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Posts posted by SodaPolPop

  1. Damn it, I request a lock. Like somebody said im gonna quit while im ahead.

    I don't see how you are ahead.

    What you need to do here is ride it out. No matter what anyone says to you, just keep hammering your point home about your cousin.

    These people will get it eventually. You just gotta keep talking...

  2. His current raid target seems like a nice enough fellow, doesn't he? I chatted with him briefly earlier. You just want to open your wallet and slip some cash in his coat pocket before you leave. ;)

    INDEED :awesome:

    I slipped a little in there too, along with some of my boys to help him guard it :ehm:

  3. Very true.

    It would also be a shame if their raid targets got aided by another alliance to demonstrate their displeasure with GDI's behavior.

    I'm already in contact with his current aid target. :D

    If RyanGDI doesn't cease all hostilities against this nation, lets just say "regime change" will be the phrase of the month around the GDI water cooler.

  4. First off, I would like to say congrats to those exiting GDI. As long as RyanGDI is in a position of power, the alliance is doomed to fail. Lenahan, you gave it a shot and I respect you for that. You actually seemed to be concerned with making GDI a respectable micro, but it was a pointless endeavor with Heir Ryan at the helm.

    John Waker and EmperorDhruv - I know that we had our scrapes, but I hope that you understand now that was due to your corrupt and ineffective leadership and not because you any of you personally. With your new tag, your old affiliations are wiped as far as I'm concerned and I wish you guys and anyone else formerly from GDI the best of luck.

    Litler- You should understand that losing Waker and Dhruv is a HUGE blow to GDI. They were about the only active and competent members of GDI. Much more competent than their former leader.

    Good luck KoTC!

  5. If the current tech raid by RyanGDI is not illegitimate [god i hate this phrase], i fail to see how it is of relevance in any way.

    Well, when he raided me it was a "legitimate" tech raid and I proceeded to send his entire alliance into a state of emergency. He called in treaties, wasted millions upon millions of his alliances funds fighting me, and still managed to come out on the losing side.

    So...You tell me.

    Do you think that I am some kind of evil CN military mastermind, or could that situation very easily happen anytime he raids a nation that has the guts to fight back?

    Therefore, I reiterate: How can GDI expect to find peace, while RyanGDI is performing tech raids?

  6. How do you expect to ever find peace when RyanGDI is raiding nations as we type in this thread? :rolleyes:

    GDI will never gain peace while RyanGDI is involved.

    RyanGDI's fate is already written, the rest of the alliance could still presumably save themselves...

  7. NS only shows strength not skill b/c Nod and UNSC has more skill in war then GDI. (Do you remember Soda?)

    Did someone mention my name? :lol:

    Yeah, I remember RyanGDI talking about how they were going to ZI me and all that blah blah blah. Now I'm 7-8x his NS.

    I'm not saying that war with GDI is good for your nations NS, but....Wait, no...Actually, I am saying that going to war with GDI will help your NS. :P

  8. SPA left? So what's the point, to leave people dead in the water? <_<

    Ladies and gentlemen, here's a great example of terrible inter-alliance communications.

    I don't even know why GDI decided to get involved in the matter in the first place.

    I mean...there was more than one nation to fight, and you know those odds aren't in your favor.

    You couldn't beat me at 20-1 odds, why even attempt this? A whole alliance? It's craziness!

    I almost choked on a chicken bone when I saw you tell The Big Bad to "back off". That was some good comedy.

    1.6k NS and sinking, treaties evaporating like water on the stove....

    I wonder what will happen next? ;)

  9. Ha!

    So, anyone that doubted whether or not Ryan cheated in the duel with Jofna has their answer right here.

    I pick my friends not based on their actions, but by the way they treat me and I treat them.

    That makes a lot of sense, Cowman. :rolleyes:

    Another nail in the GDI/CoMA coffin.

  10. Ha! Cry me a river Ryan.

    Listen to Lunch. You really don't know how close you've come...by multiple alliances.

    King Daniel...Don't be a dummy. It would be a suicide run for CoMA to start a war over this. There are a lot of people eyeballing your bloc right now simply because of GDI's negative image, it's probably best for you guys to just step back and allow them to self-destruct on their own to avoid going down with them.

    As far as the duel goes, I'll talk with Jofna. I'd like to do it, but we'll have to postpone it a little bit.

  11. First of all GDI is paying the terms through leftyland, read the other thread.

    Oh, I can read.

