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Everything posted by starschwar

  1. Thank you, that's very useful information. Using non-decimal values in cybernations, -55, 100 also results in 99% efficiency. Close enough for me. At least we'll have three different data points for me to contribute to next month's search.
  2. -54, 101 is still 99%. Curious.
  3. Moon Lat Moon Lon Mars Lat Mars Lon Probability Previously Observed In These Months -54 101 -84.00000002 -149 100.00000%
  4. -55, 101 results in 99% effectiveness. Re-evaluating...
  5. Based on last month's locations (I never moved the 99% facility), here's some results from Luna's table: Moon Lat Moon Lon Mars Lat Mars Lon Probability Previously Observed In These Months -55 101 -84.00000002 -150 89.90760% 12/2012 -55 101 -84.00000002 -149 8.47062% -54 101 -84.00000002 -149 1.62115% -55 101 84.00000002 -150 0.00062%
  6. Thank you for your efforts, Luna.
  7. I can confirm &lat=-21&lon=173 produces 100% effectiveness. Thanks for the spreadsheet and other data.
  8. I'll test with my other moon facility. Results to follow.
  9. &lat=-21&lon=172 only produces 99% effectiveness. Close, but not quite there.
  10. Very cool. If you could find a link to that spreadsheet, I'd be happy to help contribute to the process. In the meantime, I'll test the coordinates you provided.
  11. Interesting. And what's the correlation between Mars and Moon coordinates, then?
  12. Interesting. How exactly do we calculate the hotspot probabilities, anyway?
  13. My moon facilities remain at the previous coordinates and are showing as 96% effective. Is it possible the hotspot has not moved far? Or is that just decay from no longer being at the hotspot?
  14. I can confirm &lat=-17.99999998&lon=178 produces 100% effectiveness.
  15. I appreciate this resource - thanks to everyone who's sharing this information.
  16. The Military Advisor tool shows me as being able to add additional ships of various types (e.g. I have 5 corvettes - it says I can build a sixth). In actuality, I can't add any.
  17. Team: Black Nation Name: Curitstan National Leader: Starschwar Link to Nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=161791 Your Resources: iron and silver Needed Resources: coal. I'd prefer the second resource to be cattle, sugar, or pigs.
  18. No, they meant that radiation cleanup is a kind of bonus resource. Everyone's environment is low because of the abnormally high levels of radiation.
  19. Thanks. Yeah, my environment's at... yikes, 9!
  20. I'm aware that Border Walls do not decrease the effect of global radiation on a nation. However, would building them counteract other environmental prolems, lessening the overall blow of the current high GR level?
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