back, especially with the narrow war range. Its the wussies who accept peace rather than fight back that make tech raiders happy. Tech Raiding is ok, but the defender has every right to fight back. However I would draw the line at 1 vs 1 duels. Not 3 vs 1 raids. 3 vs 1 retailation for a raid, certainly.

    Maxwell Little

    4239 infra

    500 tech


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