    Maybe you should train Ryan on how to use a calendar, because it seems to be troublesome for him. Once again, this was something that could have been worked out with a tiny amount of forethought but Ryan refused to do that . He has continually shown that he believes himself to be above the rules the rest of us apparently play by.

    Not for much longer.

    And anyone that stands beside them with lie beside them as well.

  12. We also have GDI trying to push Leftyland into paying a donation to them for reps instead of cash (bannable offense).

    Yes, I have screenshots of this from the GDI forums.

    Everyone should check out the GDI forums. They are full of great lulz.


    Gread threads there like "Request for Millerland to be kicked out of GDI":


    and "Public Apology":


  13. First of all GDI is paying the terms through leftyland, read the other thread.

    Second I didn't know anything about GDI's problem and therefore couldn't help. I'm sure jofna and soda don't know how its like to run a bloc but we don't report every little thing to each other that could be handled on our own.

    Third, GDI is facing something more important to its alliance than a duel. Alliance security was threatened and that is the first priority. Think about it. If your alliance was planning something and all of a sudden you are threatened by some dangerous nation wouldn't you drop the extras and get rid of the problem?

    Blah blah blah..words from the guy who sent in multis to attack me (unsuccessfully). You guys are about half an evolutionary step above the GDI tadpoles.

  14. Ha..Weaksauce.

    Should have expected as much coming from GDI and the CoMA kiddies.

    The only thing that keeps GDI on the map at this point is BS Bureaucracy.

    They just weasel around flaunting their treaty partners like that old cartoon with the little dog running circles around the bigger one, "Hey Spike! What we doin' Spike? Hey Spike!". Oblivious to the damage they are causing those partners, much less themselves, in the process.

    Instead of paying reps he owes, Ryan buys a nuke rogue (for ridiculous amounts).

    I try to get a CB to stomp him for failure to pay those reps (from the war with me), and am told that it would appear "opportunistic".

    Well, here's opportunistic for you, if one more fuse in my CN head pops I'm going rogue, gathering what allies I can, and burning GDI to the ground just like Sherman burned Atlanta.

    The fact that anyone would call in GDI to ZI anything is a real kneeslapper too.

    Like Jofna, the only reason I haven't cut him down already is out of respect to those that have helped me in rebuilding from that time that I kicked the crap out of GDI's entire alliance and forced them to surrender.

    See how I can violate terms, too?

    Maybe YOU can get a CB on ME? Go for it...PLEASE.


  15. Tell us some war stories soda! About how you pwned GDI

    Well, gather 'round ye olde compruter monitors and I'll tell y'alls the story of the Briar Rabbit!

    Ok, maybe not stories...but I have a couple of funny anecdotes.

    Early on in the war, I told somebody (I forget who) in GDI that I was part of a "small but loosely organized terrorist force within CN" and war with me would result in Jihad against them by these unknown forces.

    I told that same story when I was contacted by one of their allies as well. I don't know if that story is what kept them from attacking me, but they didn't attack me. So.... :lol:

    I attacked one of their guys (Chidori) and he sent me a message that was like, "OMG WHY ARE U ATTAKCING ME?! STOP UR ATTACKS OR YOU WILL FEEL THE RATH OF THE WHOLE GDI ALLIANCE!!".

    I had been at war with GDI for a while at that point so I found it funny how out of the loop this guy was. I responded to him saying that I was sorry, but I was just "following orders" and that I would talk to my "commander" and see if I could "work this thing out" because he "seems like a nice guy".

    He replied. He seemed happy that someone was looking out for him.

    I attacked him again at midnight. He was angry.

    I repeated the process a couple of times for personal lulz.

    I also sent a long message to another guy in GDI listing all the things I planned to do to them.

    "terror the likes they have never seen..."

    "You will rue the day..."

    Basically, imagine The Monarch from Venture Bros.

    I wish I took screenshots of those messages, but I was pretty loaded most of the time I was "communicating" with them B)

  16. Actually, all of CoMA is on radio silence starting tomorrow. REC just has one thing to post about today and then we plan to go dark on OWF for a while.

    Well... <_<

    Just exactly HOW are we expected to entertain ourselves now? :P

  17. True..I am no Soda...

    But was Soda able to Anarchy the leader of GDI in one day? LOL.


    Great job!

    GDI...Don't forget about the reps you owe PUKE.

    I know you've had some distractions, but that won't free you of your obligations.

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