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Posts posted by jstep

  1. I wonder if the alliance tag vote will take longer than the new flag vote from way back when :P

    I hope Ponken made a seizure-inducing submission!

    animated pip...interesting idea, although if we let ponken make it TOP would probably get sued into the ground

  2. I love Sky, but honestly...there was just one too many people who left and went to TOP from Valhalla following her for it to be some polite coincidence.

    You ask, 'where's your proof! where's your proof!" Maybe someone else in Valhalla currently that she didn't successfully recruit has it. I'm not briefed on these things. But the whole situation is rather unfortunate.

    Bob stated that he had proof, we simply requested that he bring it forward to TOP's government. He should know where to find them.

  3. I have traits known as honesty and telling it like it is. Why don't you ask Sky why she isn't responding to the accusations? Maybe its because she is guilty and she confessed? ;) But hey, I'm just an guy with a famous typo right? That must mean I don't know anything. :rolleyes:

    Sky can keep whining in your private channel but until she gets some courage and confronts the issue head on I will not stop. Avoiding the issue won't do anything for her. What she did was dead wrong and no amount of "she makes cool sigs" will change that. I may be a dick but at least I'm right.

    So you've been spying on TOP's private channel?

    When a fairly high profile member leaves your alliance your surprised to see a couple others go as well?

    If you have proof of guilt and/or a confession why didn't you bring it to the attention of TOP's government so that it could be handled appropriately?

    Maybe she isn't responding to the accusations because you haven't handled it properly and she doesn't feel the need to stoop to your level. You know that TOP does not recruit from other alliances and if a member was doing this disciplinary action would be taken upon notification and proof of said action. Apparently you would rather stir up a little drama and work your way back into the limelight. If you want we can all add your "famous typo" to our signatures so you can get your narcissistic fix. Hey, maybe sky can even make the signature.

  4. [Personal Statement: NOT alliance statement] So, we declared on Orion via our defensive pact with NPO, over the course of the next several days TAB, TCB, FoK and TOP declare on us in defense of Orion, now TSO comes in 'in DEFENSE of TOP', an alliance so far and away militarily superior to ours that even on our BEST day, if we weren't already at war with four other alliances, we couldn't beat. Does anybody else see what's wrong with this picture? Here's what it looks like to me; you see an opportunity to win points in a major war, shortly after declaring your existence (relatively speaking) by jumping in to support your friends, but how do you ensure victory? By gangbanging alliances already too overwhelmed to do anything about it. That's called bandwagoning, and it makes TSO (or at least their gov) an alliance of whimps. This has nothing to do with Invicta's position, and I believe you've already recieved supportive statements from the more kind-hearted and congenial of our membership, but if I EVER have the opportunity to fight against you in a war in the future I will, and I won't let up till the ground is soaked with your blood. We'll see how you feel about it. Maybe this is just a giant misconception on my part; if so please enlighten me, but I'd be shocked if you can give a legitimate explanation for this action.[/personal statement]

    We asked them to join us and provided their targets for them... tbh not all of TOP is fully mobilized so militarily this shouldn't make a big difference to your alliance as you'd likely only be attacked by more TOP members if they didn't

  5. To be honest, TOP did a great job filling up our slots. Before TOP, we had MA, GOD, TDE, RIA, ROK, and TTK all on Echelon and a good few of us were taking minor damage....

    we do that ;)

    No seriously between the 4 alliances there was a decent number of upper level targets going free... so yes these attacks actually were more than jumping on the bandwagon

    I know I personally am overmatched by the 2 nations I'm facing (top 2 in echelon)... good thing theres more of us

  6. So, I have a question, since you didn't decide to help MCXA or IRON or any of the other alliances here on Hegemony's side (due to your "no chaining policy" or what have you), does that mean that you just felt the need to attack these alliances you declared war on tonight or did you forget about your 'no chaining policy" that you based your decision on.

    I really don't understand the difference between defending those in OUT with an ODP and defending those who are not in OUT but have an MDoAP. Either way, it's quite apparent TOP chose a side and will come out as winners at the end of this war. Treaties were dishonored, people were hurt, and I'm sure if you really wanted to prevent this war, you'd be in a mediating position right now and not in an aggressive (or defensive) position, attacking other alliances who are already getting gang-banged.


    Regardless, good luck TOP and have fun with these wars.

    I believe we tried the mediating position already... apparently that didn't work out so well

  7. I did like how the letter talked about how much ONOS hated NPO and then they declared on GGA (surely there are still some war slots of ours they could fill, all our members who stomped on ONOS the first time will be feeling left out by not being allowed to give it another go :P).

    Also if I remember correctly I didn't see anyone complaining the first time ONOS was beaten by the NPO due to the fact that they were crushed for spying, as well as the fact you can't blame a war with the NPO for the collapse of your alliance as a number of alliances have come back just as strong afterwards, Legion is an example as well as MK (to bring one from both sides so I am not accused of biasis).

    Never the less you guys at M*A*S*H seem like a resonably honourable bunch and choose to follow the treaties that most of your members would want you to support which is what leadership should really do (and you also have appeared to let Legion know the reasons), so I say welcome to the fight and hopefully might see you across the battlefield at some point (unless RnR take all my attention again :P).

    Come on... its already been admitted that the spying cb against ONOS was constructed and that a cb had been looked for over a period of months

  8. About time :P. Congrats guys. You've deserved it for quite some time. Good to see the game finally recognizes it.

    Who's going to hit those pesky ghosts that come with addition to the drop down menu?

    I dunno if we plan on staying in the drop down menu

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