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Insane By Design

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    Utopian Dream
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    CN: Sparta
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  1. And just imagine of all the other ppl that were left out of that video that you do not know...yet! Looking forward to getting to know some new people
  2. It was a well fought war with TOOL that came to a brilliant(nuclear) and dramatic finish
  3. You have your lapdogs and MHA has their lapdogs, but as it turns out MHA has better strategy to win this game. Your strategy has apparently failed. Oh BG quit your whining it really is disgraceful and embarrassing. This is after all TE where WAR happens. If you do not have the stomach for bloody battles then maybe you should just sit next round out instead of QQ all over the forums.
  4. In the spirit of "Prove your innocent of accusations" I find it highly more likely that you are the SPY than Sethly. For one, you obviously have had a previous/current friendship with BG and still keep in contact with him. Oh hell I might even be the spy I better start preparing my defense. As Sethly has previously said to BG on these forums, lets see the proof. If there are logs declaring him guilty then by all means copy/paste them all over these forums. PROVE that he is guilty based on evidence and not just hearsay from some one from a different alliance that does not have NAAW best interests at heart. All I have left to say is that if Sethly gets kicked/banned/or considered a ghost to NAAW then I will definitely quit NAAW and join a new alliance. ~Insane by Design
  5. I see a contradiction in your logic It would seem that BG has more to gain from this than Sethly does, Divide and Conquer seems like a motive for BG to be misleading you?
  6. Aww man and I had my targets all picked out for update :jihad: oh well, guess I gotta find some more nations to tech raid
  7. I know you speak for yourself but when i got blitzed by 3 nations, all of those nations were in the top 2% while I had just barely hit the 8% mark. And yes one of the nations was from LE if that means anything to you. Granted it did take them 3 days to get me into anarchy but one can only hold out for so long. But you know what, I would not have it any other way. This is TE after all. I just laugh at the "risk" they took in declaring war. Was it an acceptable war practice...yes but far from any honor is credited to them for it.
  8. The way I see things... Since I was attacked 3v1 and those nations were top 2% the longer I stay in my war, the less tech raiding they can do. Which means the less they grow. Lob a couple CM's their way so they lose a little infra. I will probably bring my troop count to 0 so they can not steal any of my tech. Preventing growth to the top 2% nations is alot better than letting a mediocre nation thrive. As far as my nation is concerned... There is always next round! P.S. This is TE everybody tech raids, I guess next round we will just have to tech raid as an alliance instead of each nation picking his own target. No DoW, no warning... just a massive alliance coordinated Tech raid (with peace sent afterwards of course, we are not animals after all)
  9. I disagree with this. If I am being tech raided by a much larger nation, this is the only way to retaliate. If you just peace out then that will leave the larger nation to go prey on another nation. This is one of the few ways a smaller nation can get even with larger nations. I would gladly let my nation get pounded into the ground then let some one get away scott-free with my hard earned tech. This should always be a potential consequence to tech raiding. And if you do not find this to be "fair" then consider how the smaller nation feels when they get attacked for trying to play a game. If a smaller nation really wants to get even with a tech raider all they have to do is drop their troops to 0 so they do not even get 2 chances to steal tech.
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